
When the devil king's attention was completely focused on the bad devil, Erwin's bow string rang and his arrows were straight. It seemed that he crossed time and space and came directly to the devil king,

Elvin polished her archery for more than ten years. She didn't know how much war horse credit she had made for Chen Feng by virtue of her archery. At this time, she was promoted to legend. In her real sense, she gave full play to her strength, with great power and far range. When the devil King found out, she couldn't avoid it. She could only watch the long arrow shoot towards her body.

The devil king is an expert in the end. There is an instinctive demon that can urge him. The dark flame is boiling. He turned into a shield to resist the arrow.

But the arrow came very fast, and its power was more than ordinary ability to resist. It passed through the shield without stopping, and pierced the body of the devil king directly.

Now, the devil's great king's body is shrouded in white bones, and there is wriggling flesh and blood inside. Elvin's bow and arrow completely pierced the flesh and blood inside. Those blood scattered on the sea and accidentally dropped on some fallen mermaids. For a time, those mermaids began to change again, and their hypocritical, cunning, evil and cruel will suddenly appeared, Who could have thought that only the blood of the devil king has the ability to stimulate the evil thoughts of the human body. I can't imagine whether the enemy can completely degenerate and become a chess piece of the other party with one breath if the body comes.

No wonder the devil regards the devil as the first-class enemy. No wonder why the devil often starts infighting when fighting and persuades some simple minded demons to rebel with the devil's strange ability.

"Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!"

A series of sounds like tearing brocade came out, accompanied by a slight explosion. The sealing technique previously performed by the devil king was easily broken away by the bad devil and escaped.

The evil devil took revenge and was almost swallowed by the head of the devil king. How can the evil devil not feel resentment? At this time, he opened his mouth and saw a hot flame condensed into the thickness of his arm, which suddenly penetrated the devil king's chest. Then, more and more blood scattered on the ground, and the devil king's external bones were roasted by the flame, Look like that, there is the possibility of fragmentation at any time!

At the same time of the sudden change, the devil king screamed, and the original external bones suddenly changed. The whole body rotated up and down, and the black gas was strong. He wrapped the blood and flesh in it and lost his face.

At the same time, after the strong black gas formed a protective eggshell, it rose upward, and then began to rotate rapidly. In just a few seconds, it condensed a terrible devil again.

The devil is no longer covered with his head, nor does he use bones as external defense. Instead, he is dark and has many wings on his back. He keeps flying and fanning. There is a bone crown on his head. Above the crown, there is a huge eye. That eye swings freely. It seems to have intelligence.

The devil king, there is a third form?

Not to mention the strong men occupied on the deck, even Chen Feng couldn't help opening his eyes at this time, an unbelievable look!

In the past, when he met a strong enemy, even if he didn't kill the other party, he would always leave some wounds to the other party. At that time, Chen Feng used his summoning skill and carried out a wave of wheel battle. At the end, he killed him with another blow. This is Chen Feng's summoning way.

But what is all this?

The first form of the devil king is corcia's upper body and the monster with fish tail variation, while the second form is wrapped by bones, while the inner body is bloody flesh. What everyone didn't expect is that the second form of the devil king was destroyed under the siege of three experts: burning devil, Erwin and bad devil. Then, the third form, For example, the figure in front of us was exposed to everyone.

The other side is like being completely immortal. After one time, there is a second time, which makes the whole soul seem to be suffering and become haggard.

Just after the devil king appeared again, the whole environment seemed to change color. A kind of thick darkness could not be dissolved. It was directly covered. In the darkness, there were jagged traces of air currents in tearing shape. Seeing these jagged air currents, almost all people would think of themselves being sawn to pieces.

"Get away!"

Chen Feng shouted loudly. Erwen and the bad devil reacted, suddenly retreated, and dodged more than ten meters away from the attack range of the devil king.

"Another epic master!"

Now the devil king has reached the top.

But Chen Feng can no longer summon the atrophied to participate in the war, and the injury is only a part. As a divine evil, the atrophied is immortal. Even if they are taken away all their internal organs, they will be completely resurrected, and those internal organs will grow slowly to meet the evil taste of divine evil and become a life.

The more important reason is that Chen Feng has been a shrinking person for too many times. Yes, as a summoner, it's understandable to use his own summoner. Even cheating and sacrificing each other is the duty of the summoner. It's like the six armed snake demon just now. It doesn't even take five seconds from being summoned to death. In such a short time, It doesn't even have time to resent Chen Feng who calls it.

But the shrinking people are different. They don't die and never die. They don't have to worry that they will die one day. Therefore, this also leads to that every time Chen Feng entraps each other, the shrinking people know clearly. If possible, when the shrinking people appear again, whether the enemy will kill or not is not certain, but it will frustrate Chen Feng in the first second!

Because of this, Chen Feng had to bite his teeth to bear the next battle, because all he can rely on now is the summoning beasts and noumenon that are still standing!

But Chen Feng still doesn't believe it. The devil king just came here by relying on a mermaid body, and it's impossible to give full play to his strength. Otherwise, from the beginning, he would be pressed into a meat pie with his bare hands, and it's impossible to stick to it until now.

At this time, Chen Feng has no choice but to test his strength so as to enhance his experience in dealing with future dangers and confidence in winning!

The confidence to win is an invincible idea derived from the fact that powerful enemies fall at your feet one by one in countless battles.

If there is a slight failure, this belief in invincibility will be eliminated and it is difficult to cultivate it again.

Now, when Chen Feng met the devil king, he was equal in strength and did not lose the slightest advantage. He also made the other party change his body three times. A spirit of vertical and horizontal thousands and arrogance came into being.

Until this moment, Chen Feng realized that he was already a master in the world.

At this moment, there was no weak mentality in his heart.


Like something broken in his heart, Chen Feng only felt that his strength began to boil, and there was a faint trend to break through to the next level!

In the past, Chen Feng knew that there were many human forces in this big world. If he was an expert, he would also be one of them. But more often, Chen Feng was cautious and subtle. Even if he heard some trouble, he would plot as soon as possible, because he knew that he was not a real genius and relied on, It's just knowledge from birth.

But step by step today, when he came to the different dimension and met Karina, kosia and the devil in front of him, Chen Feng found that the trouble was not that he could stay away from hiding. The trouble was standing where he was. Cars coming and going in the distance might jump out of a stone and hit his head.

Chen Feng must make a decision. Should he walk away with the "final payment" or face the difficulties to fight the devil king who has changed his body three times?

With the passage of time, after this complex emotion lasted for a period of time, Chen Feng raised his head and held the endless sword in his hand again.

Obviously, Chen Feng has made his own choice