Demon fortress.

It is located at a relatively barren level. Even though there are not many materials here, it still breeds many demons and dark creatures.

This land has little use value, so that there is no God residence here. Therefore, there are many forces here, and there is no case that it is ruled by dark elves like dark areas.

Therefore, the forces here are vertical and horizontal, and countless races open up territory here. Among them, the number of orcs and orcs is particularly amazing, even comparable to all demons and dark creatures on this level.

The reason why so many orcs and orcs survive is that it was once the land ruled by the Cyclops and guush.


Cyclops, sleepless

Strength: superior divine power

Evil Emblem: orc orbital bone

Camp: chaos and evil

Clergy: orcs, war, territory

Believers: orcs, orcs

Areas: chaos, evil, power, war

Preferred weapons: spear, iron chain.

The orc God gwush belongs to the chaotic evil camp. He looked like an orc in heavy black armor. He only has one eye always open in the middle of his face. It is said that he was robbed of an eye by a God's house before, and some priests also firmly believe that the God's house of faith will not be defeated. Some believers believe that the spirit God stole that eye, because he can never defeat geush in a fair battle.

religious doctrine:

Geush asked his followers to strive for strong power, and believed that the world should be the law of the jungle. He acquiesced in his followers to select the weakest people from their own tribe and take away the territory and everything of the weak according to the so-called "will of gwush". He doesn't care about the isolation and unfriendliness of his people, that is, the orc society. He doesn't care whether they are united or not. Constant war is a major creed of gwush. Of course, gwush does not oppose the occupation of an area by colonial means when circumstances permit.

Gwush doesn't like any non Orc intelligent creatures and the things they make, and he especially has a strong hatred for the elves (perhaps because of his eyes). He also hated the dwarves who competed with the orcs for control of the mountains and won. A social organization loyal to gwush, such as an orc tribe, must also strictly identify its enemies according to gwush's will, such as the above two.

Clergy and temple:

The priests of geush have the ultimate goal of becoming the war leaders of their Orc community, or the war think tanks of those leaders. They also have to go through the process of "eliminating bad factors" by the orc tribe. Even in peacetime, the priest of gwush wears armor.

The temple or shrine of geush is generally located in the core of an orc settlement. They are generally in a bad environment, which is an unbearable place full of spicy smoke and stench. Shrines or larger shrines always have altars for living sacrifices and gladiators that can allow many people to compete.

This is a mysterious and powerful God's residence. It is the patron saint of all orcs and orcs. Even if he is an evil camp, it is only aimed at the enemy and foreigners. For his own people, gwush has enough patience.

When he existed, there were orcs and orcs on the abyss bloody battle mat. However, such a powerful God residence finally fell.

There are many rumors about his fall. Some rumors are that arrogance and arrogance led some gods to encircle and suppress him. After paying countless God blood and even the fall of some god mansions, they pulled him down from the altar.

Some rumors are about the fairy God's Curse of stealing his eyes, which led to the fall of geush.

Among them, the most convincing rumor is that the other party suffered retaliation for swallowing the offspring of nightmare giant snake and died together.

Nightmare giant snake... Dandel, was born in the initial nightmare. Before dawn, she always swallowed countless terrible and evil nightmares. She seems especially fond of nightmares, especially those of kings and gods. Even more frightening is that if dandel feels that his insatiable appetite is not satisfied, all beings, whether mortals or gods, will remember the painful details they dream of in every nightmare. It is speculated that she will be a harbinger of the end of the world, even the gods.

Although the nightmare serpent can walk freely through the wasteland of destruction and despair or any lower level, she stays in her nest most of the time.

Ooze river!

Dandel's huge nest is near the ooze river. Dandel's hiss rang through the hazy world as he slept and contented himself with the forgotten nightmares of the world.

Anyone who approaches dandel's nest will find that she awaits them soberly with the joy of predicting everything, because she will taste and aftertaste the worst nightmare they have forgotten. Dandel's cavernous stomach can hold a giant, and her tongue can fly a giant dragon with a touch.

The slippery saliva flows under her tongue to form a dirty mud, mixed with half eaten bones - these are the remains of her daily dream.

Gwush likes aggression. He believes that there is no end to the realm. Only by constantly killing and fighting can he obtain real strength and seek his true self.

Therefore, in a certain history, gwush broke into the territory of the nightmare giant snake, and the other party swallowed the other party's children, which made the monster born in the early stage of the abyss angry, and the two sides fought to the end and fell one after another.

Since then, the two legendary holy mansions have never appeared in the vision of the living people.

After that, there was no geush at this level. The orcs and orcs fell down from the altar and had to succumb to some other gods and live in panic. For example, the cat people believed that they were cats and dance goddesses, while some more aggressive jackals and lizards followed Mara [the God of hunting] or the God of slaughter.

However, there are still countless orcs and orcs living on this level. There have been some powerful orcs or orcs on this level, but those races have competitive blood. Just over a year ago, there was a strange Lord here. An unprecedented orc race defeated the beholder and occupied this land.

The legendary Demon Lord is Fula, a boxing master born in the cat family!