Before Feng Xuelan finished speaking, Li Qinghui waved his hand and interrupted her.

"I know what you're going to say! But no matter what you say, it can't change my love for you! You probably can see that I'm so stubborn!"

His words irritated Feng Xuelan, and a sense of irritability burst out of her heart.

Why is this guy so troublesome!

Since he can't change his mind, Feng Xuelan doesn't want to say anything else.

She got up to go, but Li Qinghui grabbed her arm.

"I haven't finished yet!"

Feng Xuelan shook off his hand and stared at him angrily. "While I'm not angry, you'd better think about what you want to say!"

Li Qinghui was startled by her fierce eyes, took a step back and whispered timidly, "don't be angry... I... didn't I do anything?"

Feng Xuelan really has no way to take him!

The anger was pressed down again by his poor appearance. Feng Xuelan could only breathe a sigh and said helplessly, "I really don't believe there is no good girl chasing you. No matter which girl you tell me, she will be happy."

Li Qinghui smiled bitterly, "aren't you angry?"

Feng Xuelan was speechless by his words.

Li Qinghui waved to her again, "don't be angry. I'm not asking you to dump Zong Mingzhe as my girlfriend now. I know you like him now, maybe just as I like you now. But people will become. Maybe one day you don't like him and I like you, then we can be together. If one day I don't like you..."

He looked at the wind and snow LAN and showed a pure and incomparable smile, "even if you want to be my girlfriend, I won't agree."

Feng Xuelan stared at him and suddenly understood.

This man may be more "simple" than she imagined. He doesn't want to destroy anything, not to insert between her and Zong Mingzhe, but simply to express his "love" for her.

Not waiting for anything, not expecting anything, but facing his own feelings in the most honest way.

Thinking through this, fengxuelan also breathed a sigh. Seeing her sitting down, Li Qinghui's heart was also slightly relieved.

"What did you call me to say?" Feng Xuelan asked.

"I forgot." Li Qinghui replied simply.

In fact, he had nothing to do to find Feng Xuelan, so he said it just to get along with her for a while.

Feng Xuelan really has nothing to do with this man.

Four eyes are opposite, Feng Xuelan is helpless to get up, "then I'd better go first..."

But just then, the door was knocked, and Chen Huofan pushed the door and came in.

"I heard from the nurse that you are here." Chen Huofan rushed away from Qinghui, nodded Hello, and then said to Feng Xuelan, "Mu Qinong's discharge procedures are still a little troublesome. I may not be able to take you to buy a mobile phone. We'll talk about it another day. Go back first."

Feng Xuelan was a little disappointed, but she also knew that there was no way.

But when Li Qinghui heard this, he immediately stood up and asked Chen Huofan, "why do you want to buy a mobile phone? If it's inconvenient for you to take her, can I take her?"

Chen Huofan frowned at Li Qinghui and asked, "can you drive?"

Li Qinghui immediately stared, "of course! I even have a private plane driver's license!"

Hearing what he said, Chen Huofan suddenly remembered that the young man standing in front of him was the young master of a world-famous medical family. His problem was stupid

"That's OK," he nodded with an embarrassed smile. "If you like, take her. Go and go back. Then just send her directly back to the army."

With these words, Chen Huofan left quickly.

Li Qinghui took off his white coat, put on his suit coat, with a bright smile on his face, and said to Feng Xuelan, "let's go!"

Feng Xuelan silently lowered her high opinion of Chen Huofan... This guy didn't even ask, would she like it or not!

As Li Qinghui walked out of the hospital, Feng Xuelan couldn't help asking him, "can you just leave the hospital? Won't there be a problem?"

Li Qinghui shook his head hard. "I'm usually very free. Only consultation can find me. Didn't I just come out of a consultation just now? That kind of thing isn't one after another."

Feng Xuelan's understanding of the profession of "doctor" is very limited. I'm afraid what she knows is

When she was a killer, she killed several of them

The white car from Qinghui looked very low-key. He asked the wind, snow and LAN like a continuous gun while driving along the way. Feng Xuelan even felt like he was interviewing. The "reporter" opposite was still very annoying.

Both of them are not familiar with the urban area here. They finally found a place to sell mobile phones. Feng Xuelan plans to pick one they can afford.

She is still so poor, and the things she bought in the shopping center last time were destroyed in the explosion. Now she can be said to be poorer.

When the shopping guide saw that Feng Xuelan was wearing a military uniform and the man behind her looked expensive in his exquisite suit, the shopping guide immediately took out the latest and most expensive mobile phone for Feng Xuelan and began to introduce it.

Before she finished, Feng Xuelan took a look at the price sign and shook his head immediately.

The shopping guide thought that her introduction was not good enough. She hurried to take out a more expensive one, but before she opened her mouth, Feng Xuelan waved to stop her and clearly told her, "it's too expensive, I can't afford it. Please find me a cheaper one."

"Expensive?" the shopping guide looked at the two people standing in front of her in surprise and smiled. "Sister Bing, you are really interesting. Your boyfriend is not too expensive. Why are you too expensive?" she immediately smiled and asked Li Qinghui, "what do you say, sir? Such a beautiful and temperament girlfriend, are you willing to let her use cheap goods?"

"He's not my boyfriend." Feng Xuelan told the shopping guide with a frown.

But on one side, Li Qinghui has smiled.

The shopping guide said "boyfriend" one by one. He was happy to hear that!

"Yes, I'm not willing to let my girlfriend use cheap goods. Bring me the best and most expensive."

Hearing what he said, the shopping guide immediately brightened her eyes and left.

Feng Xuelan frowned at Li Qinghui and whispered, "are you an upstart local rich man who is easy to be fooled?"

Li Qinghui smiled and said, "I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I haven't had a chance. Today, even if you help me face up, let me pay for the woman."