Grey dream Wonderland, dream castle, this is the headquarters of Alonso family. After the analysis of the rules of life, Sean received Fritz's invitation to come here.

"It seems that the energy of the boyx family is really not small. It can make you speak."

Shaking the gray white wine in his hand and making a bleak cry, Sean said while enjoying the slightly dark style garden of Alonso family.

Hearing this, Fritz, who was sitting aside, was not embarrassed. Instead, he said with a smile:

"No way, the other party gave too much."

Smelling the speech and glancing at Fritz, Sean sipped the liquor in the glass. The entrance was cold, and a sad scream sounded in the depths of his heart, unexpectedly smooth.

"What do they want?"

After relishing the taste of screaming nightmare, Sean asked.

"They hope that if you have a silver apple, you can sell it to them. Therefore, they can fund to build a high-quality wizard tower for you."

Looking at Sean, Fritz said the terms given by the Boix family.

Sean frowned at this.

"It seems that they have great determination."

Fritz raised his glass and motioned to Sean.

"An old guy of the Boix family is dying, but he doesn't want to die, so he made such a price."

"Old man?"

His eyes flickered, Sean had a guess in his heart, and Fritz gave the exact answer at this time.

"Archer Boix, the previous owner of the Boix family, has lived for more than 3500 years. Now he can use almost all the means to prolong his life. If he can't be promoted to a near God, he can only die."

"By the way, Claremont Boix, who wants to compete with you for the top position, is his blood."

Hearing this, Sean raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the other party was really forced.

"The old guy said that if you choose to trade Silver Apple, he can swear that he will never attack you because of his previous gratitude and resentment."

Seeing Sean's look, Fritz spoke again.

Sean smiled at this.

"If I refuse to trade?"

Hearing the speech, looking at the smile on Sean's face, Fritz's smile quietly converged and spread his hand at the same time. The meaning is self-evident.

"It's really strong. It's worthy of the truth family. Then please help me tell them that although it's a pity, I can't do this deal."

The smile did not converge, but became more brilliant. Sean gave his own answer.

Hearing this, Fritz put down his glass and looked very dignified.

"Sean, although you have been favored by the crown, there is also a crown behind the Boix family. According to the established rules, the crown will not intervene in the struggle between you. Although the Silver Apple is very good, the chips given by the Boix family are not low. You can consider it."

Staring at Sean, Fritz spoke his heart.

Hearing the speech, he shook the wine glass in his hand, and Sean shook his head.

In fact, the chips given by the Boix family are indeed not low. The construction cost of a high-quality wizard tower is equivalent to several ordinary wizard towers, which also involves many scarce materials. Although the Silver Apple is very good, it only has a certain chance to help an upper Title wizard cross that step. For Sean now, The benefit of a silver apple can't compare with a high-quality wizard tower.

It's a pity that Sean doesn't want to. At this point, he has the right to say no to many things. Unless the coronator behind Boix personally acts, no one in the Boix family can do anything about him. He incarnates as the son of the sun. With his powerful soul power, Sean can give full play to the full power of the son of the sun, which is comparable to the upper Title wizard, Even if he is willing to pay the price, even if he is close to God, Sean is not unable to kill.

"What a pity."

With a sigh, a green apple appeared in Sean's hand.

Seeing such a scene, all Fritz's words were blocked in the throat and could not be said again, because those words had lost their meaning.

"What a pity."

Staring at the green apple in Sean's hand, Fritz also sighed.

"I'll convey your meaning to the Boix family. It seems that the guy is really unlucky this time."

Looking back, Fritz uttered a sigh.

"Why? Didn't anyone get the silver apple this time?"

"A total of 45 people, including you, entered the apple paradise this time, including three in the boyx family. However, after investigation, it is basically certain that no one has obtained the silver apple. Originally, you were the most promising one, but now it seems that this time there is really no silver apple."

Leaning back in his chair, Fritz returned to his former relaxed appearance.

"It seems a pity."

Hearing the speech, his eyes flashed, and Sean sighed again.

According to the law of the opening of apple paradise, basically every time a silver Apple will be brought out, which is also the biggest driving force for wizards to enter apple paradise at a high price. However, although there is no silver apple this time, it is not the only time. It can only be said that Archer boyx is a little unlucky.

He talked about the most important things, exchanged academic views with Fritz, refused Fritz's retention, and Sean left the grey dream.

"Does he really have no silver apples?"

After Sean left, a twisted, real and illusory shadow quietly appeared beside fritz.

Sensing the appearance of the shadow, Fritz's look did not change.

"I have confirmed that the green apple is true. He should not have got the silver apple."

"Although there has been no silver apple before, the probability is very small. Do you think it is possible that the green apple in his hand is left over from the past?"

The rustle sounded, and the shadow spoke again.

Hearing this, Fritz fell into silence.

"The possibility is very small. The last time apple paradise was opened 500 years ago, it brought out a total of 13 apples, including one silver apple and 12 green apples. Each has a clear destination. By now, there should be no legacy. Moreover, Sean has a shallow foundation in the world of truth. It is difficult to find someone to exchange green apples in a short time without leaving a trace."

Shaking his head, Fritz denied the shadow's speculation.

"Unfortunately, the situation in apple paradise this time is the fog of loss. Coupled with Sean's talent, he should have the greatest chance of getting a silver apple. It's a pity."

It's a pity to say it twice. With a little rotten smell, the dark shadow disappeared quietly.

After the shadow left, Fritz sat alone in the garden for a long time without saying a word.

This time, although he nominally persuaded Sean to trade silver apple on behalf of boyx, if Sean really owned Silver Apple and chose to trade, the Alonso family would stop it and raise the price at most.

Although Sean is the patron of yemengjiade and is naturally close to Alonso family, the two sides are not one after all. When facing silver apples, Alonso family will make corresponding choices. Moreover, in the opinion of Alonso family, although Sean is level 6, he has just been promoted, and it is not efficient to eat silver apples, Staying is easy to be coveted, and he may not be able to keep it. In this case, choosing a transaction is a very good choice, which is good for both sides.

For the truth family like Alonso and Boix, the existence of the seventh order is the basis for the survival of their family, but the position of the seventh order is too high and has a natural boundary with them. It is the near gods who really determine the rise and fall of their family. There are no, several, which are very different.

But to their disappointment, Sean didn't seem to get the silver apple.