When they reached barrio Makasido at around 0300 hrs, they right away found the place where a well-known farmer resides and only Albrecht, Amado and the Captain came in. The Captain sought some help from Amado to interpret their conversation.
" Sir, we wish to barter our root crops with rice." The Captain uttered.
" Ah, just go on and I can understand and knows to speak english as well, Sir."
" Good, thank you." The Captain smiled as the rice owner invited them to sit comfortably inside a secret place of his house.
"What root crops do you have?" The rice owner asked.
" Its all in all contained with 'karlang', 'kamote,' 'singkamas,' and we also brought some 'peanuts.' Albrecht showed some sample.
" Ah, I already have those but because you've traveled this far, I'll take all of these and exchange it with rice enough for you to carry going back. Anyway, its timely that we have available stocks inside so take 4 sacks." The ricer owner smiled at them and tapped Albrecht's shoulder.
" Wow! thank you! he shook his hand and asked his name.
" Ah, I'm Elmar, I'm supposed to let you stay for breakfast but its almost dawn, please leave now and send my prayers to my co-Filipinos that your team is helping. You may bring the "adobo sa gata" chicken meat and some eggs you just need to carefully travel."
" Blessed is this house, thank you very much Elmar and even if I'm not a Filipino but I'll use " utang na loob", our debt of gratitude for your geneuine help for us. Till we meet again Elmar, so we'll go now." The Captain shook hands with him while his men already carried all the sacks going out. He was delayed for a while to fix the viand that Albrecht had packed with banana leaves.
" Hey, they're already waiting for us outside, c'mon son."
" Dad, for a while, we can't bring the sauce since its slimy that will easily destroy the meat so I left the coconut sauce. Ah...here, I'm done." When they were about to get out, someone knocked on the door so they backed off and cover themselves at the back of the door. Interestingly, there were two Japs who were looking for Elmar. When Elmar got out, they brought him outside and gone.
" Shh...this way here at the back, c'mon!" Edward whispered so they proceeded to the place to meet up with their comrades. Baldur then was grateful to see them safe despite the presence of the Japs.
" Thank God." Baldur smiled.
" What do you think is the reason why they picked him up." Henry looked at Albrecht.
" Shh...let's start on our hike."
" But Sir! its almost 1800 hrs, the sun is about to shine now. We're trapped here, we can't anymore cross that road, we become visible already if we do it." Baldur reasoned out while Henry agreed with him.
" How about their bayonets, its too long, Sir!" Albrecht complained.
" Then just attach your dagger at the tip of a bigger stick."
" Hahaha!" everyone laughed while Albrecht pressed his head and smiled.
Baldur, despite being serious but moved beside him and teasingly spoke. " Albrecht, when Dad returned you've got energy shortage, our boss is terrible." Baldur stood up again then helped the rest to cover the sacks of rice with withered leaves. Since the place was shady and surrounded with big trees so some of them climbed just to sleep on big branches above and to wait for sunrise.