The body of the serpent and scorpion demon was submerged, and in the next second, the shrinking person's chest bulged directly and then inhaled it into the body.

The extremely terrible snake and scorpion devil, even without struggling, was directly killed by the shrinking one, and then swallowed into his own body.

The power of the shrinking man is slowly recovering. Its real strength in the past has even touched the realm of the divine residence. But its strength has fallen repeatedly in the endless imprisonment of time, which has reached such a miserable epic level!

But even so, the other party is still too much stronger than ordinary life. This is the truth that a thin camel is bigger than a horse.

At this time, a pair of eyes of sadaoge, who had never shot, suddenly refracted on the shrinking person. Then, a mass of black smoke on his arm slowly penetrated out. The next second, he rushed towards the shrinking person like a strong wind.

The other party can no longer return to the original dimension. If he wants to stay in this world, he can only live in one body.

The dark guards are extremely powerful. They can kill a weaker force with their hands and feet. However, sadogo still doesn't pay attention to them.

In sadaoge's view, this body is just a puppet that can be abandoned at any time. Now, sadaoge has found a higher host and naturally wants to abandon each other so that he can penetrate into the world.

Is this sadogo's plan?

It has been sitting on the mountain watching the tiger fight, even trying to occupy the shrinking body, use the other party's body as a container, and then live in this world.

The shrinking is an unusual creature. Although the dark guard is powerful, it is like a firefly and a star compared with the shrinking.

Although it is not clear what sadaoge is going to do, the other party, as a god residence, must have hidden cards. Although Chen Feng promised to release the shrinking person, it is not the time after all. He can't watch the other party win and lose by sadaoge.

Fortunately, Chen Feng has been staring at sadaoge's actions. If he is negligent for a moment, he is afraid of mistakes. Thinking of this, Chen Feng's body suddenly burns a fierce flame. In the blink of an eye, he directly crosses in front of sadaoge.

Demonic transformation and shadow shuttle.

Chen Feng's eyes stared directly at sadaoge. Although the other party occupied his body and was far away from the dimension, the value of divinity means that it has existed in sadaoge for countless years. Whether this strand of divinity is connected with the noumenon or not, it also means that the other party has not weak wisdom.

The black smoke that permeates the body is the illusion of divinity. In the void, those divinities seem to keep changing, and then become an extremely ferocious monster head.

The head even had no pupils in its eyes. It was so directly locked on Chen Feng's body that it didn't move. It seemed to peep at Chen Feng's flesh, full of deterrence.

"Man! Are you going to stop me?"

Chen Feng stared at the other side: "I made an agreement with the demon God and called you to help me eliminate the devil, but now you are going to take away my Summoner and make it completely your container. Doing so will cause me huge losses and will not let you achieve your wish. If you think this is a stop, then even if it is."

If it were sadogo's world, Chen Feng would not be as arrogant as he is now, but the reason why a strong dragon can't defeat a local snake is not limited to the human world.

Sadogo's strength is very strong, but he is far away from the dimension. It's not difficult for him to kill it. Will he provoke a god residence to hate again?

Chen Feng doesn't care!

He has provoked too many God mansions. Naturally, he is not bad for the giant frog demon in front of him. After all, the other party is too weak compared with rose and other God mansions.

This is a God's residence forgotten in the nothingness. The reason why the previous purgatory devil was defeated was that the other party was too eager and sharp, and had been covered by the so-called divinity.

It is because of greed that the other party will lose so quickly, which can be said to be out of control.

But Chen Feng witnessed all the battles. To be fair, the strength shown by the other party did not make him feel how scared.

Maybe sadaoge also hides some strength, but in Chen Feng's opinion, he can still struggle with each other. What's more, he is not himself, but there is a divine sin beside him as an assistant.

Sadaoge's killing machine was not hidden before. After swallowing the snake and scorpion demon, the shrinking man slowly turned his head and looked at the enemy on one side.

The shrinking body is twisted and ferocious. If ordinary people are stared at like this, they may go crazy directly, but sadaoge is not afraid and looks around Chen Feng and his prey like this.

"Human, do you want to stop me?"

For Li Pei's words, sadaoge obviously responded. The other party was asking Chen Feng whether he wanted to drip the muddy water this time.

Although this sentence is used to describe some jokes, Li Pei still feels that there is no tiger in the mountain and the monkey is called the king.

At first, Ren Tianpeng wreaked havoc in the devil city. Chen Feng used all his strength to stop the other party, which made the other party lose half of her life. Then rose came on the stage and killed Ren Tianpeng almost instantly.

Ren Tianpeng is obviously not easy to provoke. At the last moment of his life, he summoned a meteorite with countless demons in an attempt to destroy the devil city.

After that, Chen Feng gave up Ren Tianpeng's body and summoned sadaoge in disguise. Before, one mountain after another was pressed on his body. Chen Feng even couldn't breathe for a time, but now it's different

A God's residence with a legendary creature attached to the divinity actually talks to himself like this. Does the other party really think he can't squeeze the mud?

The other party is under the demon king. If sadogo can fulfill the demon king's order and just eradicate the devil, he will not embarrass the other party and even help the other party open up a dimensional channel back to his hometown.

But as the saying goes, it is easier to ask God than to send God. After sadogo led his demon Legion to this world, he obviously smelled the unique energy flavor here. He wanted to stay here, just like countless previous God mansions that broke the dimension and tried to enslave this land, he wanted to form his own forces here.

But unfortunately, the other party met Chen Feng

No matter whether there are God butchers like Chen Feng in other corners of the world, in the devil's city, in front of Chen Feng, a divinity really doesn't make people feel desperate.

"You can regret it now?"

Chen Feng didn't answer positively at all. He just looked at each other silently and said so.

After Chen Feng said these words, he naturally tore his face with sadaoge. He can't give up the shrinking person. Even if the other party is still hostile to him, it is undeniable that the shrinking person still has use value!


Chen Feng guessed right that sadaoge's psychology had been completely distorted and fell into a crazy state.

Sadogo, attached to the dark guard, now has only one idea, that is to find a body suitable for him to walk on this land.

Although the dark guards are powerful, they are very resistant to the power of light because of falling into darkness. It can be said that light is their biggest nemesis.

Once besieged by professionals with bright power, even if sadogo's strength is higher, there are many inconveniences, but the shrinking ones are different.

The other party is a divine evil and has the blood of the gods in his body. It can be said that he ignores any energy and is not affected. Mastering the other party's body means mastering stronger strength.

"Poor human, just like a mole ant, then go to death. After killing you, I will naturally take the body of the evil spirit."

As soon as sadaoge's voice fell, the palm shrouded in black gas was clenched into a fist, with irresistible terrorist fluctuations, as if this palm could smash the space and tear the earth, and Chen Feng's generous body would also be directly smashed into stumps.

"The divinity in the body is still so strong!"

Seeing that brother sadaoge started suddenly, Chen Feng couldn't help looking suddenly. When the purgatory devil attacked brother sadaoge, the other party had to consume part of his divinity to fight the enemy. Chen Feng thought that under this consumption, the other party had no more energy.

But now he was shocked by his intuitive feeling. These divinities were almost saturated. The waste of purgatory devil thought he had won everything, but who could have thought that it was just sadogo's disguise.

This monster has strength, but still has super wisdom!

Different from Chen Feng, the shrinking person named by his last name stepped in front of Chen Feng at this time. It was not his attempt to protect the Lord, but his sin of bullying others. Now he has become the target of sadaoge's attack, which obviously makes the shrinking person very angry!

The shrinking one floats towards the living creature and tries to incorporate enough living creatures into its dead body cloth aura. It relies on its strength and speed to defeat its opponents. Once surrounded, it constantly attacks the enemy with the touch of eclipse, hoping to kill the target and recharge its physical strength.

In his anger, the shrinking person completely turned into a streamer and threw himself directly in front of sadaoge. Chen Feng instinctively wanted to stop each other. After all, sadaoge was still very greedy and wanted to get each other's body after knowing the identity of the shrinking person, which also meant that the other party had a way to pay God's sins.


After all, the shrinking person's speed was too fast. He came to sadaoge at once. When he was preparing to take his hand, sadaoge's chest suddenly broke, and then a palm suddenly stretched out, and then blasted on the shrinking person.


A dull sound seemed to silence the whole world. It seemed that even the erupting volcano could not bury the sound.


The terrible dark breath converged on the shrinking person's chest in an instant. Even if the divine evil has the power of the gods, it still can't stop the corrosion of these dark energy. The surging dark energy is like the melting of ice and snow. In an instant, it melted the shrinking person's body, rushed directly under the other person's skin and rampaged in the other person's body.

The immortal atrophied person is like being affected by some kind of influence. His body has cracked some cracks, and large tracts of rotten and deteriorated blood flow on the ground.

Only God's house can defeat God's house, and only God's sin can hurt God's sin.

Why did sadogo think so definitely that the body of the shrinking person belongs to himself? That's because the other person's body actually has the energy of another divine sin.

A word suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

Blood devil!

Vicious, bloodthirsty predators, blood demons look so terrible that they can stop the actions of other creatures with a vicious stare. They have keen senses and can hunt anything for food or sports.

A blood demon uses its terrible gaze at the beginning of each round to make the enemy unable to move. Then it turned to a weak enemy and grabbed it to pieces with its sharp claws. It will relentlessly attack an enemy until its prey dies before it chooses a new target. The blood devil will not fear and will not escape under any circumstances.

Sadaoge doesn't know what price he paid. He has a trace of divine evil in his body, which is the reason why the other party can subdue the shrinking person.

Seeing that the shrinking person can't move, sadogo's eyes are filled with a trace of scarlet color. The other party is waiting for this opportunity. At this time, the divinity hidden in his body is ready to move. It is obvious that he is ready to fully grasp the shrinking person's body at this moment, completely occupy the other party and facilitate his walking in the human world.

Without Chen Feng, the other party would undoubtedly have succeeded now, because the shrinking person at this moment is like a seriously injured patient, and even the most basic strength can not be brought into play.

When sadaoge was ready to further capture the body of the shrinking person, Chen Feng already had an action. He was very fast. He used the shadow shuttle to come to the shrinking person again. Just when sadaoge was about to touch the other party, he kicked it out and directly blew the shrinking person hundreds of meters away.

Although the atrophic person was severely injured, this degree of injury could not affect it.

At this time, the body available to poke the hand was taken away, which made sadogo fall into a violent state. He roared like a beast and rushed directly to Chen Feng. The previous cards had been used up. All he can use now is this physical power.

The power of the monk endows sadogo with amazing fighting skills.

At this moment, his fist was like a flame. It burned directly, combined with the burning of anger. To some extent, it has touched the mythological level.

This punch is qualified to hurt Chen Feng!


Just before sadaoge still maintained this indomitable and tragic momentum, Chen Feng, holding an endless blade, passed sadaoge like a fashion, and at the same time, a bright purple knife trace bloomed.


No matter how fierce the fist is, it is naturally not the opponent of the secondary artifact. Out of guard, sadaoge's body was directly cut open. What's more terrible is that the violent knife gas not only hurt the surface, but also directly destroyed the inside of the body. That is to say, at this moment, sadaoge only left a skin shell, and all the things in his body were destroyed by a knife and no longer exist!