At night, the cold moonlight shone on the yellow sand, and the green tree caravan stopped moving again and camped and rested as usual. That is, at this time, the sound of rustling writing came quietly from the tent in the center.

"When the ambush failed, the hyenas were unwilling. They smelled the fragrance of blood and found their prey accurately again. They would come in the cold light of the cold moon. At that time, it was the early morning, when people were most sleepy, and everyone in the camp fell asleep at that moment..."

No one can control it. It seems to feel something. A white feather pen writes spontaneously and writes faster and faster. It seems that when it writes the highlights, it thinks of the spring. However, at this time, a slightly delicate palm protrudes from the darkness, grabs the feather pen, crosses it out and rewrites it.

"When the ambush failed, the hyenas were not reconciled. They smelled the fragrance of blood and found their prey accurately again, but just when they wanted to rely on their prey, a huge dust storm swept them in

Writing here, the hand holding the quill paused a little, and then continued to write.

"I don't know life or death."

When the last full stop was drawn, a sandstorm quietly formed in a place not too far away from the camp.

Hoo, the yellow oil lamp lights up. Looking at the story written by himself on the sand lizard paper, Sean looks indifferent. Originally, he intended to directly kill each other, but he knows that there is a relatively strong existence among the people who chase and kill semiya. If he wants to directly write them to death, he has a certain chance of failure. After all, 0-08 is not omnipotent.

"I still need to improve my surface strength as soon as possible. After all, I can't always use the ability of 0-08 in the future."

My mind turned and 0-08 the quill disappeared into Sean's hands.

The golden and red halo bloomed, and the flame eye with some metamorphosis vision appeared in Sean's hand. Looking at the golden and red halo interwoven flame eye, a tube of golden blood appeared in Sean's hand.

"The essence of the blood treasure lies in the extraordinary blood it absorbs. I use the blood of the son of the sun with the technology of life design drawing, which is enough to modify the foundation of the flame eye and make it degenerate, but the fifth order should be its limit."

The thought turned in his heart. Under Sean's control, the golden son of the sun's blood was intertwined with the eye of fire again.

In the face of the blood erosion of the son of the sun, the stone surface of the eye of fire cracked one after another, as if overwhelmed. However, soon these cracked cracks began to heal spontaneously. For today's scene, Sean was ready in advance and had already explored the bearing limit of the eye of fire on the blood of the son of Taiyang.

The darkness receded and the fierce sun fell on the earth again, but at this time, the people of the green tree caravan did not feel any muggy, but felt a rare warmth.

In the tent in the center of the camp, he spread out his palm and looked at the egg in his palm. It was round and full of jade luster. The outside was transparent and the inside was golden, as if there was the flame eye of a small sun. A smile appeared on Sean's face.

"The eye of the sun may be more like you now than the eye of fire."

After playing for a while, Sean put the sun's eye away. The transformed sun's eye is no longer a simple stone ball, but a gem like a golden pupil. No matter from that point of view, it is like an eye staring at you, full of examination and dignity.

"Dorigon, inform me, reduce the rest and get to bue city as soon as possible."

Setting off again, Sean gave a new order.

After receiving such instructions, the Greentree chamber of Commerce, which has been slow, finally improved its speed.

Before, Sean was not in a hurry. On the one hand, he wanted to give himself more time to understand the knowledge of the world and better play his current role. On the other hand, he wanted to improve his surface strength as much as possible. After all, in this situation, it is better for the wizard's power to be less exposed or less exposed. The shelter given by the tower also has limits.

Bue City, a city located in the endless desert, is the capital of the kingdom of Talia. It covers a vast area and is built with 131 springs as the core. Although it does not have the exquisite beauty, it is full of rugged grandeur. It looks like a crawling lion from a distance.

Wearing gold armor, the imposing golden fire cavalry opened the road. Three pairs of pure daytime horses pulled carts. Sean and semiya sat opposite each other and slowly approached the ancient city.

The golden fire cavalry is the most elite force of the royal family. Only the king is qualified to mobilize. Everyone is extraordinary. More importantly, they often represent the will of the king.

When Sean's Greentree chamber of Commerce was not close to bue City, the royal family had locked semiya's position by some means, and then they naturally found semiya. Under their escort, Sean and semiya successfully arrived at bue city. The process was very easy and did not encounter any assassination again.

"Are you ready?"

The carriage passed through the city gate, covered with shadows, and Sean asked when he looked at Semia in her best clothes.

Hearing this, she lowered her eyes, half of her cheeks were covered with shadow, half of her cheeks were illuminated by the sun, and Semia was silent.

In the Huangsha world, because of the supremacy of blood, the marriage system is very chaotic. Polygamy and polygamy are allowed. Everything is for the inheritance and prosperity of blood. Under such a system, the royal family standing at the top of the aristocracy is naturally more chaotic.

Semiya is the daughter of the three kings, but her mother is not the queen. She is favored more because of her strong talent. Of course, nine times out of ten she is assassinated because of this strong talent. You know, the succession of the throne in the Huangsha world is not just about blood, nor is there any claim of legitimate eldest son, Theoretically, all princes and daughters may inherit the throne, but now the current king has plans to remove the crown, and the competition naturally becomes fierce.

Thinking of Semia's talent and looking at the silent Semia, Sean narrowed his eyes.

To tell the truth, he only accepted semiya as his own student because he needed semiya as a springboard, and he didn't intend to really teach semiya as his own student. As for the so-called talent, he didn't pay much attention to it, because he himself was a genius, but after analyzing semiya's blood, his mind changed a bit.

Semiya's talent is very strong, which is stronger than his expectation. The blood person in the yellow sand world can undergo six transformations to achieve the goal of being comparable to the sixth order transcendence, and semiya is a natural blood person with six transformations.

In other words, Semia's body actually has a sixth order power. Of course, this power is still in the seal. According to Sean's research, this seal is not left by outsiders, but a seal of Semia's own instinct and a protection for herself. After all, too young body and mind carry too powerful power, It often brings tragedy.

In fact, any blood person, except those lineages of the blood source, no matter what kind of powerful blood he has, will not show too high intensity at the time of initial awakening. Even the blood also needs a process of slow maturity. Similarly, extraordinary people also need a process of adaptation so that the body and soul can match the power brought by the blood, Unlike semiya, the blood in her body naturally reached the sixth level. She was like the next generation of offspring from the source of blood. The only difference was that she only inherited the power of blood and did not inherit the corresponding constitution and soul.

"Teacher, I'm ready."

The carriage passed through the city gate, the shadow dissipated, the golden sun fell, and semiya's exquisite little face showed a bright smile, like an elf in the sun.