Now they use this smoke bomb to attract he Yaoshi and Zong Mingzhe to investigate things there. Naturally, the defense here is not as tight as yesterday.

"Today's task is the same, focusing on protecting the safety of these people," Mu Qinong stressed.

Feng Xuelan looked coldly at the people she wanted to "protect" and thought to herself, this is really ironic. She wanted to protect them and beware of them.

What the hell would they do? What should she do?

No one can answer the doubts in Feng Xuelan's heart. What she can do now is to continue to follow them, pay attention to their movements and protect their safety.

Today's venue is different from yesterday. They were taken to another place that seems to have a high level of confidentiality.

Walking into a building, Feng Xuelan felt as if he had entered a science fiction film. Even the ordinary equipment used in the building seems to have a strong sense of science and technology.

These experts and scholars around them have heated discussions while walking. It seems that these things are also of great value to them.

When they came to the real exhibition hall, their eyes were shining.

In addition to some sci-tech products that look very sci-fi, there are also many weapons with unique shapes, many of which are displayed here with physical proportional models, and there are corresponding instructions in front of each exhibit.

Everyone followed the pace of the commentator and visited the things displayed here one by one. Even mu Qinong and Feng Xuelan were attracted by these novel things.

But Feng Xuelan glanced at the little boy Chris from time to time. He was obviously not interested in these things.

After entering the exhibition hall, Chris looked around as if he were looking for something.

Feng Xuelan said hello to Mu Qinong and asked Chris, "do you feel a little bored? Do you want me to take you somewhere else?"

Chris's eyes twinkled when he heard the speech. "OK!" he nodded happily.

Feng Xuelan took his hand, took him away from the team and walked in another direction.

Two people bypass several exhibits. Feng Xuelan asks Chris, "what kind of things do you like to see?"

Chris thought for a moment and replied, "there seems to be a long-range weapon over there. Can we go over there and have a look?"

"Boys are really interested in this kind of thing." Feng Xuelan raised her mouth, but her smile was mixed with ridicule. She looked at Chris and asked, "do you know much about weapons?"

Chris looked up at the wind and snow. It seemed that he suddenly remembered what she said to himself. His eyes showed panic again. He turned and was about to leave.

But his hand was also pulled by the wind and snow LAN. The wind and snow LAN made great efforts to hold him tightly, so that he couldn't break free.

Chris found this, stopped and dared not struggle any more. He looked at the wind and snow with frightened eyes, and spoke that strange language again.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Feng Xuelan smiled, patted his head, took him and whispered as he walked towards the place where the long-range weapons were displayed, "Chris, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, a very clever rabbit accidentally got a way to turn turnips into meat. After the wolf found out this, the wolf asked the rabbit to tell the method. The rabbit was afraid of being eaten by the wolf, so he told the wolf the method, but the wolf could not successfully turn turnips into meat. The wolf was very angry and threatened the rabbit, such as If the rabbit can't think of a better way to make it succeed, it will eat the rabbit. The rabbit is very afraid and can only work harder to help the wolf do it... "

Speaking of this, Feng Xuelan looked at Chris and asked him, "you said, what will the final outcome of this rabbit be?"

Chris was trembling. He was a smart boy. Of course, he understood the story the woman around him told him.

Yes, he is the rabbit now, and the organization of tomorrow day is the wolf to him.

"Whether the wolf can do this successfully or not, the rabbit will eventually be eaten by the wolf..." Chris looked up at the wind and snow LAN and asked in a trembling voice, "is that what you mean?"

Feng Xuelan nodded, "just know."

Chris bit his lips hard and said to Feng Xuelan for a long time, "since you know this story, why... Tell it to me?"

Feng Xuelan thought, sighed and whispered, "This story was told by a friend of mine. I promised her that she would take care of a child who could understand that sentence. The child she said looked like you, so I said that sentence to you at that time. Whether you were the child she said or not, I told you this story, even if I helped her fulfill a wish."

If possible, fengxuelan really doesn't want to meet this child again.

If it had not been for this child, she would still be alpha tomorrow. If it had not been for this child, she would never have been killed by he Yaoshi.

It can be said that everything was caused by the child, which is why she reacted so much when she saw the child's picture.

After listening to Feng Xuelan, Chris's face became a little ugly. He looked up and asked, "is the friend you said a beautiful big sister?"

When Feng Xuelan saw him mention the "big sister", his eyes were full of sadness, and his heart seemed to be stabbed.

"Who is the big sister you said?" Feng Xuelan asked deliberately.

Chris sighed a long sigh and said to Feng Xuelan, "that big sister is very kind to me and I miss her very much. But I haven't seen her for a long time. I don't know how she is now..."

Feng Xuelan smiled bitterly and wanted to tell him that the big sister he missed was dead, and then he became another person. Now he is standing in front of him.

"Knowing that you miss her, the big sister will be happy." Feng Xuelan whispered.

This little boy may be the only one in the world who misses her as "alpha"

Hand in hand, they continued to walk slowly in the exhibition hall. They were immersed in the memories of the past.

Until the little boy saw something displayed on a booth sealed with glass.

He couldn't get rid of Feng Xuelan's hand, so he had to drag Feng Xuelan to the booth.

What is displayed on the platform is a new type of weapon. Feng Xuelan glanced at the instructions marked below. It seems that this weapon is only displayed as the concept of future weapons without too much actual research and development.