Boya world, the source sea, has bright stars. With the continuous recovery of the magic tide, this starry sky is more and more brilliant, highlighting the strength of Boya world.

Hum, the void fluctuates, all traces are covered, and thirteen vague figures quietly appear in the starry sky, most of which maintain the shape of gods and demons. It is the twelve kings of natural disasters and Uranus, the Lord of the sky, who have disappeared for a long time.

As the top eighth order world, the source sea of Boya world has extremely strong protection ability. It is difficult for external life to enter it, even the seventh order, but this situation has been changed today.

"Ha ha, let's start. I can't wait to see the panic of those gods."

He smiled wildly, burning red flames all over, thinking about what was going to happen, and the king of drought was excited all over his face.

"Gee, I'm looking forward to hearing what you said about the drought."

Hearing the speech, the king of plague, who looked like a black dog, had red eyes and an unknown smell all over, also spoke.

For a time, many kings of natural disasters spoke one after another, and the scene seemed very noisy. During this time, they were forced to hide, and they had long been impatient. Moreover, they were born against the gods. For those gods who were high above, seemed smart and wanted to use them as knives, but were as stupid as pigs, they had long cherished the intention of killing, but they had been patient because of the great disparity of strength.

In the view of the king of the twelve natural disasters, those who were born to integrate some of the world's origins and are almost immortal are the real gods in the liberal world. Those gods who live in the starry sky and sit high on the throne are just false gods who steal the name of the real God.

"Well, prepare yourself. It's not too late to show such a manic attitude after the plan is really successful."

As like as two peas, the king of the earth disaster, the desolate master, spoke out of the cold, female voice, and unlike other kings of the natural disaster, who had manifested themselves as gods and spirits, he maintained the human attitude and looked exactly like the mother earth God of the past, but the temperament was quite different.

Although the voice of the barren mistress was not loud, the other kings of natural disasters immediately calmed down no matter what they thought. There is only one reason why this situation occurs, that is, the barren mistress is stronger than all of them and is the only eight rank among them.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Uranus, the silent Lord of the sky, spoke.

Hearing the speech, the kings of natural disasters did not act. They turned their eyes to the barren mistress.

"Let's go."

She looked indifferent and felt the gaze of the other kings of natural disasters. The barren mistress spoke again, and this time the other kings of natural disasters immediately moved.

Hum, the king of natural disasters is divided into various parties, surging with strength to communicate the origin of the Boya world with his own strength. For a moment, all kinds of brilliance appear in the origin sea of the Boya world, forming strange scenes one after another.

In the depths of time and space, the ancient giant lies across the void. Lightning gathers into an ocean around him. Every breath and breath can set off rolling thunderstorms. Within the giant's divine body, the newly opened world of yuclair is slowly growing.

Because it has just been opened up, most of the area of yuclair is still desolate, and the rich vitality is hidden. Only the sacred mountain transformed by Sean's spine flows like a real sacred glory, rendering it like the residence of the gods.

At the top of Shenshan mountain, an ancient tea tree with qiujie branches is huffing and puffing Shenhui. When the wind blows, it has its own miracles. The tea that reveals all kinds of wonders flows with a mysterious sound of rules.

Not far away from this ancient tea tree, a young golden apple tree is trying to grow. It is surrounded by bright golden light. Although it is still young, it has been exposed.

On the other side of the mountain, a small green and golden tree no more than ten meters high took root in the exposed rocks, took the initiative to attract the thunder above the sky, bathed in the thunder and grew, which was also extraordinary.

In addition to these three extraordinary gods, there are many magic plants on the top of the mountain. These are Sean's handwriting. The higher the level of magic plants, the more picky about the growth environment. In the past, Sean didn't have a suitable place to place these magic plants. Now this newly opened world is just right.

A little conscious, taking care of his own medicine garden, Sean suddenly felt a sense.

Looking up at the sky, across time and space, Sean wanted to see something, but all he could see was a fog.

With a slight frown, the shadow of the long river of fate was directly pulled out by Sean.

"The vortex of fate is taking shape, and major events affecting the future direction of Boya world are happening."

Looking at the ever grumpy river of fate, Sean's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly, shrouded in the fog of fate. Although he could see some directions, he could not know what had happened.

His eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the ups and downs of fate, Sean had a decision in his heart.

"Eternal spirit, pass on your power."

Words, Sean stirred the rules of fate, he would forcibly break through the fog and spy on the truth, but his strength was insufficient.

"Yes, master."

Hearing the speech, the eternal spirit immediately took action. The next moment, the most powerful thunder power burst out, and directly broke through the fog of fate along Sean's guidance.

At the same time, there are many visions in the source sea of the Boya world. With the help of his own particularity, the king of the twelve natural disasters has locked the source of the Boya world, which is the real foundation of the Boya world. Only the eighth order world can condense the source.

"Finally came out."

Looking at a huge shadow emerging from the depths of the starry sky, a hot color flashed in the eyes of Uranus, the Lord of the sky.

That is, at this time, the thunder exploded, broke through many obstacles, and made a thunder eye manifest in the source sea. Its eyes were indifferent, just like the eyes of heaven.

"Huh? Thunder dominates power? Tara hill?"

At the moment when the thunder eyes manifest, Uranus immediately felt something in his heart.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Uranus was not slow at all. At the same time, the barren mistress also made a corresponding response.

The power of the sky and the earth intertwined, and the eyes of thunder were erased in an instant.

"Discovered, is this the returning giant ancestor?"

He took back his strength. The look of the barren mother was a little ugly. He found that after he mastered the power of the eighth order, he seemed to encounter some kind of curse. Everything was not going well. This layout has been made for a long time and made a variety of masks. There are still twists and turns related to the future of the king of natural disasters.

Hearing this, although his face was not obvious, Uranus also felt a little heavy in his heart. For this matter, he looked more important than the king of the twelve natural disasters. He would never allow failure. It has paid too much and waited too long for the implementation of this plan.

If he fails this time, he is not sure whether he has confidence to wait for the next opportunity.

"It should be, but it doesn't matter. What we have to do now is to carry out our plan. Now it's too late for them to stop it."

Looking at the barren mother, the strength in Uranus began to recover.

Smelling the speech, he nodded, and the barren mother also began to use all her strength.

Every king of natural disasters in this plan is essential, because only when the twelve natural disasters gather together, can they lock in the source of Boya world, but the real main force is still Uranus and himself. Only when the sky and land power can intersect, can they shake the source of Boya world.

The world of yuklar, on the sacred mountain, drew back his eyes. Sean fell into meditation. Although it was only a glance, what he saw was enough to shake his mind.

"The Lord of the sky Uranus really has a problem. Who would have thought that as one of the leaders of the gods, he would come together with the king of natural disaster, but this can also explain why the sealed king of ice disaster got out of trouble so easily."

"Is the power of the earth the mother earth God? The breath is wrong. It should be the king of natural disasters. Although it is incredible, from the current results, the king of natural disasters · barren mother should use some way to steal the power of the mother earth God, or even replace the mother earth God."

In this moment, Sean thought a lot.

"The gathering of the twelve kings of natural disasters can lock in the source of the liberal world, which I'm afraid many people can't think of."

"It's crazy for them to want to shake the big source of the Boya world, and they are not afraid to be eaten to death by the world. However, it seems not impossible to shake the big source because the sky and the great land power can gather together, coupled with the particularity of the twelve natural disasters."

"So what should I do? Try to stop or..."

Thinking of the consequences of Dayuan being shaken, Sean deduced all kinds of possibilities.

"If you try your best to stop it, you may succeed, but it's better for me to let it go."

"I wanted to be quiet for a while, but now it's time to move."

The idea in his heart was outlined and shaped, and Sean made a decision.

"Eternal spirit, prepare for the transition. Let's go to the source sea of Boya world."

With the decision, Sean immediately gave the order.

Hearing the speech, the silent eternal boat began to recover, and its scattered divine power made the void tremble.