The passage of time is three years. In these three years, the Boya world is very lively, especially in the old continent, which is the center of the world. The ancient gods often show miracles.

Of course, although the gods' walking on the earth has brought chaos, it is not without benefits. At least, the natural disaster has been curbed. In addition to the continuous spread of the desolate disaster, other natural disasters have been largely dispersed. At most, they appear occasionally in a certain place, and even the desolate disaster has been controlled to a certain extent.

Of course, Sean also contributed to this process. In these three years, with the information provided by shipnos, Sean once caught the trace of a barren mistress, steered the boat of eternity and made a hand with her, delaying the recovery of her injury.

However, compared with the barren mistress of level 8, Sean is actually more interested in the other twelve kings of natural disasters. Unfortunately, so far, the eleven kings of natural disasters who died due to Dayuan's counterattack have not been resurrected, or the resurrection is still hidden and has not revealed any trace.

Buzzing, brilliant brilliance reflects the sky. On this day, the sky of Boya world is gorgeous. Such a scene makes many people think of the dusk of the gods three years ago and feel inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Ferocious monsters came from outside the world, buried cemeteries loomed in the light, and ancient towers fell from the sky. After three years of buffering, foreign forces finally began to come on a large scale.

The old world, the northwest wasteland, the palace of war, and the ancient stone city stand here, emitting the blood of God.

The temporary sanctuary, the war master ares who just ended his pursuit of Uranus, the Lord of the sky, looked coldly at all kinds of visions in the sky and did not stop them. He understood that although the eighth order outside the territory had not really come yet, there were definitely eyes here at this moment. The era of the gods has passed, and everything is different.

For him now, the most important thing is to enhance his strength. Only in this way can he remain invincible and kill Uranus. Even if he is strong enough and takes advantage of the geographical advantage, he may not have no chance to compete for the final miracle.

Chaos is the fertile soil of war. For him, the current changes may not be a bad thing. As for the kingdom of God, although it is very important, it has never been a necessity for the gods. In distant times, the gods still cross the earth without the kingdom of God.

In ares's view, although the emergence of the kingdom of God has greatly increased the power of the gods, with a certificate of near immortality, and can look down on all spirits, it has also imprisoned the gods and bred the heart of extravagance and lust in the hearts of the gods.

"Come on, the admission of foreign forces will make the Boya world more chaotic, and chaos will breed more wars."

In a whisper, Ares took back his eyes and stopped paying attention.

The emerald Kingdom, deep in time and space, has been quietly operating in place of Providence. Sean's manifest consciousness of the yuclair world no longer pays attention to the scenes outside the sky. He has long known about today's events.

After three years, the plan for the unification of all worlds promoted by forces such as wizard civilization and hell demon God has achieved initial results. The first world is about to integrate into the Boya world. Before that, all forces reached an agreement and their forces began to officially enter the Boya world. After all, the integration of each world will bring no small opportunities.

The great people of the eighth order may not care about these opportunities, but those below are different. The benefits even the existence of the seventh order are unwilling to give up easily.

Buzzing, the void is twisted, and a red sun falls from the sky and comes to the new world. Among them, it is a huge wizard tower carved like a red agate, which falls on the new world like a mountain more than 10000 meters high.

When the door of the wizard tower was opened, wizards came out in order, drove various instruments and began to further explore the surrounding environment and make corresponding arrangements. After that, a large group of young wizards came out of the wizard tower. Compared with the first batch, they were much younger and looked at the surrounding environment. Their faces looked different, mostly curious and excited, Among them, two men and one woman are respected.

"Is this the Boya world? It's said that the origin of wizard civilization has strong magic. If I were born here, I'm afraid my strength would be stronger."

The red eyes twinkled with a leaping light. The woman who was one meter five tall and had a baby face spoke. Who could have thought that such a person would be the contemporary chief of the eternal tower ChiYan school?

"Darya, although the magic concentration of Boya world is good now, it was very barren before. It is said that this place once became an extraordinary desert, so that many extraordinary inheritance in this world have been cut off."

Hearing Darya's words, the second seat of the ChiYan school, Dekker, spoke. He was a rare fat man.

Hearing the speech, Darya glanced at the fat man and really thought she didn't know anything?

"In other words, don't we have a guide for the eternal tower in the liberal world? Why do we have to come to such a deserted place?"

With a trace of impatience, Terry Georgia, another vice president of the ChiYan school, spoke. Unlike Darya and Decker, who dressed up as traditional wizards, Terry Georgia was more like a noble childe. His every move showed a kind of dignity and pride, but he also had such capital. He not only had good talent, but also came from the Georgian family, It is the direct blood of a seventh order Rule Wizard.

Hearing Terry Georgia's words, many wizards in the group immediately responded, partly because they wanted to please Terry Georgia and partly because of their real feelings.

As a private plot of the jade Kingdom, the land turbidity of the new world has been completely eradicated by the jade Kingdom, and the territory of the jade Kingdom has been expanded again and again in recent years. However, after leaving the territory of the jade Kingdom, even if the holy oak sect has been committed to the plan of afforestation and rebuilding green mountains and green water, many places in the new world still have traces left by natural disasters, In addition to some strong magic, it's not too much to say that it's poor mountains and rivers.

In the face of such an environment, these proud children who came from the world of truth and joined the eternal tower naturally feel unhappy in their hearts.

Hearing Terry Georgia's words and looking at the reaction of these people, Darya gave a sneer.

"The high tower does have a receptionist in the liberal world, but who is not only the dean of the natural school, but also a genius that the high tower has never met in ten thousand years. He has achieved seven levels in less than a hundred years. Do you still want him to please you?"

There was an undisguised sarcasm on the doll's face, which had long been used to Terry Georgia's role as Padaria.

Hearing this, countless wizard apprentices were silent. They were just students of the ChiYan school, but they didn't dare to criticize a seventh order truth wizard behind their backs.

Hearing the speech, looking at the performance of the surrounding people, Terry Georgia's eyes flashed a gloomy color.

At this time, under the guidance of a wizard of the ChiYan school, a woman in a light green robe came towards this side.


Looking at the young woman who came over, she felt it carefully and confirmed that it was right. Darya gave a surprise cheer. She had known Edith a long time ago. She had attended classes and tasks together before and had a very good relationship.

On the other side, Terry Georgia, who also recognized Edith, flashed a sharp light in his eyes.