"Little sister, they are so fast that we can't escape at all. There's only one possibility to escape, that is, kill them. When they come, I'll try to pester them. You find a chance to escape, do you hear me?"

As Li Jian said, he untied his coat. Inside, there was his only weapon. It was a broken dagger. It was only four or five inches long. It didn't seem to have any lethality at all.

At this moment, Li Jian held the stick in his left hand and the broken dagger in his right hand. His face was full of determination.

Li Jian is not young. As a child living on the edge since childhood, he knows what it means to be caught up by these Red Eyed Monsters in front of him.

I'm OK to say that the only big deal is death, but what about my little sister? She is so innocent that even if her arm accidentally touches a stone, it will hurt. Once she is approached by those mice, she will be eaten separately, which is really painful.

Anyway, let the little sister escape!

Biting the root of his teeth, Li Jian swore secretly.

Li Jian said lightly, but the little girl was still very afraid. She shook her head tremblingly: "brother, let's go together..."

"You go first! Remember, this is our last chance. Don't look back. I told you to run, and you'll keep running!" Li Jian's face was nervous and red. He described the plan. At this time, the snow mouse was about to come to them, and the soles of his feet were stepping in the sand and making a sound of galloping.

"Come on!"

Regardless of the little girl's reaction, Li Jian roared. He was shaking all over and a bean big cold sweat came out on his forehead. Obviously, he couldn't be afraid, but he knew that fear was useless. If he wanted to protect the only relatives, he had to overcome fear.

After roaring, Li Jian rushed to the snow mouse with a broken dagger.

From a normal point of view, Li Jian's behavior at this time is simply beyond his capacity. But at this time, he can't avoid it. Only a dead battle can have a glimmer of vitality.


Seeing Li jianchong coming forward, the little girl screamed hoarsely. Her eyes, which had been crying red and swollen, burst into tears again. The sound line was sad and desolate.

At this time, the extremely fast snow mouse has arrived in front of Li Jian across a distance of tens of meters. Its face is full of tyrannical emotion. It seems that it will bite through Li Jian's neck in the next second.

In their eyes, the guy in front of them is looking for his own death.

This is the most real doomsday. Human beings are no longer predators standing on the top floor, like the snow mice in front of them. They feed on human beings. Their favorite thing is to bite through human neck with broad front teeth and let them die in despair.

At this time, snow mouse will not easily kill Li Jian, but will slowly play with each other and make each other in a crazy state. Only when Li Jian is about to die will he lose his life.

Inevitably, Li Jian took a deep breath. He struck first, stabbed the snow mouse with a broken dagger.


Seeing all this, the crazy color in the snow mouse's eyes became more and more serious. The snow mouse rushed to the front and jumped hard, and his hind legs kicked directly on Li Jian's chest.


A powerful force suddenly bumped Li Jian one meter away. At this moment, he seemed to swallow a charcoal fire. His whole chest fluctuated violently. Obviously, with this blow alone, several of his ribs were directly broken.


The little girl looked at everything in front of her and confessed sadly. She only felt that her feet were trapped in a snowdrift and could not move half a step at all.

At this time, another snow mouse screamed, turned its horse's head and rushed towards the little girl.

Yu Guang glanced at the other party's action, and Li Jian was shocked. At this time, he squeezed the last bit of strength in his body, stumbled up from the ground with severe pain, his eyes were firm, and gasped:

"No, you monsters... Don't hurt her!"

Li Jian was angry and startled. He suddenly made a crazy decision. He held the dagger in one hand and climbed to the snow mouse. Then he stabbed directly at the position of the mouse's abdomen without blinking!

This is Li Jian's only chance!

It's also the last chance. This blow should hit the key of snow mouse anyway!


At this time, the snow mouse also felt the crisis falling from the sky, but it had just reacted. Li Jian's dagger had pierced its abdomen.


With a tearing sound, the snow mouse's abdomen was directly stabbed out of a ferocious wound. A large amount of blood gushed out with the wound. The severe pain made the snow mouse cry wildly. The next moment, it finally couldn't bear the pain and fell directly to the ground.

The two snow mice are still careless.

In their cognition, the boy was just a prey caught by hand, so they divided their troops in two ways. As for the snow mouse chasing the little girl, it paid all its attention to each other. Therefore, they simply noticed Li Jian's raid, which led to chest injury.

However, even if the chest was stabbed by the dagger, it still didn't kill the snow mouse. After all, the dagger is short and defective, so it's just the skin is injured and the internal organs are not damaged.

The snow mouse who had originally focused on Li Jian saw that his companion was injured. At this moment, it hit Li Jian like a raging wave, obviously asking him to pay for his life!

Knowing that he was defeated, Li Jian's face turned pale. He took a deep breath and shouted in the direction of the little girl: "run!"

In the face of the deadly attack of the snow mouse, Li Jiangen ignored it. Under the cold snow, the expression on his face became more determined and resolute, vaguely with reluctance and liberation.

"Little sister, I'm sorry... I broke my promise."

As soon as the murmuring voice fell, Li Jian took a dagger, stepped forward and rushed towards the injured snow mouse. Anyway, even if he fought with his life, he would try to give his little sister a chance to escape.

Closer, closer.

At this moment, time seems to stop here. Li Jian's determination is in sharp contrast to the ferocity of snow mouse, which is destined to be a victory without suspense.

Li Jian will die.

This is the undoubted end.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

However, at this critical moment, he suddenly saw the gorgeous and rich fluorescent color floating in the air. Surprisingly, these fluorescent colors were all projected on Li Jian's body. He felt all this with some amazement on his expression and felt that his heart was full of puzzled emotions.

The fluorescent color hasn't faded yet. At the same time, Li Jian feels that his muscles are slowly stirring up. In just a few seconds, his body has more than doubled.

Li Jiangen didn't know what had happened. He just felt that there was an indescribable force in his body. The force was so strong that his bones giggled at this time, just like fried beans. His body changed in an instant.

The snow mouse exchanged his eyes and suddenly made a decision in his heart. The next moment, they accelerated and were ready to kill the potential enemy before the absolute danger came.

The snow mouse showed its tusks. The injured snow mouse was behind, while the strong snow mouse stepped forward. It was like a meat and blood grinder, with great impact.


Looking at the enemy in front of him, Li Jian's body seemed to be full of strength. At this time, he was fearless. He didn't even have any weapons in his hands. He just hit the snow mouse with his fists.

The violent moves are like a landslide and tsunami. Attack the head of the snow mouse!


At this moment, the insect from the collision was just like a green insect. It was directly knocked down to the ground and uttered a wail. It almost didn't stand up.

The impact force can at least reach hundreds of kilograms of snow mice, and they are knocked unconscious by a punch?

As the party concerned, Li Jian has been stunned. At this moment, his brain is blank and he can't believe everything in front of him.

The rat's head was broken and the blood flew together.

As for Li Jian's eyes, his pupils are full of killing and ferocity!

At this time, Li Jian clenched his fists and rushed down like a raging tide. His fists rushed down like a hurricane, carrying unparalleled speed

He just felt that at this time, he could vent all his strength by relying on his fist. The strength generated in this case could kill the two snow mice in front of him.

Even though Li Jian is surprised at where these forces come from, he has no time to think about all this, because for him, the most important thing now is to completely kill the two snow mice in front of him, because only in this way can his sister be finally saved.


Hammering his head didn't satisfy Li Jian. At the same time, he hammered snow mouse!

The snow mouse, famous for its speed, stared round and died in peace. Although it died suddenly, its expression before death was full of shock and inconceivable. It seemed that he couldn't believe that he died like this!

That human looks so weak

"Hiss -"

Seeing this scene, Li Jian took another breath!

Is all this really caused by yourself?

For a moment, Li Jiandu's scalp was numb, and the noisy snow was horribly silent!

The only snow mouse left was terrified!

Run away!

This is its only idea!

However, on the battlefield, a moment of life and death, even a pause, is enough to kill people, not to mention that it has lost its courage.

More importantly, the snow mouse had been wounded by Li Jian before, and its abdomen was bleeding. Even if it turned and tried to escape, how could it really escape from Li Jian's palm?

Li Jian shot again, very fast, and immediately got close to the snow mouse. At the same time, his fist was raised high and smashed without a pause.

The snow mouse stared at the dead fish's eyes. His face was very white. He was stunned and frightened. He could hardly believe his eyes. He just felt that his heart was hanging up. His legs seemed to have no strength and might be paralyzed on the ground at any time

Next second.

There was a crack in the chest.

Snow mouse.


Everything took less than five seconds!

Two snow mice, all died in the end!

Looking at all this, Li Jian's lips trembled. He couldn't find any words to describe everything in front of him.

It was so sudden.

All this, just like a dream, is unbelievable.

Li Jian took a step forward and wanted to explore the authenticity, but at this time, his feet suddenly softened and collapsed on the ground.

The previous heavy blow brought serious internal injury to his body. At this moment, he finally couldn't hold on to half a point. He just felt that his hands and feet were gradually cold and slowly lost consciousness.

At the same time, the originally expanded muscles also shrunk rapidly at this time. In just a few seconds, he recovered his previous shape and became as thin as firewood.

"Are you dying?"

Having no time to manage the identity of men, Li Jian showed a touch of pain in his eyes.

He's not afraid of death, but what about my little sister?

"Little sister, I'm too tired..."

Li Jian's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. At this moment, he just feels that his body is becoming more and more frivolous, just like a feather. He may be exiled to the sky at any time.

A breeze blew across his cheek and his heart was obsessed. Li Jianqiang endured fatigue and opened his eyes. He saw that there was no so-called little sister in his eyes, but a vague figure.

When Li Jian's eyes gathered on the figure in front of him, some cumbersome voices suddenly appeared around him, sometimes hoarse, sometimes messy, sometimes like talking nonsense, sometimes like singing. Li Jian could no longer control his body and forcibly covered his eyes, but he was still struggling in pain.

Do not look directly at God.

Chen Feng needs to erect his own image, and through some methods, he can create some personal experience for his low-level subordinates, which can undoubtedly better convey his faith.

In addition to love, faith also has absolute force.


At this time, the sun was hanging high above the sky, and the vague figure made Li Jian have an illusion.

Li Jian was too tired. Endless pain invaded his brain. At this moment, he finally couldn't support it, and the whole person slowly fell into a coma.

And at the last moment of his coma.

A soft cry came into his ears.

"Do you want strength?"

"I want to... I want to..." out of instinct, Li Jian said this sentence.


Li Jian had a long dream.

In his dream, he was in the cold snow and ran aimlessly.

Dead trees, mountains and rivers; The lifeless dream is full of death. Being in this environment makes Li Jian afraid. He wants to find an exit, but the region seems to have no end at all. No matter how he runs, he finally returns to the origin and can't escape.

The dream didn't end here. When Li Jianxin was tired, there was a noisy sound of footsteps behind him, followed by a snow mouse covered with blood and roaring!


The snow mouse was extremely violent, but there was a ferocious wound on its abdomen, and even a piece of intestine was exposed. Its pupils were pale, but the corners of its mouth showed a crazy look. It shouted and attacked Li Jian.

Somehow, seeing the fierce mob in front of him, Li Jian felt a chill all over, just like falling into a cold tan.

He could feel that if he was really killed by this fierce ghost, he would really die and would never get out of here.

"Is this an illusion or a reality?" Li Jian only felt that he was trapped in a quagmire. He couldn't pull out his feet easily.

Everything is so absurd!