Boya world is a decade in a flash. In this year, the last flood king among the twelve kings of natural disasters was born. At the time of its birth, it manifested the posture of gods and demons, incarnated as black scale python, corroded a huge hole in the sky, led endless floods into Boya world, and wanted to drown the whole world.

After that, although many true gods in the temples stopped him from setting off floods to inundate the world and made up for the emptiness of the sky with great power, since then, the natural environment of Boya world has undergone extreme changes again. Previously, due to the action of the king of drought, Boya world as a whole has fallen into drought for decades, but now there is continuous heavy rain all over the world, Frequent floods have gone to the other extreme.

In the process of alternating droughts and floods and extreme changes in the world environment, other kings of natural disasters have also made many moves, especially the king of plague, who has been chased and killed by many true gods and has been hidden for a long time, has taken this rare opportunity to spread plague and create black terror all over the world. For a time, the human groups in the Boya world seem more and more unstable.

The extreme north is the pole of the liberal arts world. It is covered with ice and snow all year round, and living creatures are extinct. Not to mention ordinary life, even ordinary extraordinary life can not survive in such an extreme environment. If you approach it rashly, you will only end up as an ice sculpture.

Crunching, the sound of snow being squeezed sounded. Between the wind and snow, a line of people wearing thin clothes, only coarse linen clothes and barefoot stepped on this eternal frozen soil. There were 120 people in total, all of whom were bitter monks belonging to the doomsday church.

The extreme cold shrouded, the extraordinary force fell into a stagnant state, withstood the biting cold wind, measured the earth with their feet, and the party walked towards the depths of the far north.

Across the valley and over the mountains, their number has been sharply reduced from 120 to 12. In fact, they did not encounter unexpected dangers in this process. Even the legendary creatures such as frost giant and ice dragon, which were expected to appear, did not show any trace, and all the dead people were frozen to death.

This frozen soil is under the polar day. Whenever they stop to rest, they may not be able to sleep. Some people even narrow their eyes because of sleepiness during walking, and then fall into deep sleep. This is the cruelty of this land.

"Archbishop, how far are we going?"

The glittering snowflakes fall, the cold wind is still howling, watching his companions unable to sleep one by one. When the extraordinary force falls into silence, he can only measure the earth with a mortal body and can not see the slightest hope, even after many hardships, the bitter friars who are sincere in faith inevitably waver in their faith.


Without looking back, he kept walking. The old man called Archbishop walked very hard, but he was very firm.

"Archbishop, can we really see the king of ice disaster?"

I don't know how long later, another voice with doubt sounded, and at this time, there were only five of the original 12 person team.

"Of course."

Concise and comprehensive, even if the front has been shrouded in wind and snow and can't distinguish the direction, the Archbishop's eyes are still firm as before without half a shake.

The wind and snow intertwined. Under the leadership of the archbishop, the only five bitter monks of the doomsday church continued to move forward. At this time, although the sky was as bright as day, they could not see their way forward.

I don't know when the other four bitter monks in the team were swallowed by the wind and snow, leaving the Archbishop alone.

"Can I really see the king of ice disaster?"

Walking to the top of a lonely mountain and looking at the abyss in front of him, the Archbishop couldn't help thinking, because there was no way ahead.

At the moment of this idea, the white frost spread upward from the soles of the Bishop's feet, freezing his long numb body.

"No, the king of natural disasters is the only true God. He is everywhere. All these hardships are just tests."

The vacillation in his heart was cut off. At this moment, the Archbishop's original clear mind erased the last trace of impurities and sprouted a layer of sacred brilliance, pure and sincere, without any pollution.

Covered with frost and flowers, the archbishop, like 119 people before him, also became a part of the permafrost. He died and died in the cold of the far north, but at the next moment, the Archbishop's soul came out of his flesh.

The cold wind, frost and snow can not be added to the body. He abandoned his body and stood on the frozen soil as a soul. The Archbishop felt the only relaxation before. He became an extremely rare Holy Spirit. At this moment, the cold that can freeze the souls of others on the frozen soil can no longer hinder his steps.

With one step, his heart was unprecedentedly firm. A cold path spontaneously spread under the Archbishop's feet, allowing him to easily get through the abyss.

The cold in the far north is only a representation, and the inner despair is the real fatal factor. As long as there is any inner shaking, the cold here will be difficult to resist. It will freeze your soul and body from inside to outside, which is difficult to completely eliminate even the seventh order great existence.

It is precisely because of this that the far north will really become the forbidden zone of life. Even legendary creatures such as ice dragon and frost giant who inherit wind and snow will not really live in the far north. At most, they occasionally collect some resources, and they are still on the periphery. However, different from the Holy Spirit, their hearts are sincere and pure, related to their gods, and their thoughts will be more firm than ever.

The figure was swallowed by the wind and snow. In a trance, the Archbishop who achieved the Holy Spirit came to the depths of the far north, and a big iceberg came into his eyes.

"My Lord."

Looking up at the big iceberg, looking at the bird face and human body inside, carrying his wings, wrapped around a green snake, his eyes closed, like the shadow of a sleeping God and devil, the Archbishop could hardly hide his excitement and knelt to the ground.

"My Lord, you are the only true God. The tricks of the despicable are only temporary obstacles. They will eventually fall into the abyss and kneel under your throne."

Understand the state of the king of ice disaster at this time, a blazing flame burned in the Archbishop's eyes.

"My Lord, you are the ruler of the natural disaster. You will finally complete the judgment of the world, wash all filth and build an ideal country."

A pure and pure holy fire was born in the heart of the archbishop and spread rapidly. He lit himself.

The holy fire rises wantonly. Even if the essence of life is burning, the archbishop is fearless. Under the support of the holy fire, he is like a holy man.

At the same time, with him as the anchor, the power of faith came together, running like the sea, as if there was no end.

"King of natural disasters, you are the only true God."

"King of the scourge, please judge this sinner."

"King of natural disasters, I want to continue to live."

Natural disasters are rampant and people want to change. Taking this opportunity, the doomsday church has widely spread its teachings in the name of natural disasters and gathered a large number of beliefs. Now these beliefs have gathered around the archbishop.

Faith is like oil. The original blazing holy fire is more and more publicized, and the whole iceberg is swallowed in an instant. In this process, the seal left by the Lord of the sky, the eighth order Lord God, has also loosened. It has to be said that faith is a magical force, which can often turn the impossible into the possibility.

With himself as the wick, burning everything, feeling such a change, the Archbishop showed a happy smile on his illusory spirit.