The next morning, before the mist had cleared, a gunshot broke the silence in the mountains, and a new round of war began.

The sound of gunfire and shouting and killing became one. From the beginning, this war entered a stalemate stage. The enemy and I vied with each other and did not retreat. The intensity was much greater than yesterday. However, this is normal. After all, yesterday's battle was more of a test for LVYE town and an investigation of the combat effectiveness of the black bat tribe. It stressed that it was orderly, meticulous and thoughtful. Today is a real war and will never stop until the goal is achieved. For the black bat tribe, they have a way back from yesterday's battle, but there is no way back today, After all, behind them is their home.

In the rear, standing with philolith and observing the battlefield through a single telescope, Sean's eyebrows frowned slightly.

In terms of the overall situation on the battlefield, the LVYE town military undoubtedly has an advantage, but the casualties of the LVYE town military are not small. Sean alone saw more than a dozen people fall into a trap, or stumble by a trip rope, or fall into a pit, or hit by a Leishi.

"Ferrero, how much do we have to pay to go on like this and break through the defense line of the black bat tribe?"

For the victory of the war, Sean had no doubt that he was considering how much it would cost and whether it was worth it.

Hearing the meaning of Sean's words, philolith did not panic and seemed confident.

"Lord, although the current war situation looks fierce and our casualties are not small, it is only a test for us. It is only temporary. The war situation will change soon."

When the words fell, philolith began to issue a new round of orders. Sean just watched and did not intervene at all. After all, he said that he would hand over the battlefield to philolith.

The bugle sounded, and the rear team of LVYE Town army who got the order pressed forward slightly to strengthen the fire to suppress the black bat tribe. The combat teams of the front team cooperated with each other and retreated slowly. Everything was orderly.

The attack is like a big wave, surging and surging, and the retreat is like a stream and spring, quiet and peaceful. At this moment, the professionalism of LVYE Town army is undoubtedly revealed.

In the rear of the black bat tribe, after learning the news of the sudden withdrawal of the army in LVYE Town, although I don't understand the specific reasons, most of the high-level faces of the black bat tribe showed a smile. After all, in their view, those white ghosts were probably frightened by the sinister nature of their cemetery. Only the black bone fight and the black bat sacrifice showed different expressions on their faces.

The retreat did not mean the end of the war. After a little repair, the LVYE town military began to launch a new round of attack, but different from before, this time it was not the army but the prisoners.

"Come on, go over and wait for something."

"Pa, PA, PA!"

Deterred by the whip and listening to the half familiar aboriginal language, the prisoners kept walking towards the black bat tribe. In this process, a few prisoners wanted to escape directly. As a result, they were killed alive without any luck. Of course, in order to stimulate the morale of these prisoners, the LVYE town military also promised that as long as they could rush into the black bat tribe, After the war, they were able to get rid of slavery.


Screams continued, and traps in the black bat tribe cemetery were constantly triggered by captives, with heavy casualties.

"These damn white ghosts are really cunning."

A leader of the black bat tribe looked at the advancing black bat army hiding behind the prisoners and shouted his own roar, and there were not a few black bat people who had the same idea with him.


Although they know that the white ghosts want to use their captives to consume their strength, the black bat tribe has no choice. After all, they can't watch the captives break through their defense and trigger their traps. If so, they will be dead.

Arrows and spears kept appearing. Even some control traps were used by the black bat tribe in order to quickly clean up the prisoners. In this process, the military of LVYE town behind the prisoners seized the opportunity to constantly attack the emerging black bat tribesmen. They were very calm with flesh and blood shields, Of course, those prisoners will inevitably be injured by mistake in this process, but who cares?

"Lord, look, if this goes on, we will soon have morning meal in the black bat tribe."

Looking at the latest war situation, Ferrero's original serious face hung a light smile, and after hearing this, Sean's mouth also outlined a smile.

Ferrero's tactics of expelling prisoners are not complicated, but they are very useful. Although they are bloody and do not accord with the noble quality, it is better to let the aborigines bleed than to let their own troops bleed. Sean thinks very clearly about this.

The battle in the front mountain went well, and menges and others who climbed up the back mountain have also quietly launched their actions.

Because of the intense fighting in the front mountain and the habitual recognition that no one can climb up in the back mountain for a long time, the defense within the black bat tribe is not tight at this moment.

Click and wipe, then twist the worthless tongue and break his neck. After hiding the body, CROM moved and disappeared into the dense forest.

"Lord Munns, the location has been determined."

Meeting with the close guard team, CROM reported the news he got from several tongues to moones.

After getting the information he wanted, Munns made a decision and took action immediately. After all, he can't hope that his enemies are fools. Although they haven't been found yet, the longer the delay, the greater the risk of exposure, and then it will be the real trouble.

Whew, the guards kept shuttling through the dense forest and tried to avoid the black bat tribe. If they couldn't avoid it, they used thunder to kill them directly when they didn't respond.

Alas, the killing was silent. He commanded his men to drag the bodies of three children into the grass behind him. Menges looked at a building not far away and knew that the target was in front of him.

As an extraordinary team, menges and others have a very clear goal. The first goal is to implement beheading tactics and kill the high-level of the black bat tribe as much as possible. The second goal is to create chaos and provide support for the frontal battlefield.

Among these two goals, the first goal is not enforced. Depending on the specific timing, the second goal must be achieved. Of course, if the first goal is achieved, the second goal will actually be achieved. After all, sheep can't do without a head. Without those high-level leaders, the black bat tribe will inevitably fall into chaos in a short time.

"Now start the table."

With the goal ahead, Munns didn't delay at all.

"Eleven fifteen in the morning."

"Eleven fifteen in the morning."


"OK, the time is correct. Start action in five minutes. Remember that the primary goal is to kill the tribal leader heiguda and the black bat sacrifice."

Ticking, ticking, the originally inaudible sound of the pocket watch was unexpectedly clear at this moment. When the second hand finished the last lap, the six men of Monas rushed out like an arrow, followed by a red signal bomb, which was the agreement between Monas and Ferrero before the action and the beginning of the killing.