It was night, the moon was bright, and the torch in the camp of LVYE town expeditionary army illuminated the whole camp like a cloud.

The atmosphere was dignified. The soldiers on guard were straight and did not dare to relax. The soldiers on patrol came and went, and their sharp eyes swept away from time to time. They did not let go of any changes. The strange death of ten soldiers this morning cast a shadow on everyone's heart, Of course, more importantly, their Lord Sean Montel has expressed his dissatisfaction today. None of them is willing to bear the Lord's anger, which will be more terrible than death.

In the camp master's tent, Sean sat alone, without meditating or dealing with anything else, just sitting quietly.

Sean was really angry about what happened today. Of course, it was not just for the death of ten soldiers. The big sweep was a war. If it was a war, there would be dead. There were not many ten people. What Sean was really angry about was that the ten people died in the camp, and no one had found anything unusual. This time, only ordinary soldiers died, So will it be him next time? Sean was always uneasy not to catch the real murderer.

The sun was shining, the night was quiet, and no one died, and the next day and the third day were the same.

"Lord, it's been calm for three days. What should I do next?"

After three consecutive days of high-intensity alert in the camp failed, Ferrero had to ask Sean for the next action. After all, this high-intensity alert and always worrying day is a heavy burden on the soldiers' body and mind, especially now in a dangerous environment.

"Inform the troops to collect materials and rush to yeguoling according to the original plan."

After a little thought, Sean made the decision to leave. The other party didn't appear again. He couldn't wait endlessly. The conditions didn't allow.

With Sean's order, the whole camp began to take action. The whole process was orderly and orderly. The only difference was that even when the whole camp was collecting materials, the guard in the camp was still not relaxed.

At noon, when the sun was strongest, the troops gathered up materials and began to move along the established route.

At the same time, in a dark corner that could not be illuminated even when the sun was strongest, a pair of dark green eyes were staring at the people in LVYE town who left.

"Lord, will that thing appear?"

On the horse, menges seemed relaxed, but he was always vigilant. After many times of exploration of the crime scene and examination of the wounds of the dead, he listed the fees and asked several experienced hunters. He concluded that it was speculated that the ten dead soldiers should have been bitten by bats, The only strange thing is that this kind of bat can suck up a person's blood. It's incredible. After all, there is only one wound on each body.

"I don't know. Wait and see."

Turning his head and glancing back, Sean's calm face didn't go up and down.

At night, in the temporary camp, when the crescent moon was about to be shrouded in dark clouds, Munns walked into Sean's tent with the body of a strange bat.

"Lord, those things appear. That's it."

With that, Monas put the body of the strange bat in his hand in front of Sean.

"Is that what it is?"

Looking at the size of the adult fist in front of him, in addition to the strange blood marks wrapped around him, the bat body is not much different from ordinary bats. Sean's blue eyes flashed the color of thinking.

"Lord, our soldiers were bitten to death by this thing. Unfortunately, it was found a little late. Two soldiers were bitten to death. I finally left only one."

At this point, there was a flicker of hesitation on menges's face before he continued:

"Lord, these bat monsters are not weak. Although they are not superior to the first level, they are much stronger than ordinary beasts, and the most important thing is that they act in order, unlike ordinary beasts."

"Do you suspect that they are controlled?"

With his eyes fixed on moones's face, Sean heard something out of his words.

"Yes, Lord, according to the description of the wounded soldiers, these bat monsters suddenly flew out of the dark to attack them. There was no sign before. Such action and organization are beyond the reach of ordinary beasts."

With a calm face, Monas said his speculation, and Sean fell into meditation after hearing Monas's words.

"Are there any suspects?"

The tone was gentle. Although it was a question, there was no doubt in Sean's words. It was obvious that there was an answer in his heart.

"Lord, I suspect it has something to do with the aborigines of yeguoling. After all, they are the only ones who have a direct conflict with us now, and this means of defending bats is a bit like the animal soul sacrifice in Aboriginal rumors."

"Animal soul sacrifice? Let the troops speed up tomorrow and arrive at yeguoling as soon as possible. I believe these rats in the gutter will jump out one by one."

With that, Sean lowered his head and began to study the strange bat in front of him. He was still very interested in the bat with amazing blood intake. Seeing Sean's action, Monas didn't stop any longer. He quietly withdrew and ordered people to strengthen their vigilance at the same time.

In the main account, after Monas left, Sean took out the scalpel from the natural gift of the storage ring and began to dissect the body of the strange bat.

The most important and valuable part of an extraordinary creature is generally its extraordinary organ, but the extraordinary organs of different kinds of extraordinary creatures are different, some are internal organs, some are eyes, some are claws and teeth, which are different.

After dissection and detailed examination, Sean found an interesting fact that this strange bat has no extraordinary organs. In other words, it is an ordinary bat. At most, it is a heterogeneous species. Its real extraordinary power comes from the strange blood marks on its body, that is, a kind of insect that is difficult to distinguish by the naked eye.

Sean was a little disappointed to come to this conclusion. After all, there was no fruit template, but it didn't matter, because the parasite might also be used as a fruit template.

Instead of focusing on the bat itself, Sean focused on the strange parasite, made a series of experiments, and finally came to a conclusion.

This strange parasite is not powerful, has a certain fear of fire and sunshine, has a high desire for blood, can quickly digest blood, and will shrivel and die if it does not absorb blood for a long time (about half a day). That's why this parasite can't survive alone. It needs a parasite to provide blood for them anytime and anywhere. Of course, In return, the parasite will return part of the blood of the parasite and enhance the physical quality of the parasite, which is why ordinary bats show almost extraordinary biological physical quality.

For this parasite, Sean named it blood thirsty bug according to its characteristics, while the bat was directly named blood thirsty bat.