"What is this thing?"

Standing in the past, walking through one time node after another, watching the sky hanging high, the glory enveloping the whole world, and the red flame of all things, Sean had a rare hesitation in his heart.

The enchanted world was originally an ordinary world, which was not remarkable in the world of heaven. It was precisely because of the emergence of the red flame that it created its transformation. It can upgrade a demon free world into a seven level world at one stroke. The power of the red flame can be seen in general.

However, although he walked in the past and witnessed the advent and change of the red flame, what Sean saw was actually the appearance. From the beginning to the end, he did not see the essence of the red flame, because it was very dangerous.

Although it is said that this is the past that has passed away and the reflection of real history, some forces can be branded in time and space, eternal and almost conceptual.

"He is a drop of blood."

Time intertwined, like a dream, and the human time dragon appeared beside Sean. When he said this, looking at the red burning sun hanging high in the sky, the time dragon Kieran's face showed a complex look, with longing and palpitation.

"Don't think about peeping at him, or you will pay a heavy price, just like me."

It seems that I think of the unbearable past. I don't want to say more. Moving the time, time dragon Kieran moves to the next time node.

Smelling the speech, he took another look at the red burning sun with warm luster in the sky, suppressed his curiosity, and Sean followed behind the time dragon.

The time node jumps, black and red are intertwined, and the smell of destruction dissipates wantonly. The two suns hang high in the air at the same time and collide constantly, as if the original battle continued. On the earth, the huge forces of the two sides are also fighting recklessly. One side represents the red flame day and the other represents the black flame day.

The terrible war broke out and the world came to an end. In this process, a silver fox stood up. He looked at all souls, and his nine tails spread into the sky like a pillar of heaven, stirring the wind and cloud. It was precisely because of his existence that all souls, who should have been extinct because of the collision between the red and obsidian sun, got a chance to breathe, Unfortunately, this does not rewrite the final outcome.

Looking at the silver fox that died in the collision with red Obsidian day and Black Obsidian day, Sean's eyes couldn't help falling on the time dragon, because this silver fox is the reincarnation fox, which is moye, the predecessor of time dragon Kieran.

Without paying attention to Sean's eyes and watching his predecessor die, time dragon Kieran still looked indifferent.

The war continued and lost the shelter of the reincarnation fox. Under the collision of red Obsidian day and Black Obsidian day, all souls went to destruction one after another, which was another biological extinction.

At the end of the battle, the red Obsidian day, which had been suppressed by the Obsidian day, suddenly burst into endless light and turned over in an instant. In the distant past, he used his own power to breed all souls in the world. Now all souls are extinct, and this power begins to nourish him in turn.

Roar, the good situation was suddenly overturned. In the Obsidian day, the shadow of twelve demons and gods appeared and issued a unwilling roar.

The divine voice is old and desolate, containing the immortal will to fight heaven and earth. I don't know what language it is, but at this moment, Sean, who has the gate of Infernal Affairs, inexplicably understood it. They shouted "witch".

With the determination of burning jade and stone, the Obsidian day rushed to the red Obsidian day, and they wanted to die with him. However, at this time, a cry of tearing time sounded, and a pair of claws like God's gold stretched out from the red Obsidian day, tearing the Obsidian day directly with an unparalleled posture.

Hoo, the broken black fire fell from the sky and stained the whole world with an unknown color. It seemed to curse something. After this blow, the power of the red flame seemed to consume too much, and the light became dim.

In the final ending, with most of the remains of the Obsidian sun, the Obsidian sun converged and fell into the innermost layer of the world. Since then, the spoiled world lost its light and fell into endless extinction, which is the fundamental reason why he was later called the dark world by the wizard civilization.

When the glory passed away and looked at a dark world of spoiled charm, Sean was shocked and stood in place for a long time. On the contrary, there was a rare expression of excitement on the cold and gorgeous face of time dragon Kieran.

"So are you still alive?"

The remnant of the red burning sun falling into the inner layer of the world is reflected in the Dragon pupil, and the time dragon Keelan whispers softly.

Hearing this, he gathered his scattered thoughts and looked at the time dragon. Sean knew it clearly in his heart.

The predecessor of the time dragon is the reincarnation fox moye. Moye is not a wild monster. He has a master. His master is the beast keeper Chu tomb. It is said that the soul of the Chu tomb was imprisoned in the red burning sun and could not break free. It is precisely because of this that moye will reverse the time again and again until the end of this destruction.

Judging from the traces of time, chihuoyao day is always in good condition. Theoretically, there is a great possibility that Chu tomb is still alive, but in fact, this possibility is very weak. Not to mention the horror of collision, the changes of chihuoyao Japanese body alone reveal some bad news, and there seems to be a certain force waking up.

Of course, although he was not optimistic, Sean had no intention to say it. What he saw and heard this time shocked his mind, and he didn't have any extra mind to pay attention to these things.

"Is it really a witch? If so, then

He lowered his eyes, narrowed his eyes, floated his thoughts, and one absurd idea after another sprang up in Sean's sea of consciousness.

"Although absurd, it is indeed possible. My own existence is a doubt. There is also the original true spirit cutting secret method, a fundamental source force point exchange, which is obviously a gift, and this secret method is fundamentally similar to the legendary cutting of three corpses."

All kinds of doubts were connected in series, and a vague idea took shape. Sean's mind wavered more and more until the time dragon spoke.

"Go back, this is the last node, and its downstream has been completely erased."

He gathered his mind and got the answer he wanted. Time dragon Kieran had the idea of leaving.

Wen Yan looked at a dark world and was silent for a while. Sean nodded. Normally, there should be a segment after this time node, that is, the moment when the wizard civilization found the spoiled world, but the fact is that this segment has been completely broken and can't be traced back.

If it can be traced back, Sean may be able to determine the identity of the behind the scenes man, but there is no regret that it can not be traced back. Sean has guessed the identity of the existing man, and the harvest this time has exceeded his expectations.

"Let's go."

Thunder opened the way. With time dragon Kieran, Sean crossed the sea of fire again and returned to the world from the past.