The master needs more strength!

In the face of the Colossus of doomsday, the military reserves Chen Feng needs will never end like a bottomless pit.

Of course, ordinary demons do not count. If you only need simple ordinary demons, you only need to open up a dimensional channel in the bloody battlefield, and endless demons will come to the human world.

However, what Chen Feng has to do is to protect his own rights and interests rather than destroy the world. Therefore, a large number of unwise demons are not the soldiers he needs at all.

What Chen Feng needs are those demon legions with strong individual strength and certain wisdom, who can obey commands and orders!

In each territory, the number of high-level demons is very limited, just like order. Even now with silver city, there are only a few legendary strong men who have been advanced by human beings. What burning demons have to do now is to rule more territories, domesticate and recruit more high-level demons who can obey orders!

In addition to the snake demon legion, the burning demon also has several high-level legions formed by other races, including rage demon, dark race and fire burning demon!

The fire burning devil is an undeveloped form of the fire burning devil. The other party has no generous devil wings and can only manipulate the most basic fireball and flame sword. However, each fire burning devil under the fire burning devil has the strength of the golden peak. Once they take another step, they can become the nightmare of countless demons and the real devil overlord!

Of course, among these demon teams, burning devil also has its own mobile force!

That's flomer!

Flo devil may look like a demon like human vulture, but it's better to think of it as a predator, raid into the battlefield to find the right victim, and then dive down in an instant to tear the opponent's flesh and blood. Flying, powerful hand to hand attacks, and significant spell abilities are their main characteristics!

Flo demons are vicious and ferocious warriors. They like to dive into the enemy from the air and do the greatest damage possible. During the battle, they jumped into the air and attacked with their claws. Although they have the advantage of mobility. However, due to the deep love of flomer for fighting, they have a great chance to choose close combat with the enemy.

Flo demons are outstanding warriors. When they grow up, they can understand many powerful abilities by themselves.

For example: concentration, craft, hiding, knowledge, listening, stealth, profession, search, look, identify spells, and reconnaissance.

These are just the most basic discovery skills. In addition, there are many combat abilities!

The burning devil blew a whistle, and then twelve flo demons flew to the burning devil from a distance.

This is the mobile force of burning the devil!

These demons are up to eight feet tall. They look thin, but their muscles are very compact. They look sharp and powerful, and their skin is dark red; The hands and feet are sharp bird claws, with a slender snake tail on the hip, a huge vulture head on the neck, a huge and hard beak half open, and a pair of dark wings behind, which seems to freeze at the moment of killing prey.

The small and sharp serrations on the edge of the beak, and every texture of skin and feathers are so exquisite, giving people a strong visual impact, as if the monster would attack at any time!

Among them, the three strongest flo demons already have the power of legendary rank. As a demon lord, the legendary demons under the command of burning Yan devil have broken through ten heads. It can be said that without Chen Feng's protection, once the burning Yan devil opens the dimensional crack, even the order may fall under the chaotic and crazy demon offensive.

However, dimensional organisms need to abide by the rules of the dimensional wall.

Each dimension wall has a limited life. If those unwise low-level demons pass through the dimension wall, they will only cause limited damage to the dimension wall, and when the demons at the golden peak and legendary level pass through, they will cause considerable damage to the naked eye!

Even if Chen Feng is associated with the abyss, he will be strengthened when creating the summoning channel, but this strengthening is only enough to summon the burning devil and the hardness of the two legends. Once there are too many high-level demons, it may lead to the destruction of the channel, resulting in the devil stuck in it becoming a pool of meat and mud.

Of course, this calling channel has a time limit. Most of the time, if Chen Feng's power allows, he can use it once in two hours. If he can only summon three high-level demons at a time, with the existing high-level reserves of burning demons, Chen Feng can summon all high-level demons in six hours!

Summon ten legendary demons in six hours!

For the existing world, this is originally a miraculous calling means!

But even so, Chen Feng is still unable to meet the existing high-level demons. He is not only burning the Yan devil, but also hoarding a large number of high-level demons in Saruman in the white bone plain and the demon fortress controlled by FRA!

Lin Xiao may not understand until he dies. What a terrible enemy they have provoked. Compared with their own professionals, Chen Feng relies on not only order, but also an entire abyss world!

Today, the reason why the burning devil gathers all his high-level combat power together is to capture new enemies and occupy new land!

The burning devil is going to start a bloody war!

The bloody battle is not only the patent of the devil and the devil, but also the bloody battle between the devil Lords. Once the bloody battle is opened, it means the state of immortality. Countless demons fall down, and the winning party has the control of the two forces!

——"Let the flame purify everything!"

As the leader of demons, burning devil is looking forward to its demon Legion.


An area ruled by beholders!

Beholders are abhorrent, aggressive and insatiable. Once they have a chance, they will try to attack or control other creatures. Beholders are xenophobic by nature and hate any individual who looks different from them. Although their body structure is simple, there are many subspecies: some are covered with thick horny armor, some have soft fur, some beholders have branches like snakes, and some have crustacean seams.

However, even subtle differences such as fur color or central eye size can make the two groups of beholders enemies. All beholders claim that their unique shape is the "best model of beholders". Other individuals are just ugly imitators and can only be eliminated.

Beholders usually use "dissociation" rays to carve their underground nests. Their architectural structure emphasizes vertical drop. A nest usually has many parallel pipes, while rooms are stacked up one by one. Beholders like to live in impassable places, which are difficult to reach for enemies who are generally limited to ground activities.

It has been controlled by beholders for thousands of years. Countless beholders have taken root here and formed their own homes!

And today!

Under a gray black night sky, near the edge of the beholder world, a blood red portal opened.

One side is the gray beholder field, and the other side is the dark red hot highland in the portal. Countless restless and excited demons appear on the other side of the portal. When the whole transmission array is stable, two flo demons fly up excitedly and rush directly into the beholder world.

For demons, nothing is more interesting than bloody war and seizing the territory of other races!