If you can't find the location signal on her, you can't carry out reverse investigation.

At the same time, Xiao Guo's technical vehicles are also moving in the direction they expect to arrive. In the process of moving, the information they get and send will be delayed to a certain extent.

Zong Mingzhe's eyes sank, and then issued instructions. The whole team changed to investigation and continued to move forward.

When the order was given, several cars in the team immediately changed direction and scattered.

This situation reminds Feng Xuelan of what happened when she was still in the special forces.

At that time, she participated in the red and blue competition with their "five person team". In order not to be attacked by veterans in complex terrain, they used a similar strategy to move.

At that time, the five of them were scattered, each shouldering the responsibilities of investigation and early warning, keeping a distance from each other and moving forward in formation. This way can enable them to find the surrounding abnormalities earlier and give them more time to flexibly deal with the situation that will happen.

The purpose of what Zong Mingzhe does now is actually the same.

The whole team was on alert because of Zong Mingzhe's deployment. However, he Yaoshi and Yu Yeying did not change their position.

He Yaoshi heard the instructions from the communicator. He also understood why Zong Mingzhe issued such instructions.

He Yaoshi looked at Yu Yeying and hesitated to say something, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"What are you going to say?" Yu Yeying keenly found he Yaoshi's mind. In fact, she also found that several cars had just left the team and changed the direction.

But for Yu Yeying, things are not complicated.

Although bounty hunters fight each other on weekdays, they will also unite to form a seemingly well-trained force in the face of big businesses that they can't complete alone.

Yu Yeying has seen such a situation. For her, these people are like hunting dogs on the grassland. Although they are dangerous, they are not a threat.

Yu Yeying looked at he Yaoshi and said, "we are in trouble together. As long as your question is not too much, I will certainly answer you. Go ahead."

He Yaoshi frowned when he heard the speech. He had too many questions to ask and too many words to say to her, but at this moment, he didn't know how to ask her. He wasn't even sure whether he wanted to get the answers to those questions from her.

Some things, if you don't know, may be regarded as never happened. But if you know something, you will have to decide how to face it.

Seeing that he was still bitter and didn't speak, Yu Yeying snorted impatiently.

"You are a strange man. When I don't ask you, you seem to have many questions to say, but I asked you, and you don't say a word. Well, if you don't say it, I'll say it for you. I know what you want to ask."

He Yaoshi looked at her in surprise, but listened to her confidently say, "I promised to pay you double the money, which of course still counts. You keep an account for me, and I'll put the money into your account when it's over. Don't worry, you won't lose any points."

Unexpectedly, she thought she wanted to ask her this question

He Yaoshi couldn't help laughing bitterly.

At this time, he heard an alarm from the communicator. The investigators in the distance found an abnormal situation. Zong Mingzhe immediately gave new instructions. They changed their direction. It seems that Zong Mingzhe wants to avoid contact with each other as much as possible.

However, he Yaoshi knows that this contact is inevitable.

He originally wanted to take Yu Yeying back directly, but now it seems that this wish may not be realized.

Yu Yeying's calmness and composure explains everything. Her companions must be strong enough to take her away.

In order to find her, he Yaoshi has put his companions in danger. He Yaoshi must not let his companions fight with their lives in order to take her back.

He Yaoshi's pain was beyond the comprehension of the woman sitting beside him.

To her, he is just a strange strange man.

He Yaoshi had to make a decision as soon as possible. He sighed and took out a pen and paper from his arms.

If another separation is inevitable, he can only accept the "fate" in front of him.

When he handed the note to Yu Yeying, Yu Yeying couldn't help muttering, "I only asked you to write an account."

"If you miss me, please contact me. No matter when, I will answer your phone."

He Yaoshi looked at Yu Yeying and gave her a promise. This is something he has failed to do. If he has another chance, he must do it.

His eyes let Yu Yeying understand his mind. Yu Yeying reluctantly said to him again, "I'm not..."

But before he finished, Yu Yeying saw endless grief from the man's eyes.

The grief almost drowned her.

Yu Yeying looked down at the note again, folded it carefully and put it into his personal pocket.

"The people who pick me up should arrive. Tell your people not to dodge. You can't escape the tracking of those people. If this continues, they will think you deliberately don't want them to find me. If you start at that time, none of you will survive." Yu Yeying said to he Yaoshi.

This is exactly what he Yaoshi thought.

The reason why Zong Mingzhe commanded the team to dodge all the time was to give he Yaoshi some time to make a decision. He Yaoshi knows that no matter what decision he makes, his companions will advance and retreat with him.

He Yaoshi took a deep breath, closed his eyes and made the decision that made him very sad.

He turned on the communicator and told Zong Mingzhe, "stop the motorcade and let her go."

A moment later, the motorcade stopped at a fork in a country road. Soon after they stopped, another group of people caught up with them from three directions at the same time and surrounded them.

The other side drove all armed vehicles, and the staffing was also very neat. The disparity in strength between the two sides can be seen at a glance. Even if the people of the owl wolf brigade want to exchange fire with these people, I'm afraid casualties are inevitable.

However, in the face of such a situation, none of Zong Mingzhe's team showed fear. The only one who changed his face was amo, who acted with them and hadn't left.

Amok has never seen such a battle. The fearless attitude of these people around him also shocked amo.

The others were on standby in the car. Only Yu Yeying and he Yaoshi got off the car.