In the winter land, the ancient banyan wizard tower was not withered. Looking at Sean who suddenly visited, Leroy frowned.

"Why do you suddenly remember to take on the task of exploring the yellow sand world? Although the energy level of that world is only level 6, it involves the hell world behind it. Even with the strength of your lower title, you may fall into it accidentally. The most important thing is that the resources of that world are not so attractive to us natural wizards."

After pouring a cup of hot tea for Sean, Leroy asked, without hiding his doubts.

The reason why plane missions or different world missions are favored by many wizards is that first, the task publisher of such missions generally gives rich rewards, and second, these different worlds are likely to breed some strange things that can help wizards go further. This kind of thing may be a special resource, It may also be the inheritance of some kind of knowledge.

For the sixth level Title wizards, the second reason that attracts them more is that they participate in the plane conquest task. They hope to find some characteristics that break the limit in the different world. There are many examples in the past years. Many Title wizards go further by analogy after absorbing the details of the different world, Some even crossed the natural graben from the sixth to the seventh order.

According to the information from the yellow sand world, leluwa really doesn't understand why Sean went, and the world also involves hell. The danger is not proportional to the harvest.

You should know that although the sixth order Title wizard condenses his real name and has immortality to some extent, he is not really immortal, especially when facing the great kings of hell. You should know that hell and the truth world have collided more than once, and both sides have a deep understanding of each other.

Hearing this, he picked up his tea cup and took a sip. Sean gave the answer.

"The publisher of this exploration task is the great wizard of karonos. The task reward will change according to the degree of completion, and I am very interested in the power of space, so I want to get some advice from him."

In words, the teacup in Sean's hand suddenly shrunk countless times to the size of a grain of rice.

Seeing such a scene, leruwa's eyes narrowed. He clearly knew that Sean's reduction was not the tea cup itself, but the space around the tea cup. Although the appearance and performance of the two were similar, there were great differences in essence.

"It seems that in addition to natural science, you have great attainments in space science. In this case, you really have a reason to go."

Knowing what Sean thought, Leroy sighed.

Through Sean's performance just now, Leroy white Sean's attainments in space are indeed not shallow. At least, he has condensed the seeds of space rules, and his resolution of space rules has reached more than 10%.

"Have you really thought about it? The exploration mission, as the front of the war mission, is very dangerous, and there is the shadow of the great king of hell behind the yellow sand world."

His brow was still frowning, and Leroy began to persuade him. In his opinion, Sean was still young and there was no need to be so anxious.

The Wizards participating in the exploration mission are actually sentinels. Although they adopt the Sneak mode, the danger is actually even more dangerous than the Wizards participating in the war mission, because the war mission is that many wizards act together, and both sides set up an array, which tests the hard strength of both sides. The exploration mission is generally small-scale decentralized exploration. Once it is found, It is easy to fall into the dilemma of being besieged.

"I have a plan, Dean leruwa."

The words were neat and clean, and Sean didn't hesitate.

Sean understood Leroy's kindness, but he knew that there was not so much time left for him, and although the mission was dangerous, it was still within the scope of Sean's acceptance.

"Well, now that you have decided, I won't say anything more. What are you looking for me for this time?"

Understand that Sean has made up his mind, and Leroy won't say anything more.

"Vice President leruwa, I hope I can get some knowledge to explore the different world from you."

Without hesitation, Sean made his request.

As for the exploration of different worlds, although there are complete materials in the eternal tower, only some experienced explorers of different worlds can really master some things, and Leroy is one of them. He has participated in many different world exploration missions in his life and achieved brilliant results. He is a truly experienced adventurer of different worlds.


After taking a deep look at Sean, leruwa agreed to Sean's request. As the vice president of the natural school, leruwa still attaches great importance to Sean and is willing to help Sean in some aspects.

"The most important place to explore the different world is to avoid the consciousness of the different world. In this regard, you don't have to worry too much this time. As a tower task, the tower will provide you with corresponding shelter this time. Of course, if you have corresponding means, you'd better be prepared."

"Generally speaking, one of the most important abilities we need to master in exploring the world is imitation. When we can't master the overall situation, our most appropriate way is to integrate into the different world. Only in this way can we maximize our own security."

After sipping the hot tea, leluwa's hoarse voice echoed in the tower, telling Sean some of his experiences in exploring the different world. Without too many theories, leluwa told more useful tips, which is what Sean needs.

In fact, although Sean himself is not an experienced explorer of the different world, he is not a rookie, but Sean used to explore the world with the help of the power of the infernal gate, which reduces the difficulty of his exploration and allows him to easily integrate into the different world.

I don't know when the hot tea has quietly cooled down. In Sean's mind, Leroy stopped talking.

"Sean, there are so many experiences I can tell you. Finally, I want to remind you that you should be careful of the demons in the hell world when exploring the yellow sand world this time."

At last, Leroy's face became solemn.

Hearing this, Sean nodded. For wizards, or for the truth world, hell is an opponent that can not be underestimated. In such a long time, the Wizards of the truth world and the demons of hell have fought more than once, winning and losing.

"Sean, in addition to the twelve pillar demon gods at the top of hell, there are seventy-two great kings of hell. They all came out of the sea of corpses and blood. Each of them stood at the top of the sixth order creatures, comparable to the near gods of our wizards. This time, the great king of hell was vaguely involved behind the yellow sand world. If something really can't be done, you can choose to give up the task. Remember this It's not a shame. "

It seemed that he was worried about Sean's youth, and Leroy couldn't help telling him again.

"Vice President leruwa, let it go. I'm not a person who doesn't understand flexibility."

There was a smile on his face, Sean said.

On hearing this, Leroy also showed a smile on his face.