If we continue to fight like this, we are afraid that the half dragon people will lose.

Because at this moment, Chen Feng is simply a human beast!

It's still human!

Many demons exclaimed. They have not killed humans, but they have never seen such brave characters!

"Bastard, is that all you have?" Chen Feng asked with a sneer. He jumped up with force under his feet. The surroundings seemed to collapse, which was absolutely terrible!


The half dragon people were directly hit and flew out by Chen Feng again. The terrible power was shocked in it. Even if the half dragon people completely ran away, they didn't remove too much power!

The half dragon man was quite embarrassed. A mouthful of blood spewed out. Suddenly, he was surprised that his injury became more and more serious with the passage of time.

In contrast, Chen Feng's face was not red and his heart did not jump at this time, as if he had not caused too much burden.

How is this possible?!

This guy has fought more than a dozen times in the Colosseum. Even a Titan will consume strength and slowly weaken his strength. Where can he stand still and breathe smoothly like Chen Feng now.

It seems that the other party can slowly recover from the trauma over time.

Thinking of this, Banlong people have no intention to continue to dally with Chen Feng.

Banlong people don't want to be so cowardly anymore. It was originally a star here. It was cheered and supported by countless demons. It can't accept being squeezed like this!

He roared up to the sky, lowered his head, like a mad cow seeing red cloth, turned into a corner shadow in the sky, and attacked and killed Chen Feng.

Chen Feng actually spent his strength a long time ago, like the last blow before, which completely paralyzed his body.

In that case, if Chen Feng wants to fight back, he can only turn into a devil. However, in the critical period, Chen Feng suddenly remembered that he can fully feed himself with the power of summoning animals!

Of course, Saruman's power is not good, because the other party is a undead. Once it is transmitted to him, he may become undead, and the bad devil can't. the other party is a divine evil. Once the power is transmitted to him, the whole Colosseum may boil instantly.

If the demons in the Colosseum are like a boiling oil pot, the power of divine evil is a basin of cold water. The power produced by the interweaving of water and oil can even make this level fall into fighting.

Therefore, Chen Feng can only let FRA irrigate her strength on herself, not just strength. While irrigating, FRA's understanding of boxing has also been instilled into Chen Feng's consciousness.

What does flora exist?

He is a boxing master from the very beginning. The other party has been studying in the world of boxing for a long time. Although Chen Feng is now an epic strength, he can only fight with FRA for five or five points without using endless swords and summoning animals. He can't easily defeat the other party.

The ultimate goal of Chen Feng's coming here is to find opportunities for promotion to a higher level. Naturally, he doesn't want to make a qualitative change in the environment here. Otherwise, it will increase some risks for no reason.

No one knows what kind of terrorist attack will break out when one is in despair!

What's more, standing in front of him is still a giant beast with dragon blood and multiple blood lines of the devil. Once he neglects, even if he doesn't die, he will suffer some damage!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng directly attacked recklessly, not to mention that the Banlong people were seriously injured. It's not a wise idea to fight with Chen Feng at this time.

Banlong people were defeated by Chen Feng, who broke out for a while. They swallowed each other like a shadow. They could feel the strong war spirit boiling in the distance.

With the two people getting angry and getting more and more powerful, the demons don't dare to get close and even have to stay far away. After all, although the demons are chaotic, they are not stupid. They don't want to die because of watching the war!

"If you only have this strength, you will surely die in my hand!" Chen Feng sneered and hit the other party's Dragon Armor with another punch, breaking and falling countless Dragon Armor.

The half dragon man was also angry. He waved the Dragon horn on his head and stabbed Chen Feng in the face!

At this moment, his strength and speed have a new derivative. Obviously, he is consuming his own flesh and blood again!

A cruel smile flashed across the Banlong man's face, as if he could see Chen Feng's death in his hand. He planned to pierce Chen Feng completely with this blow.

But just when its dragon horn was about to stab Chen Feng's body, he didn't feel it stabbing the entity. Sure enough, his dragon horn ran through Chen Feng's body directly. Then Chen Feng turned into an illusion!

How similar it is to the situation just now, it is almost a reproduction of the situation just now.

"It's impossible!" the half dragon man's eyes are still unbelievable. He absolutely doesn't believe that the situation just now will be reproduced by him. If the situation just now is reproduced again, what is it?

Its speed has been very fast. At most, it has some remnants, and the speed of Chen Feng has created an illusion. Is this, is this still a person!?

All demons saw that Chen Feng almost died under the half dragon people, but suddenly disappeared. All demons knew that he would not disappear, but his speed was too fast, which directly caused the half dragon people's wrong judgment!

He must not be human!

And when everyone was very surprised, a cold voice came from afar.

"Half dragon man, are you curious about how I escaped your attack?! I'll show you now how foolish and ignorant you are in front of me!"


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng suddenly appeared from the sky and rushed to the ground, which gave full play to his great power.

With the power of terror and the speed of terror, the terrible blow brought out instantly broke the stunned half dragon man and directly hit the half dragon man on the head.

Half dragon people are half purgatory creatures, and even their heads are covered with Dragon Armor. Although this appearance makes each other look very ugly, for abyss creatures, strength is enough. Where will they care about appearance.


But even so, the half dragon people didn't bear it after all.

Under this heavy blow, the half dragon people directly blasted into the ground, a mouthful of blood suddenly erupted, and a huge crack appeared in their head. The blood was sprayed out without money.

One punch.

The bravest half dragon man in the Colosseum has a sunken head and no breath of life. He... Was killed by a human!