For fengxuelan, the qualification competition is just a simple warm-up exercise, and the next formal competition is the time to take it seriously.

The official competition is divided into individual competition and team competition. In the individual competition, the contestants are still not divided into male and female groups. No matter which army they come from, the same fight adopts the elimination system. The two people compete, the winner is promoted, and the loser is eliminated, which means that if you want to win the individual championship, you can't lose one game.

In the team competition, the company commander of each company selects the contestants to participate in the competition.

Individual competition is strength, while group competition is strategy.

The first is the individual competition.

The grouping table was soon published. Zong Mingzhe couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief when he saw the grouping table.

Feng Xuelan and Ding Yuxi are not in the same group, that is, they won't meet until the final.

No matter how powerful the wind, snow and LAN are, I'm afraid they can't reach the finals with one hand.

Zong Mingzhe thinks so.

But when the game began, Zong Mingzhe was a little worried again.

The momentum of fengxuelan is really too fierce. It won three games in a row and promoted all the way.

Chen Huofan was elated and clapped his hands.

When Feng Xuelan happily returned to the scene, Chen Huofan hurried to meet him, "good Xuelan! Just fight on. The next scene is the man of the reconnaissance company. Beat him! Don't be merciful!"

Feng Xuelan was also infected by his enthusiasm and nodded, "company commander, just watch it!"

After saying this, Feng Xuelan found Zong Mingzhe missing.

"Zong Mingzhe? Don't forget that he's from the reconnaissance company!" Chen Huofan pointed Feng Xuelan in another direction. Feng Xuelan looked over and found that Zong Mingzhe had gone to the reconnaissance company to talk to Ding Yuxi.

"See? At this time, he's still looking for someone else's reconnaissance company." Chen Huofan said sour.

"Isn't it." Feng Xuelan picked up his shoulder like him, stared at the two men and muttered in a low voice, "are you not one with us?"

"Yes! Not one heart!"

The two of them murmured here and looked straight at Zong Mingzhe and Ding Yuxi. The two people over there immediately found the unfriendly sight.

"You see, people are dissatisfied with you. You can go back quickly, or your girlfriend and company commander Chen can strangle me with their eyes." Ding Yuxi smiled reluctantly, because he accidentally strained the muscle of his arm in the game just now.

Although he tried to cover up his injury, Zong Mingzhe always watched his game, so he saw it at a glance.

At the end of his game, Zong Mingzhe dragged Li Qinghui to give him treatment.

"I'm not afraid yet. What are you afraid of? Look at their mouths. Doesn't that mean I don't have the same heart with them." although it's far away, Zong Mingzhe can understand lip language. He can see the complaints of the two people clearly.

Ding Yuxi smiled bitterly, shook his head, and then suddenly took a breath of air conditioning.

"My God, doctor, can you take it easy?"

Leaving Qinghui white, he said, "it's a big man. Can't you bear the pain? Xuelan's injury is much more serious than you. She doesn't make a fuss like you."

"Snow... Snow LAN?" Ding Yuxi was surprised to hear that Li Qinghui used such a close title to Feng Xuelan, stared round his eyes and looked at Zong Mingzhe suspiciously.

Zong Mingzhe responded to Ding Yuxi with a sharp eye. The tacit understanding between his old comrades in arms made Ding Yuxi immediately understand the current situation.

This is far from the doctor, not his own.

"Well, the painkillers I gave you should be very effective, but no pain doesn't mean your wrist is all right. On the contrary, no pain may make you ignore the injury and cause more serious injury..."

Before Li Qinghui finished speaking, Ding Yuxi interrupted him and said, "thank you, Doctor Li. I know what my own arm is like."

"You don't know!" Li Qinghui hated the patient saying this in front of him. If the patient knew what disease he had and how to deal with it, what would the doctor do? Those who say such things are simply contemptuous of doctors!

"After my treatment, you are my patient. I must finish what I should say!"

Ding Yuxi was startled. It was the first time he saw such a doctor

"OK... You finish..."

Li Qinghui glared at him again and said coldly, "don't pay attention to protecting your arm because it doesn't hurt! I'm finished!"

With these words, he picked up his things and walked angrily towards the guard company.

Ding Yuxi took a long breath and turned to ask Zong Mingzhe, "who is this... Where did you find it?"

Zong Mingzhe said the story of Li Qinghui briefly. Ding Yuxi laughed back and forth after hearing it. "Someone is arguing with you for a woman? Ha ha ha! I really don't know whether to live or die! Ha ha ha! Is that wind and snow LAN? I really want to look at her differently!"

Zong Mingzhe raised his eyebrows and snorted, "don't underestimate my woman. Be careful that she will beat you down in a moment."

"Didn't you see the competition group? Unless she can reach the final, she won't meet me at all." Ding Yuxi wiped the tears from her smile and muttered in a low voice, "your woman... Your woman was the guy who gave me the biggest headache..."

But after saying this, Ding Yuxi couldn't help sighing, "her progress is too fast. I saw her fight with people. You really taught her with your heart."

Zong Mingzhe shook his head when he heard the speech. "You may not believe it when I said it. She has made such great progress, not by my teaching, but... She is so powerful herself. Maybe this is not all..."

"What?" Ding Yuxi didn't quite understand. "Do you say she was born with these things?"

Zong Mingzhe saw Ding Yuxi's incredible face and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "be careful in the next game."

Leaving the inexplicable Ding Yuxi, Zong Mingzhe walked towards the guard company.

In the game, Zong Mingzhe not only paid attention to Ding Yuxi, but also to the wind, snow and LAN.

In fact, during training, he saw that many things of fengxuelan club were like "born".

Both the moves and the way she dealt with the enemy seemed to be possessed only after some strict training. Feng Xuelan didn't deliberately hide it, and Zong Mingzhe didn't ask.

Zong Mingzhe knows that he will know the truth of this secret one day.

When he returned to the guard company, Chen Huofan looked at him with the same expression as Feng Xuelan.

"Say, are you on our side or the enemy side?" Chen Huofan asked.