Going to the sea, a traditional activity in Lenz City, can be traced back to the time when Lenz city was just established. From a certain point of view, it is a unique festival in Lenz city.

On this day, under the leadership of the government, almost every family will sail to the sea. They fight with the waves and show their tenacity. They hunt the most ferocious sea animals and show their bravery. The people who harvest the most in this activity will also be rewarded by the government. They not only have money but also honor. It can be said that it is a matter of fame and wealth.

However, such things have gradually changed with the recovery of the magic tide, because the situation at sea is more and more dangerous, and there are more and more Warcraft. At the beginning, with a variety of tools, humans can still gain the upper hand, or even harvest more. However, with the passage of time, the number of Warcraft in the sea is more and more, more and more powerful, and the situation begins to change.

The most troublesome thing is that these haunting Warcraft have affected the shipping of Lenz city. You know, as a commercial city, the goods unloaded or shipped at the wharf of Lenz city are piled up in mountains every day. Shipping is its lifeline. Of course, shipping is also the money bag of countless people in Lenz City.

Under such circumstances, the authorities of Lenz City naturally can't tolerate these sea animals, so the annual sea going activities started last year have another more important meaning besides celebration, that is to dredge the channel.

In the first year, the business alliance set up a large fleet and went deep into the sea along the channel to clean up the surrounding sea monsters. The effect was remarkable. It not only protected the safety of the channel, but also harvested many precious treasures. At that time, the extraordinary creature of deep-sea Yuanbei was discovered.

The next year, the business alliance once again set up a large fleet to clean up the channel. This time, although it barely completed the task, it suffered heavy losses, which made many people in Lenz unable to breathe.

This year is the third year. Seeing that a new rush to the sea is coming, Lenz city decided to gather more forces, especially extraordinary ones, in order to avoid heavy losses as last time, because according to the information collected, the situation in the sea has become worse over the past year.

Of course, although we know that the resistance to the sea going operation may be unprecedented, Lenz city can't and dare not give up, because if they give up cleaning the channel this year, the channel is likely to be paralyzed next year. At that time, Lenz city will suffer a devastating blow, so in order to ensure the success of this operation, After discussion, the authorities of Lenz city decided to hire a group of extraordinary people. For this reason, they are willing to provide a number of precious extraordinary resources, including the space debris and life metal needed by Sean.

In the study, after hearing Yalos Rudd's explanation, Sean fell into silence.

Both space debris and life metal are not the private property of yaros Radd. If Sean wants to get them, he can only join this sea going activity of Lenz city to help Lenz city clean up the waterway.

Of course, as one of the five permanent members of Lenz City, Yalos rad also promised Sean that he would give Sean 20 drops of space debris as a reward no matter what the result.

"50 drops of space debris, 20 kg of deep-sea copper."

After thinking for a while, Sean gave such an answer.

Hearing this, Yalos Rudd fell into silence, and Hawkins had left here long ago. This time, he was just a middleman, responsible for threading the needle, and would not participate in the specific negotiation.

As for Sean's offer, is it high? It can be said that it is high or not. It is said that it is high because in the current environment, both space debris and deep-sea copper are precious materials. It is not high because Sean himself is a fifth order combat power. In addition, Shi Maoge, the peak of the fourth order, is really worth the price. After all, although deep-sea copper is a fifth order life metal, But the quality is not excellent.

"I agreed to that, Baron Sean."

After a moment of silence, Yalos Rudd agreed to the condition. Sean's price really exceeded his previous expectations, but after he really saw Sean, he thought he was worth the price.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

When they reached an agreement, they smiled at each other, and the atmosphere in the study relaxed again.

Since he decided to participate in the sea race, Sean stayed in Lenz city in the next days. In this process, in addition to occasionally exchanging witchcraft with Hawkins and Yalos lard, Sean also had a good stroll in Lenz city.

It has to be said that Lenz city is worthy of the name of a real commercial city. Here Sean has seen many strange things, many of which come from the aborigines of the new world.

Among the many pioneering cities in the old world, Lenz city is one of the few cities that do not prohibit aborigines from entering. It adheres to the principle of absolute neutrality and looks at the problem from the perspective of a businessman.

Under such circumstances, Lenz attracted many foreign businessmen, which also created the prosperity of Lenz. It can be said that the gold coins flowing in Lenz every day are enough to converge into a river.

Of course, there are still some things hidden under this prosperity. Sean didn't go deep into it, which has little to do with him.

With the care of Yalos rad, Sean spent a happy little holiday in Lenz, and time slipped away in the process.

Gear Island, the location of a large number of factories in Lenz City, has a secret research institute belonging to Lenz city.

"How's it going? Did it work?"

In the dim light, someone asked, and there was some impatience in his voice.

"Not yet. The sample is still worse."

Beside the dissecting table, a man in a white coat who could not see his face answered casually.

Words, his hands kept moving, still dissecting the body on the balcony.

The shape of the corpse was very strange. It was barely adult. It had scales of different sizes and colors, pointed nosed monkeys, and long or short flesh whiskers. It looked like a monster.

"You guy, do you know how much money I invested and how much risk I took for this matter? Cough."

In the dim light, the man obviously couldn't accept the result. He looked so angry that he coughed violently.

"I saved you at a great cost. Is that how you repay me now?"

After a little gentle breathing, the man continued to roar.

"If you're not satisfied, you can let someone else take over my job, Senator Max Lyman."

He raised his head and straightened up. His white coat looked back at the dark place. There was a dark light in the gray pupil.