Of course, in addition to the burning devil's own men, there are some mercenaries from the abyss level.

Mercenaries exist in any war. They are driven by interests and move forward bravely. They don't care about their lives and safety at all.

Perhaps this is the value of demons. On the one hand, they are not just for the soul, but simply enjoy the killing.

The cannon fired more than ten times, and the burning devil waved to stop the bombardment.

The landlords also had no surplus food.

Although there is Chen Feng behind it, the burning devil also knows the value of these enhanced versions of magic artillery. It doesn't want to exhaust all these valuable ammunition when capturing a fortress.

Under the cover of artillery fire, demons have rushed to the edge of the fortress. At this time, the burning devil also raised a giant hammer to participate in the battlefield.

Secondary artifact!

This is a tribute to the burning devil. Chen Feng gave each other a weapon!

This weapon was captured when rescuing the dark area. The original owner of the weapon has been killed. Now, this weapon belongs to the burning devil!

Chen Feng robbed the endless blade from the burning devil before, and now he gave the other party a secondary artifact, so that the burning devil who had already obeyed was even inexplicably moved at this time, and immediately vowed that he would be loyal to Chen Feng forever and would not betray him!

"All rush up!"

The burning devil shouted loudly. Then, countless burning demons rushed forward from the rear. They are soldiers under the burning devil's command and know how to please their masters.

Those demons ignited flames. It's like a sharp knife inserted into the other party's front. They can't master the whip of fire and the sword of fire at the same time, because they just look like the burning devil has not advanced.

In the raging fire, countless Yan demons rushed out. They had a pair of ox horns, burly bodies and ox like hooves.

The biggest difference between Yan devil and burning Yan devil is that they don't have demon wings. At this time, they haven't learned to fly.

But even so, they still have incomparably wild explosive power. They light a fire around them, and then trap the enemy in it and burn them alive.

In addition to the Yan devil, there are also many terrible demons around, such as some demon cowards, demons, and even dark elves and grey dwarves from other levels.

The army of burning demons looks messy. There are no effective rules at all, but this is the atmosphere of the abyss. The military discipline of order can't be implemented here!

Because the burning devil's command is not human, but a group of demons who don't have much wisdom and keep crazy all the time!

At this time, the burning devil also rushed out. It raised the secondary artifact in its hand and killed the garrison on the wall with one rotation. Then it threw the whip of flame and wound a six armed snake demon directly in front of itself. Then the target was engulfed by the fire around his body, but in the blink of an eye it had been burned into a piece of coke.

This is the means to burn the Yan devil. It is terrible and extreme. Any enemy close to it will become a dry charred corpse in a few seconds.

This is the battle mode of orthodox Yan demons. They love to drag the enemy to their side and burn the enemy with the eye of fire.

"Burn them!"

"Let the flame purify everything!"

The eyes on the whole battlefield were attracted by the burning devil who seemed to be holding a secondary artifact.

At the moment, his whole body looked like a huge burning human flame, which made the temperature of the whole battlefield rise a lot, and suddenly seemed to be close to the hot lava area.

The devil above the fortress is better. The situation is not particularly dangerous, but the devil fighting below is in an extremely dangerous situation and may be killed at any time.

Many of them were full of fear, and then knelt on the ground and defected!

As if it were a chain effect, after the first demon surrendered, a large number of enemies began to surrender soon. Finally, even the violent demons standing on the wall felt more and more uneasy.

The rage devil didn't expect that his neighbor should be so terrible!

But the battlefield is not over. The demons are a group of crazy creatures. Although the violent demons feel some panic, they have no intention to surrender.

Those betrayed allies will pay the price. The Berserker devil vowed to kill all those demons without confidence. Before that, it needs to think about how to defend this battle.


The war did not stop.

Although the burning devil has a huge destructive magic cannon and assistance from mankind, this violent demon Legion belongs to an ancient and powerful fortress, and the other party has been entrenched in this land for hundreds of years!

It is obviously not a simple thing to capture this fortress easily. The war lasted for three days, and on the evening of the third day, the demon Legion burning Yan devil suddenly suffered collective poisoning, which killed many demons.


A demon goblin humbly lowered his head towards the burning devil, and then said in a deep voice: "it can be confirmed that there is a problem with our food."

"Many soldiers began to get sick after eating. All these grains were planted with vicious spells."

"If it weren't for the help of Lord Saruman, we wouldn't know all this. Moreover, those infected people even showed signs of turning into undead!"

Not only did the burning devil hire demons to capture the raging devil, but in this interweaving of life and death, the raging devil also contacted some foreign aid. However, it is not the devil, but the devil with more strategy!

Compared with the reckless behavior of demons, demons are obviously more proficient in calculation and conspiracy.

Just a few days ago, there were more and more sick soldiers in the camp. People finally found the problem. What's more serious is that these sick people eventually became undead, and the people attacked by them will also be infected with necrotic drugs.

This is a very strange ability. For the devil, this phenomenon does not happen, but the devil is different. The other party has some strange means, and summoning the dead and poison is also one of the skills of this cunning race.


Maybe it's not the devil himself. What the devil is best at is pretending to be himself.

Assuming that all this is just a secret deliberately revealed by the devil, then... Is the so-called necromancer spell just a cover up, and there are people behind all this!

The burning devil couldn't help falling into meditation.

Saruman told it all this. There is more than one Lich in the abyss. It can be said that it is not difficult to find a lich who has lived for thousands of years in this chaotic land!

Demons know how to do business. When they go to a land, they often like to win over some powerful creatures!

There is no doubt that the reinforcements of the Berserker have invited a great character, a undead controller who is good at making recovery magic.

"The plague must be controlled."

"Otherwise, many people will die!"

The burning devil thought for a long time and finally confirmed that he wanted to control the plague and not continue to deteriorate, which needed Saruman's help.

From the first day of the burning devil's attack, Saruman was summoned by Chen Feng to this land to help the burning devil jointly seize the fortress.

Facts have proved how right Fan Li's decision is. Compared with burning the devil, Saruman is undoubtedly calmer and has more ability to predict death.

The burning devil decided to decapitate. Unless he was good at the necromancer spell in the fortress, the battle might be stranded halfway.

"Can you lock its position?"

The burning devil said to Saruman.

The opponent is likely to be a lich, which makes Saruman nervous, but also some expectations. After all, a lich not weaker than his own strength is undoubtedly a good material for manufacturing the dead!


Saruman thought and said.

"Tomorrow I'll bet everything and start the general attack. We'll take the opportunity to kill the necromancer on the battlefield!"



Chen Feng's order has been too long, and even urged several times. Facing Chen Feng's blame, burning Yan devil can only speed up the pace of attack!

For this battle, burning devil even asked for some reinforcements from the human world. After all, he has witnessed the strength of human beings. Those wearing armor and holding weapons undoubtedly have stronger defense and lethality!

At this time, a large number of experts have gathered under the rampart fortress, and many of them have participated in human beings. Because they are special assistance, the strength of these professionals has a golden level.

Everyone is wearing shiny armor and holding all kinds of steel weapons.

Not only that, the burning devil ordered to fire shells again. Once the magic cannon with terrorist lethality was released, it immediately burst into blood and flesh among the hostile groups!

At this time, the burning devil issued the order of the general attack. This is the burning devil's last chance. What it has to do is to end this meaningless dispute today!

Countless demons ran, and the human Legion behind them was giving super firepower to make the enemy dare not take the lead.

Many strong human soldiers were selected by Chen Feng and came to this land. Wang Xudong is one of them. According to his words, he wants to see the power beyond epic, because in this way, he can recognize his own power.

At this time, Wang Xudong was invincible. All the enemies who rushed to the front were killed. Piles of people died without even humming, let alone fighting!

"Damn it!"

The fury devil was standing on the edge of the fortress. He was concentrating on the situation on the battlefield.

At this time, there were several strange figures, a devil and a thin Lich.

——Eagle eye!

Under the guidance of Saruman, the burning devil also saw the target he was motivated to kill!

This is the true source of evil.

"Do it!"

Saruman nodded, and his pale cheeks became very pale at this time. He raised his white bone scepter and said something. Then, there was a crack around him, and then the Lich standing next to the Berserker suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Lich didn't know what had happened. It just felt like a watercolor painting around. The color was very beautiful. When it appeared again, it was among the hostile forces.

The burning devil was full of wrinkled turbidity, his eyes were shining, and a very deep contempt broke out, as if in the bottom of his eyes, the burning devil and burning devil in front of him were a group of dead people without resistance!

Even in his own land, the burning devil felt a strange pressure.

Since the promotion of the epic, this sense of oppression has only been experienced from Chen Feng, but the other party has several war pets, and the bad devil has an extraordinary face!

Is this the culprit who caused heavy losses to his regiment?

Without waiting for Saruman to talk to him, the muscles on the burning devil's body gradually expanded like a boulder, and his hands were like a roaring dragon, neighing and trembling, and his fists were fierce!

Kill the Lich anyway!




At this time, Saruman has been promoted to a half step epic and learned a series of spell abilities. After cooperating with the burning devil so many times, they have a certain tacit understanding with each other. At this time, when the burning devil rushed forward, Saruman immediately cast some spells!


The Lich from the rage demon camp twitched at the corner of his mouth, his turbid and wrinkled eyes, even sent out bursts of spiritual storms with his spiritual strength, and roared at the burning devil!

Soul storm!

There is no doubt that the Lich intends to let the burning devil die here. No matter what kind of creature, once it has no consciousness, it will be a complete waste!

However, the burning devil would not give the Lich a further chance at this time. He saw that his cheeks were bulging and obviously brewing some energy, and a black wing on his back was infinitely close to the Lich.


The burning devil said a word in the unique language of the abyss, and then rushed over. The Lich didn't seem to react. At this time, he opened his eyes because he knew that he couldn't avoid the blow of the burning devil in his crazy state!


With a loud noise, the Lich's body was pierced. This is not over. As soon as the burning devil's arm made an effort, the whole flame rose, and then the giant hammer waved down from the top, with a click, the Lich's body was smashed into meat mud and could not be reborn alive!

At this time, the burning devil raised his long sword and gave orders to his comrades in arms around him. Without the suppression of the dead, the burning devil army launched a general attack.

An hour later, what excited the burning devil was that he killed the raging devil. So far, Chen Feng's order to the burning devil has been perfectly completed!

As for the next step, it is to bind the slaves away, and all this is obviously for the sake of the human world and the development of order!