Hearing what he Yaoshi said, Feng Xuelan really wanted to scold him for being stupid. She has never seen such an attitude towards the enemy! But thinking of this guy's skill again, Feng Xuelan swallowed his words again.

There are too many things she can't figure out. Now she has to face strong enemies, and there is more than one, which is an unprecedented test for her. Feng Xuelan sat in a wheelchair, feeling a little depressed. But she still had to think hard and must come up with a good way to get rid of the current dilemma as soon as possible.

He Yaoshi took Feng Xuelan to a small conference room in the main building. Wu Yan and several other squadron captains had already been waiting here. Everyone already knew what had happened. They were not surprised to see the vigilant look on Feng Xuelan's face and the strange look in their eyes.

Qin huhao usually follows fengxuelan recently. Now he is distressed and curious to see fengxuelan become like this.

He came to the wheelchair, frowned at her and asked, "do you really remember who I am?"

Feng Xuelan looked at the man in front of him and snorted coldly, "don't get close to me!"

Qin huhao blinked and muttered, "don't say, she's like this now. It's really a bit like when we first saw her!"

He Yaoshi waved at him when he heard the speech, "OK, the more you say, the more she doesn't understand what's going on now. Now we'd better solve the immediate trouble first. Xuelan's thing will be solved in two days."

He Yaoshi told everyone about the investigation. In fact, they have studied these things several times. Now they gather here to meet those people.

Sure enough, a moment later, Zong Mingzhe took several people to the small conference room.

He Yaoshi went to fight with those people. Wu Yan and others consciously blocked in front of the wind and snow LAN.

However, Qiu Qisheng made it clear that he was looking for trouble. When he saw the wind and snow in his wheelchair, he forcibly separated the people and came to her.

"You are fengxuelan?" Qiu Qisheng pushed the gold wire frame eyes on the bridge of his nose, looked at her with very unfriendly eyes, and said coldly, "I will focus on your investigation, and I hope you can cooperate with our work."

From last night to today, Feng Xuelan was looked at by many people here, but she saw such disgusting eyes for the first time.

This man's attitude towards her is really different from others here.

Feng Xuelan thought secretly in her heart, staring at her fierce eyes and raising her head, "which onion are you? Why should I cooperate with your work?"

Qiu Qisheng never expected that someone would speak to him with such an attitude. He immediately lost his face and was very embarrassed.

Everyone present, even those brought by him, couldn't help laughing in their hearts.

He Yaoshi also deliberately dried Qiu Qisheng for a moment, and then stood up and said, "chief of staff Qiu, you know, Xuelan's situation is quite special and she doesn't know how to speak properly. First, she's young and doesn't understand. Second, she really doesn't know you. I hope chief of staff Qiu doesn't have the same knowledge as her. Don't mind."

Qiu Qisheng wanted to get angry, but he Yaoshi said that if he gets angry again, he will lose his face.

This anger was forced down by him. Qiu Qisheng took a hard look at the wind, snow and LAN, turned to he Yaoshi and said, "I know you have great opinions on this investigation, but there is no room for Favoritism in work. Captain he, I hope you can do a good job in the ideological mobilization of your team members and cooperate with our investigation! In my investigation report, I will truthfully present all aspects of your owl wolf team. The attitude of your team members will directly affect the content of this report."

With these words, Qiu Qisheng stared at the wind and snow again and hummed, "is it a special case or not? It's not for you. I'll investigate this matter in detail!"

After he had said this, the air in the conference room suddenly became very stiff.

Zong Mingzhe forced his anger and took these people out of the conference room.

"What!" Qin huhao shouted first.

He Yaoshi glared at him. He was still a little dissatisfied.

"Team he, what did he mean by that? They just came to investigate the incident on New Year's Eve? Why did they bring Xuelan? They even had to evaluate the whole team? Who gave him so much power?"

Wu Yan also felt that there was something wrong with it.

He came over and whispered to he Yaoshi, "I think Qiu Qisheng is holding a chicken feather as an arrow. He has to catch us."

He Yaoshi sighed. In fact, he couldn't see it.

"Lao Wu, it's not easy for you to cure your illness and go back to the team..." he Yaoshi sighed.

Wu Yan knew what he Yaoshi thought.

He reached out to pat he Yaoshi on the shoulder and comforted him. "We two old guys have been in the team long enough. If it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't have offended this autumn victory. In the final analysis, it's me who bothered you."

"Don't say who is implicating who." he Yaoshi smiled bitterly. "Fortunately, Mingzhe can hold up the team now. Even if that guy is playing his life and looking for trouble, I don't care."

Wu Yan also smiled and nodded, "yes, let him make trouble and see what he can make."

The two of them said these words behind others' backs, but Feng Xuelan was right behind them. Although they were far away, they also saw their lips clearly.

She can't understand the two men.

These two men should be the leaders of the owl wolf army, but they are worried about each other's future and can say who is involved in who.

Nald told her more than once that as a soldier, he should bear everything himself. Delusion to get help from others, waiting for only deception and death. No matter when, the only person who can save himself is himself!

These people are so stupid that they don't even understand such a simple truth.

A team led by such a stupid man is certainly no better.

She decided to stand still and wait for the opportunity to see what stupid things these people could do.

This whole day is really hard for the owl wolves. In the name of investigation, Qiu Qisheng turned all squadrons around and asked each squadron to show him all kinds of materials.

"Fortunately, we are all prepared in advance, otherwise we will really be caught by this guy!"

In the canteen, Qin Hu couldn't even eat dinner. He kept complaining to several other squadron leaders.