Roar, the painful dragon sound sounded, with Sean's true spirit mark as the main battlefield. The dragon of the world, the snake of the ring of food and the tree of life fought life and death. With the passage of time, the tragic breath gradually shrouded the whole illusory yuclair and interfered with the outside world.

The hot dragon blood scattered from nothingness and left indelible traces in chaos. The roots of life trees intertwined with each other and gathered into guns, penetrating the dragon body of the dragon of the world.

The snake's tail is broken, and the suddenly broken space is like an invisible huge mouth, which bites off the snake's tail and makes him unavoidable.

The branches and leaves wither and the time is taken away. Even if it has vigorous sea like vitality as a supplement, it can not be completely restored.

"Not enough, not enough."

The consciousness is detached from the outside. I don't know how many times I have fought. The world dragon, the snake of the ring of food and the tree of life have been covered with scars. There is a deep and palpitating cold in Sean's eyes.

Permission release. At this moment, Sean took the initiative to release his control over the true spirit and added more permission to the three monsters of the world dragon.

That is, at this time, a more tragic fight began. I felt such a change. Out of the instinct of regular objects, the dragon of the world, the snake of the ring and the tree of life changed at the same time. At one time, the sea of life evolved, the space black hole took shape and the time storm was born.

Time goes by unconsciously. Many years have passed in the mark of the true spirit. At a certain moment, the cry of the dragon and the cry of the snake sound at the same time, and the almost collapsed body falls from nothingness. At this moment, the upper body of the life tree on the other side has completely disappeared, and only a half withered and half glorious tree root still exists.

"It's time to close the net."

Looking at the dragon of the world, the snake of the ring and the tree of life who have suffered heavy losses but still struggle to continue to fight, Sean's consciousness gathered and began to close his control over the true spirit.

Boom, the black and red lightning symbolizing punishment breed in chaos. Under Sean's control, they turn into chains to firmly lock the three monsters of the world dragon.

Strength burst out, and the brilliance of time, space and life were displayed at the same time. In the face of the constraints imposed by Sean, whether it is the dragon of the world, the snake of the ring of food or the tree of life, they are unwilling to be caught and instinctively struggle. At this moment, although their essence is still the same, they have been severely damaged and their strength has been greatly damaged.

Roar, the unwilling roar echoed in the chaos and spread far and far. When the chains of black and red lightning were continuously closed, the crippled world dragon, ring eating snake and tree of life were getting closer and closer. At this moment, all their struggles became futile.

At the same time, in the real yuclair, Sean had been highly alienated and gave birth to a body with three heads and three sides, which was almost divided into three, and finally stabilized again.

The tree man's body, the dragon's wings and the snake's fine scales. At this moment, although Sean's image is still strange, it does not seem messy. The most important thing is that although Sean's head has snake hair symbolizing time, dragon horn symbolizing space and emerald pupil symbolizing life, his overall face is still close to Sean's real face and is still a human form, Not dragons or snakes.

Hum, the change of the true spirit world, the dragon of the world, the snake of the ring and the tree of life finally converged under Sean's forced restraint. That is, at this time, an invisible force came and began to repair the injuries of the three.

The tree of life sprouts again, and the dead trunk automatically separates from the old and gives birth to a new one. Before long, a new life tree is born again. Compared with the original life tree, although this life tree is inferior in size, it is intact.

Roar, the black and red lightning shines. Under Sean's punishment, he sends out a cry full of pain and unwilling, spreads out his broken wings, and the dragon of the world flies up to the crown of the tree of life. Taking this as the dragon's nest, he stops.

At the same time, the cold snake sounded, with a broken gray scale. The ring eating snake wrapped around the trunk of the tree of life. The head and tail were connected. The two black lines on the head and tail coincided. The thirteen lines of the whole body became twelve at this moment, and an endless breath of time cycle was quietly born.

The tree of life is rooted and chaotic, the dragon of the world lies high in the crown of the tree, and the ring eating snake sleeps under the tree. Just as in the beginning, the only difference is that the black and red lightning swims between the three like living creatures, both warning and threat.

These black and red lightning essence is the manifestation of Sean's consciousness. He naturally has the greatest authority in the true spiritual mark.

Consciousness gathered. Looking at the completely quiet tree of life, the dragon of the world and the snake of eating rings, Sean breathed a sigh of relief. The most critical and important step in this promotion was finally completed.

After completing this step, we only need to wait patiently and polish carefully, and everything will come naturally. Of course, Sean will not be careless, because he clearly knows that the current peace is only an appearance, and the conflicts between the world dragon, the ring eating snake and the tree of life have not been resolved at all, Now it is just suppressed by him. Once there is any mistake, when the three recover their vitality, they will immediately bite back and break the illusory calm.

The mastery of rules in the seventh level is generally divided into three steps: accommodation, digestion and reconstruction. After walking, you can try to melt more than three heterogeneous rules to cast your own power, or try to sublimate a rule to open the door to the eighth level.

Because of the special road, with the help of the existence of magic patterns, magicians directly carry the rules, complete the digestion of the rules, cast their own body of rules, and cross the first step to the second step.

The only way for Sean to really solve the conflict between the dragon of the world and the three rules is to go to the third step, complete the reconstruction of the rules, put my mark in the rules, and truly turn the rules into his own.

Only by reaching this step can the great life of the seventh order truly tame the power of rules and erase the "wild" of the power of rules. In fact, in the wizard Road, most of the seventh order wizards will first specialize in the power of rules, and then push it to the third step. After completing the reconstruction of rules, they will seek the second rule, In order to reduce the conflict between rules.

However, in fact, doing so is more of a last resort. The real difficulty and danger are not lower than the three rules of fellow practitioners, or even exceed them, because by that time, the original rule has been deeply rooted. Even if the wild nature is removed, the pressure on the latecomers is inevitable, which will affect all aspects of wizards, Moreover, the life span of seventh order wizards is not eternal. The only significant advantage of this method is that the threshold is much lower than many rules of fellow practitioners.

"Then you need to wait patiently."

Consciousness gathered and looked at the fragmented chaos. Sean sighed. This is the price he needs to pay for temporarily taming the power of the three rules.

In order to make the dragon of the world hurt all three, Sean let them fight with each other, and even opened more permissions to the real spirit world, which made them not only hurt each other, but also cause more damage to the real spirit world, and these damage essentially fell on Sean's real spirit.

For the great life of the seventh order, it is not surprising that the means of limb regeneration or even blood drop regeneration are not worried about them. What really bothers them is the injury branded on the true spirit, which shakes their foundation. Moreover, this injury is very difficult to recover and often takes time to polish.

"But it's all worth it."

Take back his eyes, Sean's consciousness is silent, only the black and red lightning still shines in the chaos.

At the same time, he controls the three rules. As long as he completes the reconstruction of the rules, Sean will cast the prototype of his power. As long as he completes the final smelting, he will really step into the threshold of the eighth level. Compared with the later convenience, this damage is not worth mentioning at present.