Mu Ziyan knows that this serum is really powerful. Once the research is successful, it will become the most profitable drug in the 21st century. So mu Ziyan has been increasing her investment. In just a few years, she has invested billions because she sees business opportunities to make money.

Yang Feng still quietly listened to Mu Ziyan's story, only to hear her continue: "after the primary serum is successful, it can mutate blood through some special means. According to genetic theory, it is said that once this kind of abnormal blood is injected into the human body, it will live forever, make people reborn, have strong foundation, prolong life, and even ordinary people can easily lift thousands of kilograms of weight, But this is just a theory. In fact, I'm not sure whether the serum can be condensed into different blood again. "

In fact, Mu Ziyan didn't say enough about the abnormal blood after the serum upgrade. Yang Feng once heard the master old man say that a hundred years ago, Professor Zhu Bo, a famous archaeologist, found a coffin more than 2000 years ago when excavating an underground ancient tomb on the Pamir Plateau in the west of Kunlun mountain, the ancestor of mountains. The coffin was made of live wood, The corpse in the coffin grew together with the living wood of the coffin, interwoven into a strange life form such as Cordyceps sinensis.

After further investigation, Professor Zhu Bo was shocked to find that the heart of the corpse had been hollowed out before his death, but the blood was flowing and the cardiopulmonary respiratory function remained normal. Professor Zhu Bo extracted the blood from the corpse and conducted research for several years. Finally, it was found that this was a kind of blood that had never been seen before - it would flow spontaneously and never stop. It doesn't need to provide any power, it will flow forever, a bit like superfluid.

However, the news spread like wildfire and attracted countless people to peep. Later, I didn't know what happened. Dr. Zhu disappeared. A hundred years later, this kind of strange blood even surfaced. In addition to Longyao group, some secret organizations in the world are also studying it.

It's just that different institutions and researchers have studied different blood, just like the same kilogram of rice. Some people make rice, but some people make rice noodles, while others make rice noodles and so on. After Yang Feng learned the news, he was very interested in it, so it happened after he entered doctor Ping An.

It's just that Yang Feng doesn't understand how Zhang Zhongde, a guy fishing for fame, can be responsible for this research. It's estimated that only mu Ziyan knows.

In fact, Zhang Zhongde is not really good for nothing. His medical skills are still better than most doctors. Otherwise, he would not be the chief miracle doctor. However, although his medical skills are OK, he is thousands of miles away from the "miracle doctor".

"Mu Ziyan, the serum you studied is so powerful that Zhang Zhongde should not be competent with his ability, but why did you let him take charge of the research?" Yang Feng asked curiously.

"Do stars have to understand manufacturing and maintenance when they speak for mobile appliance advertising?" Mu Ziyan's words stunned Yang Feng.

Indeed, the spokesperson does not necessarily understand the product, just need to be famous.

For example, in order to make money, some stars speak for poor quality skin care products without conscience. In fact, they don't know or want to know whether these skin care products are effective or not. As long as they have money.

A few years ago, there was an obvious problem with the food endorsed. A fan had diarrhea after eating it. After the matter was spread, the star actually said that they did not have identification. Since they did not have identification, they also endorsed wool. Isn't it harmful. What's more shameful is that the star actually said that they were vulnerable groups. The melon eating people were drunk. If they were vulnerable groups, ordinary people simply wouldn't live.

Although Mu Ziyan didn't make it clear, Yang Feng already knew that Zhang Zhongde didn't participate in the substantive work of the research, but just hung a card. The research base is not far from Ping An hospital, which is a ten minute drive. It is located in a remote and quiet place.

When Mu Ziyan's luxury car stopped, two men stood in front of the door to meet her.

Hello, president!

Hello, president!

The two people saluted Mu Ziyan one after another, very respectful and polite.

"Where's your team leader, Dr. Zhao?" Mu Ziyan asked with a straight face.

When such a serious accident happened, she was not in the mood to smile. She just wanted to scold the people here. She invested so much money and the safety measures were well protected. She even lost it.

"President and group leader Dr. Zhao is still in his research post." One of them said politely.


Mu Ziyan snorted coldly, revealing the majesty of the superior. The strong breath oppressed the two people. Although Mu Ziyan is not a practitioner, she has been in the upper position for a long time and has virtually developed the momentum of the upper position, so her subordinates are afraid of her.

"When is it? He is still in the mood to study. Let him come to the rest to see me immediately." Mu Ziyan said with dignity.

"Yes, boss." The researcher turned around and quickly went to find the group leader Dr. Zhao.

If Mu Ziyan really wants to investigate this kind of thing, none of them can get rid of the relationship.

Because she was very nervous, Mu Ziyan's breathing voice was always urgent, and her body fluctuated up and down. As the female president of the business empire and the favored child of the business community, she has experienced many storms. It is reasonable to say that she has strong psychological endurance and will not be easily flustered.

But it was too serious and related to the lifeblood of the whole group, so she couldn't calm down.

"President, don't worry too much. As long as you use all your strength secretly, this matter should be solved." Su Ru comforted.

Mu Ziyan shook her head and smiled bitterly. It's not easy to talk.

The three walked towards the lounge. Along the way, Mu Ziyan said to Yang Feng, "we won't study the secret room. The procedures there are very troublesome, especially if you are new. If you want to go into the secret room, you must pass the phase control system identification, acoustic system identification, fingerprint system identification and password system. It will take several hours to get all these procedures down."

Yang Feng also thinks that the security measures of the research base are very strict, and the serum cannot be lost. In and out must be identified by several systems. Under such defense measures, if the serum is stolen, there is only one possibility. Insiders and insiders steal from themselves.

"President, I suspect that insiders steal from themselves. Outsiders can't get in with such strict security measures." Su Ru said.

Yang Feng agreed: "it's reasonable, especially the acoustic system identification and phase control system identification. These two safety doors can't be mixed in unless they are forced into by external force. It seems that there's a problem inside your research base."

"If I find out, I must send him to court." Mu Ziyan said coldly.

The security measures in the lounge are also very good, and a phase control identification system is also installed. Even if Yang Feng follows Mu Ziyan and Su Ru into the lounge, the alarm will come immediately. However, Mu Ziyan knew the password, so she re entered the password and entered Yang Feng's image.

A few minutes later, Dr. Zhao hurried to the lounge. He was thin, about 40 years old, polite and wearing a pair of Phnom Penh glasses

"Good president."

After entering the lounge, Dr. Zhao gave respectful greetings.

Mu Ziyan asked coldly with an expressionless face, "Dr. Zhao, tell me the truth, is it an insider who steals from himself. If it is an insider who steals from himself, as long as he honestly admits it and returns the serum, for the sake of everyone's understanding for many years, I will not pursue it. Otherwise, I will make him subject to legal sanctions. "

"This!" Dr. Zhao stopped talking.

"Do you have any difficulties?" Mu Ziyan asked.

Dr. Zhao replied: "president, in fact, it has happened twice before. Plus this time today, it's a total of three times."

"What, it happened twice before. I thought it only happened once before." Mu Ziyan frowned. These men are so bastards that they think they are easy to bully. They don't report such an important event. If something really happens, they will be overwhelmed.

Although Mu Ziyan is a beautiful president, in fact, once she is cruel, it will definitely make people doubt life. After all, the people who can sit in her position are not ordinary people or innocent beauties. If she doesn't have some means, she won't sit in the president's throne.

"Yes, it has happened twice before." Dr. Zhao lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.

"Then why not report it?" Mu Ziyan held back her anger and wanted to pat the table.

She spent several years and spent billions of working capital of Longyao group, but she was stolen three times. Can she not be angry?

In recent years, billions of group working capital have been used, which is a lot of money. It should be noted that although Longyao group has tens of billions of assets, they are all fixed assets, and most of the funds need to be used for turnover. Therefore, spending billions of funds in recent years is the biggest limit of Longyao group.

If the serum is successfully developed, she has applied for an international patent, not to mention being stolen two or three times. Even if it is stolen 20 or 30 times, Mu Ziyan will not intervene and will never feel heartache, but not now. She is worried that someone has applied for the patent now and will kill the group.

In fact, Mu Ziyan also thought about applying for a patent now, but the time is not right and the technology is not mature. She Longyao group is a regular large group and can't do such a thing.

But those competitors are different. In order to destroy the things they study, even with semi-finished products, they try to bribe relevant departments to become officially registered drugs, and then officially produce them. After that, even if they kill several people, they can kill the serum of Longyao group's research by giving money and compensation.

After Dr. Zhao felt Mu Ziyan's anger, he worried: "when we found the loss twice before, we had to report it, but Doctor Zhang Zhongde said we would report it to you. Let's not care about it and don't mention it to anyone. We didn't report it to you in person until doctor Zhang Zhongde was expelled and we found another serum loss today."

Zhang Zhongde!

Mu Ziyan's eyes radiated cold light. She was sure that Zhang Zhongde must have done it. It was difficult to prevent thieves.

Although Mu Ziyan hates Zhang Zhongde's insidious and cunning and wants to kill Longyao group, she also knows that she can only blame herself for not knowing people.

"President, it must be Zhang Zhongde who stole from himself. He used your trust in him to do something worse than animals." Su Ru hated.

Yang Feng shook his head and said, "maybe not Zhang Zhongde."

"There is a mountain of hard evidence. How can it not be him." Su Ru said.

Yang Feng said seriously, "if the man who stole from himself was really Zhang Zhongde, he had been dismissed last night and could not enter the research chamber today. If it was really him, the serum lost today had actually disappeared before yesterday, but Dr. Zhao and others found it today."

Mu Ziyan thought Yang Fengyan was right, so she looked at Dr. Zhao without asking. The other party also knew what she wanted to ask.

Dr. Zhao said: "as for whether the missing serum found today had disappeared before yesterday, I'm really not sure."

"Check monitoring." Mu Ziyan said seriously.