As the heir of blood and mark, all activities in the organization need the permission of this woman in name, but in fact, the powerful figures in the organization have already firmly grasped their rights in their hands, and others can't shake them at all. Women know that their children will face the same fate in the future, so they will not hesitate to separate their flesh and blood and hide their children secretly with the help of nald's power.

But shortly after nard helped the woman do it, a fight broke out in the organization. The seeds of infighting had been buried when they left P. until then, a catastrophe finally began.

The woman was in the center of the inner struggle vortex, and the pain in her heart could not be relieved, so she regarded nald who had helped her as her only confidant. Later, the woman was in danger several times. Nald protected the woman's life with his flexible mind, careful mind and superior strength. It was precisely because he had done these things for this woman that nald had a strange position in the day of tomorrow.

"In the internal struggle, the blood of the messenger was killed one after another, and she was the only one left. She said that those people didn't kill her because she was weak and easy to be used by those people." nald said here, his words were full of sadness, "She wanted to end her life more than once, but those people threatened her with her secret. Once she died, those people would find her children at all costs, and then continue to use her children like using her. That was the last thing she wanted to see, so she agreed with those people that they could not touch her children as long as she was alive."

The pure and kind-hearted women believed the promises of those people and continued to be their puppets. But nald knew that those people had never given up looking for the child. Nald wanted to try to stop them, but those people soon found out what nald did secretly, and those people dealt with it in their usual way, using nald's secret to threaten nald.

"If I want to protect my daughter, I can't intervene in this matter. I also know that even if I am willing to sacrifice my daughter, I can't protect her child under the surveillance of those people. So I can only compromise..." nald sighed and looked up, as if looking for the direction of the wind and snow LAN knocking on the table. He said to the wind and snow LAN, "That's when I put all my energy into training you."

Listening to him, Feng Xuelan's fingers on the table couldn't help pausing.

She didn't know that when she was struggling to survive every day, earth shaking changes were taking place in the day of tomorrow. She didn't know that nald had experienced these things at that time. Feng Xuelan thought of the letters nald took out. In retrospect, the first one seemed to have started at that time. It was at that time that nald took care of his daughter My thoughts were transferred to Miao Na.

In that case, Muna broke through life and death again and again and survived again and again. Nald hoped that his daughter would survive no matter what kind of bad luck she faced, just like Muna.

Perhaps to please Feng Xuelan, nald said a lot about that time. But he didn't know. Listening to him talk about those things, Feng Xuelan's eyes were gradually filled with anger.

However, she waited patiently until nald finally talked about mind control after saying what she knew.

"When those people brought the doctor to the black island, I was very concerned about him. Later, I found that the purpose of those people to study mind control was not to control the killers on the island, but to use such technology to control her."

With the passage of time, the woman had conflicts with those people on several things. Those people found that the originally weak woman didn't seem to be so easy to control as before, so they thought of such a way.

"I won't let them hurt her so much. I caught the doctor's handle and let him obey me, so those people couldn't control her in this way. I'm worried that it will be discovered by those people sooner or later. If they kill me, no one can protect her anymore. At this time, Muna, you finally became alpha. So I thought, If destruction can save her children, she will certainly be willing to sacrifice her own life. I buried such an order in your heart, just to wake it up when those people want to kill me. Then she will help you finish the destruction. "

Nard was very confident in his plan, but he didn't think that man was not as good as heaven.

After completing these preparations, he had planned to kill the doctor himself, but the doctor died unexpectedly in the struggle between the killers. The matter ended, and nald narrowly escaped a great disaster. However, when he was secretly celebrating, the woman desperately told him that her child had been found by those people, so the mind control doctor was dead Live, those people don't care anymore.

It was a bolt from the blue for the woman and nald. They no longer knew where those people hid the woman's children, and the woman ended up depressed.

Under nard's indignation, when he wanted to let Muna, who had become alpha, complete his original order, alpha had an accident.

When he heard of alpha's death, nald was devastated. He not only lost the people who had provided him with shelter in the organization for so many years, but also lost the "proud disciples" he could use. Nald knew that the people in the organization would not allow him to live too long. His only wish was to see his daughter again before he died.

"There is only one way to destroy the organization, that is to kill all the people related to the mark. No matter those who inherit the mark or those who have the right to use the mark. Only when they are all dead, the organization will be truly destroyed." nald stirred up and said to Feng Xuelan, "Miao Na, these people around you now don't know how deep-rooted that organization is. They will only fight with those killers at the bottom, which will never win. Miao Na, don't waste your time and energy where you don't need to fight. You are the best killer in the world. Only you can complete this thing, and only you can really win Destroying this organization! "