When the learning team of the kingdom of Sirte arrived at LVYE City, an invisible wave quietly rose. The center is whether they should be exposed to magic drugs above level 5.

On this issue, the debate within the Agricultural Association of the Duchy of emerald is not small. Even most people believe that the magic medicine of the fifth order divine asylum should not be opened to the outside world. However, this is normal. After all, people are selfish. Opening to the outside world will affect their interests and weaken their advantages. However, no matter how strong the opposition is, the result of this matter has long been doomed.

While Greenfield city became lively because of the learning team of the kingdom of Sirte, in the depths of the endless void and where the world tree took root, a sense of terror quietly woke up from the deep sleep.

At the top of the world tree, in the yuclair, the smell of chaos pervades here.

It is neither black nor white. In the depths of chaos, a tall figure is like a shadow, with towering heads and corners. The sharp dragon horn seems to penetrate the space. The snake hair dances gently, as if it was blown by the wind, and the scales are gray. The dense snake scales cover the whole body, as if burning the traces of time. A pair of broad silver and white dragon wings are carried behind, and the four sides are shrouded in it.

Compared with the past, Sean's breath is stable and there is no disharmony.

Bang bang, the heart beat, like the real vitality flowing in Sean's body. Open your eyes, the green brilliance broke the chaos like a column of light.

"Finally stabilized."

The vivid color appeared in the emerald pupil, and Sean's silent thought began to revive. At this moment, in his true spiritual image, a tall tree of life took root in chaos, a silver dragon lay in the crown, and a gray snake slept under the tree end to end.

The three seem to be one, but in fact they are independent. Although they are on guard against each other, they maintain restraint and have no conflict. This is the result of Sean's deep sleep for so long.

The body of rules is stable, and the forces of time rules, space rules and life rules move in Sean's body at the same time. When these three forces produce a short intersection, a breath belonging to the pioneer looms on Sean's body of rules. At this moment, Sean seems to be able to open up a world and create all things.

"Pioneer power."

Reaching out, Sean's gray scaly claws seemed to grasp something.

"Now is not the time."

The emerald pupil reflected chaos, and Sean silently released his hand. At this moment, the power of the three rules that briefly intersected in his body returned to the state that the well water did not violate the river water again.

At the same time, at the moment when Sean firmly established the body of rules and completely stepped into the seventh threshold, some subtle changes began to occur, especially the devil fruit tree.

The devil fruit tree, now the world tree, is Sean's extraordinary foundation. His characteristics affect Sean, but on the contrary, when Sean is strong to a certain extent, Sean's characteristics will also affect him.

The most obvious manifestation is that the power nature of the devil fruit has fundamentally deflected and completely fell to the magic side. At this moment, according to the different devil fruits, one virtual magic pattern after another was born inside the devil fruit and became the source of the power of the devil fruit.

"Interesting change."

Feeling something in his heart, Sean converged his strength and showed his human posture. He reached out and grabbed two strange fruits from the chaos of yuclair, one like a pink peach and the other like a gray walnut.

He looked at the two fruits in his hand and felt their changes carefully. Sean was thoughtful.

These two fruits are the retrogressive fruit of the seventh order superhuman system and the barrier fruit of the seventh order superhuman system. One belongs to time and the other belongs to space. They are substitutes prepared by Sean for the fruit of time and the fruit of door and door. However, things are progressing very smoothly. These two substitutes are not used. During Sean's sleeping years, These two fruits also began to further degenerate.

"Before, I could absorb the power of demon fruit and turn it into my own witchcraft, but now it's magic."

The thought in his heart turned, and the power of the retrogressive fruit and barrier fruit was easily absorbed by Sean.

The light and shadow are distorted and the fruit is shriveled. Under Sean's gaze, the retrogressive fruit and barrier fruit turn into fly ash and disappear at the same time. At the same time, two new magic surges into Sean's deep consciousness. They are the seventh order time magic · retrogressive fire and the seventh order space magic · absolute barrier.

"Time is the seventh order magic pattern · the past, and space is the seventh order magic pattern · folding?"

Sean's eyebrows were slightly raised when he felt the newly born magic patterns in his body.

After absorbing the power of the fruit, the retrogressive fruit and the barrier have brought Sean a small magic pattern combination. They represent time magic, retrogressive fire and space magic, absolute barrier. However, for Sean, the two new seventh order magic are good, but what really makes him excited is the two seventh order magic patterns of the past and folding contained in the two magic.

With these two new seven order magic patterns, Sean is entirely possible to push more seven order magic, which is the real embodiment of their value.

You should know that so far Sean has only three seven order magic patterns, namely time, space and life. Although the past and folding magic patterns are still semi illusory and need to be further improved if they want to be used, their structures are complete and only need to be filled with power, It's not difficult for Sean.

Hoo, the power surged, and one magic pattern after another was lit up, as if instinctively. An illusory gray flame appeared in Sean's hand. It was burning, but it didn't move, as if it was still.

Time was solidified, and everything in the past became gray. Looking at the illusory gray flame in his hand, Sean's blue pupils flashed a strange brilliance.

The magic transformed by absorbing the devil's fruit is engraved into his life instinct, which can be urged between thoughts and movements. At this moment, although the retrogressive fire in his hand is illusory, the profound meaning contained therein is complete.

"So it is."

The gray flame was reflected in the blue pupils, and the power of time began to move in Sean's body.

Hoo, the flames are moving, and the retrogressive fire is no longer the calm posture before. I don't know how long later, the illusion retreats, and a sense of reality is born on the retrogressive fire.

The flame burned, playing with the real backward fire in his hand, and a smile appeared on Sean's face.

After insight into the principle of retrogressive fire, Sean replaced the illusory seventh order past magic pattern with the complete seventh order time magic pattern, and reconstructed the magic pattern combination representing retrogressive fire.

The past magic pattern itself is a branch of the time magic pattern. Theoretically speaking, Sean, who controls the time magic pattern, even if he does not master the past magic pattern, may also display the seven order magic of retrogressive fire, and the fact is true.

"The magic pattern of time is wide and broad, involving all aspects of the rules of time, including the past, the present and the future. The magic pattern of the past is specialized and refined. Although the power limit is more strict, the depth involved in the corresponding aspects is not easily comparable to the wide magic pattern of time."

"Time magic pattern can replace the past magic pattern to reproduce the seventh level magic of retrogressive fire, but both the power consumed and the effect of casting are not satisfactory. Generally speaking, the gain is not worth the loss."

His fingers closed and extinguished the fire of retrogression, which was obviously dimmed. Sean looked indifferent.

Similar to the magic pattern in the past, the folding magic pattern is also a branch of the space magic pattern. The essence of the absolute barrier magic is to fold up the space layer after layer, and finally build a strong barrier.

Of course, as an important branch of space magic patterns, the power of folding magic patterns can not only be used to shape barriers, but also has a wide range of applications, such as folding a huge space and finally turning it into dust.

"It's time to go out and have a look."

One step out, the space portal opens automatically, and Sean's figure disappears.