As the director here, Lao Hong is not the kind of person who makes people afraid. He is a scholar. He seems to be very famous in many fields such as Criminology and psychology.

Ren Fengquan doesn't know much about those things. He only knows that Lao Hong doesn't sleep much. No matter when they come, they can see him doing his research in full spirit.

Sure enough, Ren Fengquan came to Lao Hong's office building and saw that he was buried in studying something. Ren Fengquan went to say hello and startled Lao Hong.

"Xiao Ren? Why are you here in the middle of the night?"

Lao Hong is about to retire. The owl and wolf players are called "small" in his mouth.

Ren Fengquan said, "I heard that nard was sent here, the one we caught last time. I came to see him."

"Nard?" old Hong frowned at the speech. Although he was obsessed with research, he still knew the major events in the team. The person sent this time is different from before, which makes Lao Hong stay in mind.

"Is it nard who killed two members of your team?" old Hong pulled Ren Fengquan and asked in a low voice, "tell me the truth, what was the matter with that man's injury? What was the situation at that time?"

Ren Fengquan told Lao Hong everything that happened at that time. After hearing this, Lao Hong couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"No wonder... No wonder Xiao Zhou told me that the person she wants to study is not nald, but a member of our team."

Ren Fengquan asked in surprise, "Zhou Mengli? Is she also doing research here?"

"She's here now. The nald you want to see is her research object." Lao Hong put down his things, took Ren Fengquan out of the office and walked towards the stairs. As he walked, Lao Hong complained to Ren Fengquan.

"Xiao Zhou is one track mind when she does anything. I told her not to contact the research object too often and pay attention to sorting and analyzing the data, but she didn't listen. She has been here several times in just a few days."

Ren Fengquan doesn't know what these people are studying. He just wants to know the answers to those questions in his heart.

Lao Hong has rich experience in interrogation. Many people who are difficult to pry open their mouths are tried by him. So Ren Fengquan felt that this matter should rely on Lao Hong's ability. But after he said his idea, Lao Hong asked him to cooperate with Zhou Mengli.

"Now that she has taken over this person, she should handle it comprehensively. Although her experience is not as rich as mine, her ability is not poor."

Since Lao Hong said so, Ren Fengquan could not object.

They went all the way to the third floor underground, where the most dangerous people were detained.

From the outside, there is nothing special here, but when they enter a door, they will see a layer of bulletproof glass and a door with strict security measures. There are other preventive measures inside.

It is absolutely impossible for those people to escape from such a place. It also provides sufficient security for interrogations and researchers.

When Ren Fengquan followed Lao Hong through many "checkpoints" to the room where nalde was imprisoned, he saw Zhou Mengli sitting there across the huge glass and talking to nalde.

Their arrival terminated the dialogue between Zhou Mengli and nalde. Zhou Mengli turned to see Ren Fengquan and knew why he appeared here.

She got up and said hello to Lao Hong and Ren Fengquan. Lao Hong asked her, "how's it going?"

Zhou Mengli glanced at the information recorded in his hand and whispered, "it can be said that this is a very valuable object for research, but he doesn't cooperate. In his current situation, he hopes to do some transactions with us, mainly in exchange for some convenience in life."

Ren Fengquan went to the glass and looked coldly at nalde sitting opposite.

The gauze on nald's eyes had been removed, and his eyes, which were hard cut by the wind and snow, looked very ferocious.

Although he could not move his hands and feet, he still had a restraint belt around his waist to prevent accidents. He frowned and listened carefully to the voice in his ears, as if he were distinguishing who came to see him.

"Miao Na, are you here?"

He muttered to himself and kept repeating this sentence.

Ren Fengquan saw the name "Miao Na" in the data. He knew that this person should have been a former Feng Xuelan. Or the girl who hates nald very much.

At this time, Lao Hong came to Ren Fengquan and said, "if you want to ask him any questions, you can tell Xiao Zhou. If you ask him directly, I guess he won't tell the truth."

After telling him about it, Lao Hong left.

Zhou Mengli and Ren Fengquan were left here. Ren Fengquan was about to speak, but Zhou Mengli stopped him with a long finger.

She winked at Ren Fengquan, which meant that nald should not hear the dialogue between them. Ren Fengquan nodded and followed Zhou Mengli out of the room.

"Tell me what you want to know, and I'll ask the answer at the right time." Zhou Mengli said confidently to Ren Fengquan.

Ren Fengquan felt a little surprised. He didn't expect that Zhou Mengli would not only do psychotherapy for the team members, but also do interrogation.

He said the problems he thought of, and Zhou Mengli carefully recorded them one by one, and then told him, "I tried to ask nald about his identity in the organization of tomorrow's day several times before, but he didn't want to say it. Combined with what Feng Xuelan said, this matter should be a big secret. If we want to know this secret from him, I'm afraid we have to give him some benefits."

"Benefits?" Ren Fengquan frowned when he heard Zhou Mengli just said that nalde needed the convenience of life.

"Give him two more pieces of meat for each meal, or give him some wine? What else does he want? Is it difficult to do these things? Why not give them to him?"

Zhou Mengli shook his head, "not yet. He team is not allowed."

"Why?" Ren Fengquan asked suspiciously.

Zhou Mengli smiled bitterly, "you ask me, who am I going to ask? What team refuses to say, can I still get to the bottom?"

Seeing Ren Fengquan still couldn't let go of this, Zhou Mengli reached out and patted him on the shoulder. He said softly to him, "Captain Ren, I know you've lost your team member. It's hard in your heart."