When the fear dragon finished the curtain call in this way, all the soldiers around were stunned and their mouths were open enough to plug a fist!

Was the powerful dragon, the super powerful one who was about to destroy the devil's city on his own, defeated by the great commander?

"Da Tongling is really too strong!"

"Yes, we all depend on the great commander to survive. Without the great commander, we might be a corpse now."

"Unfortunately, uncle Nan is dead..."

"There are undead people in which battle. In the previous situation, we just want to rescue in the past, but we don't have the ability. To put it mildly, small characters like us may be directly frightened by the other party's deterrence and become a corpse. In that case, only uncle Nan can turn the tide."

"Everyone will die."

I don't know who mumbled such a sentence, which made everyone at a loss.

Yes, in the environment of the end of the world, everyone is like fish on the chopping board. Where is there any freedom?

No one can control his life. This is not an era of peace. A disaster may take away everyone's life.

Now there are fear dragons, so what after? Who knows if there will be more terrible monsters?

Not only that, what really scares everyone is not over, that is, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher. Everyone knows that it is only a matter of time for the meteorite to fall down.

That's the danger that makes people really despair!

Just when everyone was excited for a short time and then wrapped up in helplessness again, Du Jingcai suddenly reflected a red flame, which was like a small sun, and immediately filled the surroundings with light.

Half step myth.

Du Jingcai actually directly absorbed the energy left by the fear dragon.

In the void, the untimely thought of the last voice of the fear Dragon: "No! I'm not reconciled. I still have a wisp of soul. As long as I escape, I may become a ghost dragon. Even if I don't become a ghost dragon at once, I can still recover my strength quickly with my previous knowledge and experience. Why... Why deprive me of my last hope?"

The voice of the dragon of fear is full of pain, just like questioning Du Jingcai.

At this time, Du Jingcai was fearless. He held his fist again, looked at the overflowing voice in the air, burned blood essence and tried to squeeze out the power deep in the bone marrow!

Then he blasted forward again!

After this blow, Du Jingcai's body, which had been badly hurt, will be affected again. Even so, Du Jingcai didn't even frown. His determination to kill the fear dragon is very strong and firm!

"The terrible dragon from an unknown dimension, if you come to this land with goodwill, I will give you a generous reception, but unfortunately, your actions have led to countless deaths because of you, so you'd better die! Only in this way can you purify your mistakes before!"

"No... impossible... My soul is invisible. I fear that the dragon will never die. How could it be planted in your hands today..."

Du Jingcai didn't give the other party the chance to talk nonsense at all. Before, he could tear the other party's soul with his strength. At this time, the fear dragon only had extremely weak power because of its self explosion. How can he escape Du Jingcai's attack?

The so-called immortality in his mouth is just some boring hopes.

Under the shadow of energy, everything dissipates.


Under the attack of Du Jingcai, the fear dragon only had time to send out a startled and angry dragon chant, and then it completely disappeared, because his energy was completely annihilated and disappeared in the world.

At this time, Du Jingcai seemed to have overdrawn countless forces. As soon as his steps were soft, he was paralyzed directly on the ground.

He was too weak and instinctively wanted to faint, but Du Jingcai opened his eyes with forbearance. He still had some things to do, that is to see the "enemy" who died for himself

Du Jingcai had no strength. At this time, he could only crawl on the ground, like a dog with a broken back, which made people feel very sad.

"What does the commander want to do?"

Many powerful professionals were puzzled. Although the threat of meteorites was in the air, Du Jingcai's fighting spirit and determination moved everyone.

Obviously, they were about to give up. It was Du Jingcai who pulled them back from the death line.

Everyone's hot eyes fell on him. Even Yang Shuo, who had abused him before, didn't know whether he was laughing or bitter. His face showed a very complex expression.

After all, he saved the devil's city, the slums and... Nono.

Fortunately, the area where Yang Shuo lives has not been attacked by the fear dragon. At this time, many people who survived ran out of the room in fear. For the rest of their lives, they even didn't believe what they had experienced.

They live at the bottom of the devil city. It can be said that they are like a group of real ants. Under the attack of the fear dragon, they are ready to die, because even they know very well that people with no value like themselves will not have professionals to help themselves.

Those people will only protect their own homes. As for slums, they are just a burden that can be abandoned at any time.

But no one expected that at such a critical moment, Du Jingcai was the first person in the devil city. Du Jingcai came to rescue them personally, so that now the other party looked very weak and was paralyzed directly on the ground.

At this time, many girls covered their mouths and cried. As the bottom survivors, they are still human despite their low strength. They have seven emotions and six desires of human beings. They want to live. They don't want to be trampled under the feet of people and monsters and become shriveled corpses.

They are extremely grateful to Du Jingcai. Now many people even want to help their heroes in the past, but some professionals have helped Du Jingcai sit up before those poor people with low strength make a move.

At this time, Du Jingcai had come to Du Jianan. He held each other's body tightly with one hand, and his eyes were full of tears.

He looked around and said faintly after seeing everyone's close attention: "don't be afraid, that meteorite can't help us, because someone... Will help us escape this last disaster. There is only one thing you have to do now, that is... Firm faith, live well..."