In a spacious room, the light is dim. A man sits high on the top, and his face is shrouded in a shadow, which makes people can't see clearly.

Below the man, there is a bareheaded warrior wearing monk robes, who is tall and powerful, exudes strong energy, and is a legendary master!

You know, the legendary master has touched the master at the pyramid level in other places, but who would have thought that here he knelt humbly at the feet of others, making people sit in a chair without curiosity.

"Bishop, as you expected, Luz's attack on the dark area failed. According to the information we have, none of the raid team was spared!"

"A group of damned guys, the men of the God of slaughter are really a group of waste. I have asked them to follow the orders of our Lord, but they still have to go their own way. Damn it! Damn it!"

The man shrouded in the shadow shouted angrily and stood up from the chair. It was like pulling away the heavy fog and revealing his body shape. He was tall, wearing a bloody armor, with clear and deep facial features and dark and deep ice eyes. He looked wild and unrestrained, evil and abnormal, and his whole body was full of the unique breath of the superior!

In addition to soldiers and monks, there are also conquerors and tyrants. The man in front of him is a tyrant. The other party has completed reunification in his own world. However, he is not satisfied with everything he has. In order to pursue stronger power and conquer more territory, he began to believe in the tyrannical God and become a loyal believer of the other party!

The face of the other party is completely the same as that of human beings. The only difference is that there is a green eye on the other party's forehead!

The pupils in the eyes are vertical, like the eyes of a dragon, full of a strong sense of authority!

Not only the creatures from other dimensions, but also human beings, how many can resist the corrosion of power?

Human beings have never lacked imagination. In the past, driven by the great times, they were unable to reveal their evil interests. However, at this time, the world collapsed, and the wild hopes in everyone's heart were completely released. Ordinary people are better, only burning, killing and looting at most. However, those professionals feel superior because of their awakening, and the idea of changing the world actually appeared in their minds, And implement it!

Unlike Chen Feng, who uses himself as a carrier to give his residents a stable environment, some professionals completely accept believers in the name of God and create various churches, such as the light church, the dark church, the palace of frost, the magma Dynasty, the Church of the virgin of the earth, the jiuyouming Church, and so on.

The ultimate significance of the existence of this sect is to control the people's thoughts and transform them into believers or slaves who fully believe in themselves!

What Chen Feng wants is faith. While asking for it, he also gives believers countless benefits, such as a stable life and a new life.

But those extreme sects are different. Their original intention is to deceive the eyes and thoughts of the world. After spiritual castration, the so-called believers will eventually become enslaved puppets who do not understand resistance!

This alien tyrant has extraordinary strength. He has even broken through half an epic and become a real epic power. What's more terrible is that the other party is similar to Chen Feng. One of the conditions for pursuing power is to harvest more territory and rule more people!

However, the tyrant's name is not in vain. Compared with the stable life given by Chen Feng to his people, the tyrant obtains strength by relying on the fear of his people. The more his subordinates fear it, the more powerful it is!

"Bishop, the dark area has just experienced a war. It's time to be tired. Should we attack at this time and attack this level for me!"

The warrior monk's subordinate knelt on one knee and asked.

Now, the identities of both sides are clear. The bandage freak belongs to the God of slaughter, and the tyrant is a believer of the God of tyranny. As Chen Feng suspected, the two evil gods finally joined hands in the face of rose!

"Where do you think the dark area is? It's Rose's base camp for countless years. Who knows what kind of experts are hidden in it? Just after Luz and his party went in, they didn't even splash water and flowers, and the whole army was destroyed. At this time, entering rashly was just a sacrifice in vain!"

"Let it go. What if my Lord's plan fails?"

Even if he was reprimanded, the martial monk still looked servile without a trace of anger, as if every word said by the tyrant was truth. Even if he was asked to kill his close relatives, he would not hesitate to execute the order!

This is the dread of coercion and power. Brainwashed men have completely lost their consciousness. Like puppets, they are controlled by their masters, and even the most fundamental emotions no longer exist.

"I won't delay our Lord's plan. Compared with us, some people are more anxious than us. After all, the leader this time is the God of slaughter! The other party's men are a group of mindless waste. At this time, Luz is dead, and the rest may have been in a mood of revenge!"

"What we have to do now is to wait until the believers of the God of slaughter are at war with the dark area. We will intervene. There is no absolute friendship in the abyss. We have only one thing to consider, that is, how to weaken the strength of our allies for our Lord. I think our Lord will approve of my approach!"

"Yes!" the monk obeyed the tyrant's orders as always.

"By the way, I heard that the most popular thing in the dark area is the auction held by a dark elf. Is there such a thing?" the tyrant suddenly thought of something and asked.

"According to the intelligence, it is true. In just one year, it has monopolized 40% of the trading volume in the dark area, and even attracted countless traders at all levels and dimensions to buy and sell in the past."

"I like smart women. Bring her to me when the dark area is destroyed." the tyrant has a strong desire for control. In the long ruling cycle, there are already more than tens of thousands of women beside him. More often, it just takes a favor and ignores it.

The fate of those women is also extremely tragic, or ignored, or given to their men. Even more, when holding a banquet, they cook it into delicious food for their inhuman generals to share.

Today's dark area is undoubtedly a place of chaos. It is not only the subsequent retaliation of the God of slaughter, but also leads to the attention of the epic tyrant. Before long, the originally peaceful place will become a Shura hell and a place of destruction for countless creatures!