"Please let me go?"

Ren Tianpeng seemed to feel something, which made him extremely frightened. Layers of goose bumps sprang up on his body, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably!

The separation of different dimensions is his strongest backing and dependence. He is too seriously injured. As long as he depends on this situation to devour his life and further recover himself.

Compared with those separated bodies, what Ren Tianpeng really cares about is his own body. As long as the body is still there, he can live forever.

But the appearance of Orcus made him suddenly unaware.

Ren Tianpeng's deep fear expanded rapidly. He had an ominous premonition, but he looked forward to Orcas bypassing his life.

Yes, you must be kidding!

Orcas has no hatred with himself. How could the other party suddenly attack him? Moreover, it has always been very secret. No one knows the route here except himself.

Even if Orcus is a God, even the three giants of the abyss, he can't find himself for no reason. This must be his dream. Is he too afraid to have a heart demon?

Ren Tianpeng looked up and looked at Orcas deeply. His dragon eyes were shining. He wanted to look directly at his demons, so as to keep Orcas away from himself.

Unfortunately, the next sentence of the huge okas completely shattered Ren Tianpeng's little hope

"What's the matter with you, the evil dragon from the starry sky? Do you think it's just your dream or heart demon? You're really a conscious guy. Your existence itself is a mistake. You're a chaos of order. You don't belong to the abyss, purgatory or any world, but from the unknown starry sky."

"Don't resist any more. If you can listen to me, I may leave you a part and let you go to the human world."

"You are in vain, because your destiny has been locked by me. Even if you escape anywhere, I will find you."

Orcas spoke slowly to Ren Tianpeng in the way of spiritual resonance. It didn't make any sound, but Ren Tianpeng began to tremble.

Orcas is a true evil god. Even in the heyday of Ren Tianpeng, he could not easily compete with it.

Moreover, Orcas is outspoken that he can let Ren Tianpeng retain a separate body and devote himself to the human world.

Orcas never lost money. He was more curious about the human world than he already knew that the blood devil was killed. Therefore, he planned to use Ren Tianpeng as a chess piece to restrict Chen in the human world.

"I don't believe it! Fate is an ethereal thing. Why can you find me here and why can you find my body? I've always planned others. Why have I ever been used as a tool? You want to subdue me? Let me be your dog? You might as well kill me!"

Ren Tianpeng roared hysterically. He had nothing. He not only lost his body, but also his own body. Everything in the past has become a bubble. After all, he can't challenge the Dragon God all his life.

He is a loser, a complete loser.

Ren Tianpeng is not an ant on the side of the road. He can ignore anything in order to survive. He has come from the starry sky and has lived on this land for tens of thousands of years. His most important thing is face. To put it bluntly, he has a strong vanity. When Ren Tianpeng landed in such a field, he was completely drowned by his deep sense of humiliation and shame like a vast sea

If he really can't escape, he only wants to die now. Only in this way can he pursue himself and have a faint chance to be reborn in death.

In Ren Tianpeng's realm, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Although he was defeated by the Dragon God, he was stared at by one of the three giants of the abyss. It can be said that he completely lost the chance to survive, but his backhand has always existed. As long as he was given a chance, he can be reborn again with the help of the flame of his soul.

"You've been to the human world. Naturally, you know a word. Toast and don't eat and punish wine. Since you don't want to, killing you and refining you into a puppet can work for me, so you'll die!"


Different from Ren Tianpeng being completely suppressed by orcas, the human world at this time has a strong sadness spreading in the devil city.

After Ren Tianpeng tore off his disguise and came to this land, there were successive disasters, and ordinary people, slums and professionals suffered heavy losses.

Although the devil city has experienced disasters and attacks, the intensity is far more intense than any previous city defense war. It is difficult to count the dead professionals, which almost cripples the professional team of the devil city.

Countless dead bodies are lying on the ground, and countless are seriously injured and dying. Every minute, many injured people who have no time to rescue have lost their vitality

In addition, very few people survived in the slums. There are just a few lucky people like sister Yang Shuo. In addition, 60% of the people in the slums died in the disaster, and even the bodies would be burned and become coke.


Some people survived, reunited with their families and saw miracles. It can be said that with the protection of Chen Feng, their future is the dawn, and there is no suffering at all.

But some people were attacked by monsters early, and now they are separated by life and death.

"Sister, don't cry."

Liu Fang tried her best to spit out such a word. Her voice was very light. She didn't have any strength in it. It was like she was forced to say such a sentence.

"Fangfang, stop talking. It's my sister. I should be by your side. If I were by your side, you wouldn't be hurt!"

Liu Fang and Liu Yu are professionals in the devil city. Their parents died and both awakened their strength because of anger and despair. It can be said that this is a blessing in disguise.

They are sisters of the devil's city. They are close to each other and have the ability to combine into one. Although they have only silver level, they can easily kill gold level masters. It is unimaginable.

It can only be said that there are many strange things in the end world, and everything can be born.

At this time, Liu Yu looked at her sister and fell into a pool of blood. She wanted to find someone to help her, no matter whether her strength could be saved or not, but at least, as long as she survived. After all, Liu Fang said that she was the last loved one in her life.

At this moment, Liu Yu can only keep praying to God and asking God not to take away her love.

"Sister, I know it's hopeless... Before I die... Let me speak well..."

Liu Fang's white face was beyond recognition by the red blood from her mouth and nose, but she still held out her hand, put her palm on Liu Yu's face, looked at the face that was three or four times similar to her, trembled her lips and said:

"Sister, I'm sorry. I was not sensible before. When my parents were still there, I was always angry with you. Every time you said something, I did it backwards. Do you know why?"

"Xiao Fang, stop talking. Please don't say any more. Save some strength. I'll find someone for you. When you recover, my sister will promise you everything. Can you talk to my sister then? Just rest now!"

Liu Yu also fought with demons, consuming most of her strength, but at this time, she seemed tireless, holding Liu Fang constantly looking for doctors who could treat her sister.

Liu Fang was too stimulated for her. The most important person in the world is his sister. His parents died. Then the end of the world came. Although they were noisy, that was also a thing of the past. In peacetime, Liu Yu also complained about Liu Fang. Why are you so unreasonable and why are you always against yourself.

But when the end comes, the other party seems to have changed into a person and become very obedient, but whether his sister listens or not, they are his relatives and close relatives!


Liu Fang now loses too much blood and her eyes become lax. She looked at Liu Yu dully and said, "when my parents were there, I was always angry with you. At that time, I felt jealous of you because you studied well and looked better than me. I always felt that my parents liked you more than me. I was jealous, so I was always aiming at you, sister. I'm sorry..."

Liu Yu's tears were almost dry. At this time, she seemed to feel it, and her voice trembled: "Xiaofang, please don't say any more. We will be saved soon. Will you wait a little longer? Just wait a little longer."

"Sister, if only we could go back to the past? I'm sure I won't be angry with you. I'm sure... No..."

Liu Fang wanted to say something more, but more and more blood came out of her mouth. It was obvious that her almost crushed heart had reached the limit and her vitality had reached the end.

"Xiao Fang!"

Liu Yu held her sister's body and wept bitterly. As a professional, she naturally had a sharper perception than ordinary people. Her sister died at the moment when the divine residence came.


"Lao Qin, can you do something for me?"

A burly man was lying on the ground. The other man was two meters long and his muscles were like a rock. He looked like a monster.

But at this time, the other party's legs were broken. The other party was attacked by a sickle demon. Although he tried his best to kill the other party, he was exhausted and gasped hard for the last breath.

The man called Lao Qin by the other party held the strong man's hand. Although they were not relatives, they were comrades in arms.

This feeling, in a certain sense, even exceeds the general friendship. It is a real brotherhood.

"Don't say one thing. As long as you say it, I will help you finish it even if I go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire!"

Just now, the therapist had come. After reading it, he just shook his head to show that there was nothing he could do. In the previous attack, not only the strong man's legs, but also his internal organs were dug out. Therefore, even if Li Siyu came to rescue himself, he could not prevent the other party from dying.

"I've never been a brave person. I like a girl, you know? She's just an ordinary person, ah Qian, who sells cakes on the street. I like her, but she's still young, only 23 years old, but I..."

Words to the mouth, suddenly a mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth.

"You slow down, you speak slowly." Lao Qin said with distressed eyes.

"Lao Qin, you know I'm 40. On the one hand, I'm too old to tell each other. On the other hand, I feel sorry for my dead wife and daughter. Whenever I close my eyes, they always appear in front of me, just like the end of the world."

"I know I'm not a good man. I also want to forget ah Qian, but I don't know why. I just can't forget it. So I want to ask you to take care of her if she's still alive. Look at her. Find a good family. Don't be bullied. Look at her..."

The man's words were intermittent and illogical. Obviously, the other party's brain was damaged to some extent. Just when Lao Qin was listening, the other party's voice stopped abruptly.

The man is dead.

Died in mumbling.

On the one hand, he felt guilty about his dead wife and daughter, on the other hand, he fell in love with a young girl. No one was right or wrong. It can only be said that it was fate.

"Don't worry. If that girl is still alive, I will look after her for you!"

The same parting of life and death has happened too much on the battlefield. It can be said that there are sorrows everywhere, blood and tears everywhere, and melancholy clouds condense for thousands of miles.

At this time, Du Jingcai covered his chest and limped to sit on a stone with the help of his hands.

Seeing the woman who had been rescued, Du Jingcai embraced death again, which made Du Jingcai extremely upset and rushed directly to the camp of the little devil. After the outbreak of terror, Du Jingcai's body nearly collapsed. If the reinforcements had not arrived, he would probably have died.

"Is this the devil's city?" perhaps he suffered too much pressure, and Du Jingcai's heart was also full of countless grief and anger. With tears in his eyes, he looked at the devastated battlefield. He found that many of his confidants were lying on the ground and covered with white cloth. He knew what that meant better than anyone else.

The most miserable thing is a strong man at the golden peak. The other party is the real confidant cultivated by Du Jingcai and the three or four leaders of the devil's city. But now, the other party is sprayed with corrosive venom, up and down, only the heart is beating faintly, and the rest has been corroded by the venom.

If you put it on the ground like this, the other party may live longer, but if you touch it slightly, it may lead to heart pulse collapse and direct death.

Seeing this scene, Du Jingcai only felt like a knife in his heart. Although they waited for the God residence, their home was destroyed like this.

"Can they rebuild the devil's city and let it return to its former appearance?"

Du Jingcai sat aside, dull and speechless, and his eyes were lax.