The regiment war has begun!

The summoners under Chen Feng's command are no longer what they used to be. When Fula created the demon fortress, Chen Feng not only gave the most advanced weapons of that period, but also a series of assistance such as Saruman and others!

But now it's different. With the growth of Chen Feng and the rise of summoning animals under his command one after another, epic giants such as burning demons no longer need foreign aid. They can dominate the direction of a war only by themselves and their demons.

A group of beautiful dark elves surrounded the burning devil. In addition, many succubus and female snake demons were eager to try.

Since the Demon Lord didn't want him to fight in person, the witty female demons naturally seized this opportunity to please the Lord. A breast fat buttocks of heterosexual demons surrounded the burning devil's body, trying to rub his body with fullness to attract the burning devil's attention.

Like the human world, female demons have a tailored path to promotion compared to those male demons who need to throw their heads.

The demon army rushed into the beholder fortress.

And just as the demon Legion poured into the fortress, they encountered an incredible ambush!

The sudden attack made the devil suffer serious losses. A flo devil with legendary strength was secretly attacked in two. Perhaps it was clear that the other party had strong regeneration ability. Therefore, when flo devil was divided into two, the enemy swallowed its body!

The attacker is the eye of the supervisor. Its appearance is like a combination of a tree and an octopus. The upper part is an eye stem like a branch. There are three sharp teeth on the tree trunk, and the lower part is a thick tentacle. The outer skin is like black rubber, covered with a layer of thick, solid and dark fungi. The eye of the overseer has 8 tentacles and can shoot 5 rays in the same direction at the same time. The ability of eye rays is more than one level stronger than the standard eye demon. It not only has a large number of offensive rays, but also can be immune to and reverse the opponent's spells. Unlike most beholders, the eye of the overseer has a strong melee ability, but they still don't like close combat.

The eye of the overseer is the most dangerous of the known beholder like creatures. It is comparable to the eye of the nest mother. It is deformed and strange. It can be described as a fleshy tree, but there is a mouth on the trunk and eyes at the tip of the branches.

Just when the demon Legion acted, the eyes of the supervisor hid aside to look for suitable opportunities. Now, with the fall of the fortress, these eyes of the supervisor immediately burst out a terrible side, trying to reverse the victory and defeat on the battlefield!

Not only the eyes of the supervisor, but soon after the attack on the demon legion, a moat like water source appeared in front of the devil. When the demons were still immersed in the previous killing, many demons stopped their attack, but stayed in place and looked forward with dull eyes.

There are many abyss eyes nearby. They are probably the result of the magical transformation of the nest mother's eye. The most obvious feature is that there are only two eye stalks, but there are a pair of giant claws more than ordinary beholders. As an aquatic subspecies, they can still fly.

Although the eye of the abyss has only two small eyes, they are very practical. They can not only hold the opponent, but also do long-range damage. The main eye can emit terrible white lightning. People who see it will be blind and dizzy, and then be torn to pieces by strong pincers. Their worst part is to create mirage like illusions, such as shipwreck survivors, islands, mermaids or any illusions that may attract victims.

Under the joint encirclement and suppression of the eye of the supervisor and the eye of the abyss, the death rate of the devil increased greatly, which even attracted the attention of the burning devil, but it did not choose to help. As a high-level, what it had to do was to stabilize the overall morale. As the Lord of all demons, the burning devil would not retreat as long as he stood there.

In addition, what's more important is that the weak reinforcements of eye demons are not enough for the burning devil to fight now!


Compared with the calmness of the burning devil, the eye of the nest mother standing on the opposite side is now very flustered. It has foreseen its own death, its eyes interfere more and more, and its soul becomes solidified. In the past days, it has never encountered such a situation.

In order to show themselves in front of the burning devil, the demons of other legendary levels tried to kill the Demon Lord in front of them!

Under the attack of the demon legion, the beholders suffered a heavy blow. Soon, after the leader of the beholders was eaten by the demons, it meant that the burning demons had a group of powerful troops to choose from.

With the end of the battle, many dark elves began to count the booty.

As a smarter demon, the dark elf is reused by the burning devil and acts as a part of the post of using the brain. As for other demons, he doesn't want to use it, but there are really few middle and low-level demons with brains.


This time, the statistics of booty and casualties came out. After the burning devil captured this force. He has won the loyalty of the beholder family, of which there are two strong ones of the legendary rank. As for the body, it becomes extremely viscous, like asphalt, and becomes absolutely viscous!


A mature and beautiful dark elf came to the burning devil and said, "we only lost a thousand cannon fodder in this attack!"

The dark elves only call those sacrificed demons as cannon fodder. In the abyss, strength is the only standard to judge all. There is no need for care and compassion between demons and demons. For this creature, only achievement is the most important thing!

The dead demons basically have no brains and like to rush forward alone, such as Berserker demons and berserker demons. This kind of demons are deeply penetrated by chaos, and the proportion of deaths in each battle is very large, which is completely high-grade cannon fodder. However, when they died, they died. This kind of devil added quickly. The burning devil also needs to be eliminated before it can cultivate a demon army that obeys the command.

The first demon armies began to return.

However, there are still many places where this force has not been cleared up. The burning devil left the previous six armed snake devil, and he himself led the army back.

It was a perfect war of plunder.

For the devil, if any plunder is killed less than 50% and won, it is a perfect plunder. They will be happy and look forward to the next plunder and destruction.

This time, after taking everything from the beholder, the devil's loss was only thousands. For the whole beholder force, it was an immeasurable battle!
