In the sea area, the wind is howling on the sea, and the stars are shining under the sea.

After annexing the East China Sea rigid alliance, Sean turned it into the zongmen residence of the stargazing Pavilion. First, it has been operated by the East China Sea rigid Alliance for a long time, and all conditions are very appropriate. Second, it has very valuable resources, which is itself a super large resource point.

Of course, in order to enhance his control, Sean also made some changes to this station, the most obvious place is the Gu array.

There are two special paths in the Gu world. One is the path of change, which talks about a path of change, and the other is the array path, which talks about a path containing ten thousand paths. As long as you prepare in advance, the array path can integrate the forces of different paths.

Although Sean has been in contact with the array, he is not proficient in it. However, Donghai rigid alliance itself has a seven turn Gu Xian array that is good at array. With his help, Sean established the Star River Gu array and turned the Yin Feng sea area into a star sea.

The Star River Gu array is mainly based on a large number of star fireflies. Its power is actually not strong, even weaker than the Gu array established before the East China Sea rigid alliance, but the Gu array itself is actually only an auxiliary. Its core is the fairy Gu house of the star viewing Pavilion. Once this Fairy Gu house acts as the array eye, the Star River Gu array can play a terrible power, Comparable to the first-class eight turn Gu array, it is the real sect foundation.

"This inheritance has some meaning."

In the stargazing Pavilion, looking at the inheritance of the changing Tao in his hand, Sean was thoughtful.

After annexing the rigid alliance in the East China Sea, Sean stopped for a while and didn't work hard. He went to the other four regions, followed the cat and drew the tiger, and closed down the rigid Alliance forces there for his own use, because this itself is actually a taboo thing.

During this time, the change of the rigid alliance in the East China Sea has caused uneasiness among other forces in the East China Sea. This is still because there are mostly scattered people in the East China Sea and the strength of super forces is limited. Otherwise, they will not wait and see, but intervene directly. Once Sean does the same thing in the other four domains, I'm afraid they will be hit by those big forces at the first time.

Of course, in the final analysis, Sean's own strength is worse. The later the Gu fairy goes, the greater the gap between them. In the eight turns, Sean's Fairy Gu and killing moves are not bad, even first-class, but his own accumulation is worse than one chip.

For Gu Xian, fairy Gu, sect realm and Taoist trace are the most important three points. Fairy Gu is the foundation and the foundation of Gu Xian's strength. The sect realm is the pillar. The higher the realm, the more Gu Xian has an advantage in the deduction of refining Gu, using Gu and killing moves. Each nine turn Gu Xian is the Supreme Master of the corresponding sect. The Taoist trace is brick and tile, and the more Taoist traces, By the same means, the more powerful Gu Xian can show.

Sean is not bad in the two aspects of fairy Gu and genre realm. He even occupies a certain advantage in the same level, but Sean is a lot worse in the accumulation of Taoist traces.

The trace of Gu Xian mainly comes from crossing the disaster. On average, each local disaster can add about 250 trace for Gu Xian, 750 trace per day, 7250 trace per catastrophe and 86750 trace per 10000 disasters.

Of course, this data is only the average data. Generally speaking, the better the operation of the blessed land and the stronger the heritage, the stronger the disaster will be, and the more road marks will be added after passing. Although Sean's foundation of the blessed land is not bad, because he has not been carefully operated and has been robbed for many times, the number of road marks added in the end is not much, So far, Sean's strongest wooden track has only 50000 track marks.

Among the new eight turns, the number of 50000 tracks is above the average, but it is excellent at most, and it is by no means the top. Moreover, the eight turns Gu Xian spends havoc and ten thousand disasters. His strength will increase greatly every time he passes through a disaster. With his mysterious killing moves, Sean can overcome the ordinary eight turns, but he is not sure about the eight turns that pass a ten thousand disasters, After all, the number of Taoist traces possessed by Gu Xian, who had survived a thousand robberies, was nearly 200000, which brought a terrible increase.

In fact, the most intuitive embodiment of this aspect is the fairy insect house. The reason why the fairy insect house is powerful is that it is an aggregate composed of a large number of fan Gu and fairy Gu. It has a terrible number of Taoist traces, which is far higher than the same level of Gu Xian, and can make one force play a two-point effect.

"For me now, the most important thing is to increase the number of track marks as soon as possible, which is not only very important for me now, but also for my noumenon."

Putting down the inheritance of the changing Tao, Sean thought about the next direction.

Tao trace is a manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth, or it itself is a chaotic, semi materialized and unsystematic rules of heaven and earth. However, although it is in a state of chaos, the increase of Tao trace is still conducive to Sean's analysis of the power of rules.

Moreover, when the number of Taoist traces increases to a certain limit, and then complete their integration to make them from chaos to order, the strength of Gu Xian will usher in qualitative change. Sean guesses that this may be the key to the promotion of eight turn Gu Xian to nine turn. The reason why he makes such a guess is mainly due to the difference between the wizard road and the Gu Xian Road.

The seventh order wizards and the nine turn Gu immortals have something in common in essence, that is, they all master the power of rules, or Tao.

6、 The Gu immortals of seven or eight turns need to constantly cross the robberies and accumulate Taoist traces, and improve their own school realm to finally ascend to nine turns, while the Wizards of level six need to constantly analyze the rules, and finally master the power of complete rules to ascend to level seven.

The ultimate goal of the two is actually the same, but there are differences in the way they go. Gu Xian first ignores the structure, imprints all the rules on himself, and finally integrates. The wizard pays attention to the structure from the beginning and moves forward step by step.

To some extent, the road of the demagogue is a shortcut. As long as we continue to cross the robbery, we can continuously accumulate road traces, and then impact nine turns. The road of the wizard is the Yangguan road. The victory is steady, but the progress is relatively slow. It can be said that they have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Although it is very difficult for a wizard to be promoted to the seventh level or for a Gu Xian to impact the ninth turn, generally speaking, it is easier for a wizard to be promoted to the seventh level than for a Gu Xian to impact the ninth turn, because a wizard pays attention to the framework of the power of rules from the beginning. The last step is to improve the structure and sublimate, while a Gu Xian is to shape a framework from scratch, Integrate a large number of traces to make them a complete rule or.

Although it is said that there are different environmental differences between the two worlds, the fact that less than ten nine turns have occurred in the Gu world for millions of years is also a strong evidence of this statement.

Although it is very difficult and dangerous to cross the robbery after six turns on the road of Gu Xian, there are always some Gu Xian with deep opportunities and superior means in history. Even they can complete the leap from six to eight turns at a very fast speed, but they are basically the last step, and only a few of them can cross the past, which can be seen in its difficulty.

"For me at present, the easiest way to increase the number of tracks is to cross the road, but the power of the number of tracks after eight turns can not be underestimated. Even for me, the same is true. It is unrealistic to cross the road continuously, and it is OK to say the disaster, but I am not sure about the power of the ten thousand disasters with my accumulation now. For me now, I'd better use other methods to increase the number of tracks, so After that, the best choice is to go through the robbery in turn. "

His eyes flickered, and Sean thought about the pros and cons.

The road of the Gu master in the Gu world has been developed to a relatively complete level. In addition to the robbery, the Gu immortals have also come up with some other ways to increase the Taoist trace. The most common way is to use the immortal Gu, such as the hard-working immortal Gu, which can increase the Taoist trace for the Gu fairy by swallowing the fruit of the meat tree, such as the Jianmei immortal Gu in Jiandao, It can engrave a trace on the eyebrows of Gu Xian.

However, most of these immortal insects and means are kept secret by Gu Xian. Generally, only real big forces can master them. Although Sean swallowed the East China Sea rigid alliance, he did not find the corresponding means. In the final analysis, the East China Sea rigid alliance is just the product of some poor people holding together for warmth. Xian Jiang, who joined the East China Sea rigid alliance, is a member of San Xiu and a small family.

"Your Excellency, there is news about the place you are looking for."

The stars twinkled, and the virtual shadow of Shi Zhongyu appeared in front of Sean. As the first Xianjiang to join the star viewing Pavilion, Shi Zhongyu was only a six turn, but because he was a rare channel Gu fairy, he received certain preferential treatment and stayed with Sean to work.

Sean's eyes lit up when he heard this.