The altar was submerged by magma!

The evil energy that was still around just now was like being imprisoned in a closed space and completely lost its smell.

The hard core method of burning the Yan devil not only deterred the jackals, but also the friendly forces led by Elvin looked at everything in front of them.

Until this time, the volcano is still filled with the unique sulfur smell of the abyss. Erwin knows that this is not comparable to those volcanoes in the human world. The boiling magma in it is enough to kill legendary experts!

This is the means of the epic level strong!

Elvin looked at each other's great posture with envy. If he met this scene in the wild, Elvin would never look back and leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible, but now it's different. They are also under the command of Chen Feng and can be regarded as allies on a ship.

Elvin now reveals his desire and yearning for more powerful power. The bad demons who joined Chen Feng's army in the same period have been promoted successfully. Saluman and FRA have also found a way to promote and become masters of half step epic. Only they have their own strength and legendary rank, and there is no sign of looseness.

However, Elvin knows what his value is. It is this land and an auction in a dark area. Every month, every week, and even every day, the auction is delivering a lot of resources to the human world, including rare minerals and a powerful demon army that does not need to consider life safety.

At present, the biggest industry of the auction is human trafficking. However, the target of trafficking is not poor creatures such as cat people, because Chen Feng does not pay attention to those timid creatures with a certain goodwill. The real concern of order leaders is cheap labor such as ogres, goblins and a large number of Demons.

Capital society means more rapid progress. In history, every revolution means the fall of more lives.

But this time, with the cooperation of Erwin, Chen Feng found a road that can not only preserve human population but also develop rapidly, that is, trafficking in human beings.

Up to now, the order is not conservative, and there are 100000 to 130000 demons working day and night.

Those demons have a stronger physique than adult men. They are undoubtedly the most competent helpers when they simply open mountains and build roads without involving technology!

The doomsday brought large-scale earthquakes and disasters. As a result, most of the places around the order have become ruins, and the places leading to many key destinations have been buried by boulders. If we rely on human beings, this is undoubtedly a huge project, because it needs to consider various factors such as outdoor safety, food and rest. In this case, it will not be more than ten years, Order cannot be developed at all.

But now it's different. Chen Feng has a most competent team, that is, the demon Legion. Those races who have excess energy and spend most of their life fighting and killing have found their own jobs in the human world.

There is no need to consider that the devil will be attacked, because everywhere, Chen Feng will order his men to release the demons who have been hungry for some time. Hunger makes the demons more bloodthirsty, and the insects and wild animals around have undoubtedly become the food of the demons.

In a 20 kilometer area, under the devastation of the devil, it often takes only a month to achieve no grass. The devil is still a symbol of terror. If you lose, the first killing is to fill your stomach, then the killing after filling your stomach is pure enjoyment and entertainment!

For demons, this is a very pleasant process. They will swarm and kill all creatures in front of them.

The mutant mice hidden in the pipeline, the Red Crowned beetles filled the streets and alleys, and the dimensional creatures living in the buildings have all become the targets of the demons. After the apocalyptic outbreak, the monsters who used their own mutation to kill countless enemies ushered in the most terrible trial in their lives.

The devil will kill the life that he sees with the most cruel means. When they finish the cleaning work, they will start the second stage task, that is to carry the huge stone, the devil does not need tools, and their hands and feet are not as strong as the ordinary shovel. Every day, the devil dies, but the supervisors do not mind this. The demons will become the food of the surviving devil. When the number of demons is reduced to a certain extent, Elvin will summon and transport a new batch of pioneering legions!

The super intense and cruel way of development has even made some humans unable to identify with it, and even wrote to Chen Feng to try to reduce the loss of demons and give certain preferential treatment. However, Chen Feng's way of treating such people is simpler, and his position is directly dismissed to become an ordinary team member.

The world has long changed. Order is now like a train running on the railway track. Once it stops, the railway track will be submerged by various factors from the environment and the enemy. At that time, together with the front and rear of the car, it will eventually be buried in the path that no one cares about.

Chen Feng doesn't mind his subordinates' suggestions, but he won't accept the foolish people who try to stop [volcano]. Those who can't keep up with their own rhythm and pace will often be kicked out of the core team by Chen Feng before falling behind.

Benefit maximization!

This is the way Chen Feng implemented!

Not my race, its heart must be different!

Two years is just a beginning. In the future, more and more races and forces will invade the world. Once there are more good people in the core team, it will definitely not be a good thing for order.

Because Chen Feng knows that in the scuffle between several forces, it is often a war of extermination in the end. Although those kind suggestions will not affect his choice, those voices, after tasting the sweetness, gradually settled down, and then issued the slogan of the so-called "state of etiquette", still make Chen Feng feel irritable and simply extinguished it at the beginning of the bud, It's done.

Chen Feng likes those who realize the nature of the world, not philosophers who indulge in the past and pursue human kindness again!

As the core team headed by Chen Feng, Erwin always occupies the main position. She knows that in terms of strength, it is not as good as burning demons, in terms of spoiled demons, in terms of knowledge, it is not as good as Saruman, and even in terms of intimacy, she is not as good as the silent flora. However, Erwin knows that she has a bright spot that others have never had, that is, the auction, That is to have no spare support for the master!

Elvin will never speak words of persuasion to Chen Feng. She can be promoted to legend, which has most of the support of her master. Therefore, no matter what conditions Chen Feng puts forward, she can support without objection!

Compared with those poor people who pursue the flash of human nature, Elvin is more like a program without any emotion. Tens of thousands of creatures are transported to the flesh and blood factory of the human world because of her ideas. Hundreds of demons die miserably every day for no reason, but this will not make Elvin feel half guilty and pity.

Elvin knew that since he had no strength, he would give his master more loyalty!

And this is Elvin's confidence, which will never be abandoned!