Chapter 1510

Tomb of the Yellow Emperor!

In the void, Yang Feng held Xuanyuan sword, like a god of war, with deep and cold eyes looking forward.

Even though the other side is the ancient curse king and the strongest in the third world, he is still not afraid. Now with Xuanyuan sword in hand, he can fight with the ancient curse king and become famous all over the world.

"Yang Feng, you're just a mole ant. You don't deserve to have Xuanyuan sword. I advise you to hand over the two artifacts. I can let you live, or die." The ancient curse King's eyes were cold and gloomy.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Feng smiled and said, "the ancient curse king, who is the mole ant? Without showing off his tongue, let's fight, divide the victory and decide life and death."

Win or lose!

Life and death!

Yang Feng's words, like an echo, echoed in the void and spread to many strong people in the distance.

"Is Yang Feng crazy? He dares to fight the ancient curse king."

"Yes, he's really a madman. He's a mere Purdue sect leader. He dares to fight the ancient curse king. He overestimates his strength."

Many experts talked about it one after another. They were not optimistic about Yang Feng and thought that the final victory must belong to the ancient curse king.

Zhang Wu didn't know when he appeared in the crowd. Seeing that the people were not optimistic about Yang Feng, he tilted his eyes and said, "gentlemen, for the time being, whether our sect leader can defeat the ancient curse king or not, just because he has this courage and determination, he will be enough to win applause. Please applaud."


After that, the grandson really applauded.

But none of the experts around applauded. Those people didn't dare to offend the ancient curse king. As for the people in the Purdue gate camp, they were in the mood to applaud. They were only thinking about Yang Feng's safety.

"Zhang Wu, didn't you just say you were unwell? Why is the applause so loud and powerful?" Feng Dong asked.

"Ah, ah, well..."

Zhang Wu blinked and thought about how to explain, but everyone was not in the mood to listen to him, because everyone's eyes focused on Yang Feng and the ancient curse king.


Not far away, in the void, Yang Feng and the ancient curse King were thousands of kilometers away. They stepped on the void and looked at each other, but no one did it. Maybe the real strong need to be ready before taking action, or maybe the ancient curse king didn't pay attention to Yang Feng at all, so they were not in a hurry to take action.

Hoo Hoo!

The wind roared like a dragon.

In the strong wind, the ancient curse Wang looked at Yang Feng with cold eyes, and then said word by word: "boy, seeing you reminds me of a person."


Yang Feng held Xuanyuan sword and his whole body was full of Qi, just like a god of war. Because the ancient curse king didn't do it, he didn't do it either. Because Yang Feng has no confidence to defeat each other. After all, the ancient curse king is very strong. He is one of the five generals of the Heavenly Emperor, and his strength is unfathomable.

Even in this void, the strength of the ancient curse king will be affected, but we can't underestimate it.

The next moment, the faint three words of the ancient curse King shocked Yang Feng's heart.

"Yang Jiuding!"

Yang Jiuding!

Isn't that his father? Yang Feng didn't expect that the ancient curse king would mention his father.

In the strong wind, the ancient curse King's robe flew around, and his empty eyes seemed to recall. He continued word by word: "once, there was a peerless genius, who was also a strong man from the third world. He came from sunset village. His name was Yang Jiuding."

Sunset village!

Yang Feng once heard that tianjizi said that his father also came from sunset village and was from this village.

In the wind, the ancient curse Wang's cold voice continued: "Yang Jiuding is a great man. Although he has natural defects, he has become the head of the life and death sect with his amazing talent. Alas, it's a pity, it's a pity."

The ancient curse King shook his head as if regretting.

In fact, he is really sorry, because Yang Jiuding is a man of the third world. His high achievements are the glory of the third world.

"It's a pity that Yang Jiuding later gave up the position of sect leader to Wu Zhetian. He was so ignorant that he set up the nether world mansion in an attempt to fight the emperor of heaven. It's really beyond his power."

Yang Feng has heard of these things.

Not only has he heard that he saw his father Yang Jiuding on Zhenlong island. His father's voice of anger asked Heaven. His voice is in his ears. I dare not forget in this life.

The emperor of heaven never dies, and the dragon oil lamp will never dry up!

At that time, his father's indomitable and majestic body, like a mountain, always existed in Yang Feng's heart, which was not only his spiritual pillar, but also the direction of his progress.

The voice of the ancient curse king came and said, "I didn't expect that you were also surnamed Yang. You had the same surname as Yang Jiuding. After the ignorant Yang Jiuding established the netherworld mansion, twenty years ago, he even launched the battle of nine heaven steps, jumping up and down with a group of mole ants in an attempt to overthrow the emperor of heaven. It's ridiculous."

A group of ants jump up and down!

Yang Feng's eyes flickered murderous. The ancient curse King dared to despise his father Yang Jiuding, his mother LAN Jiuye, and those masters who had followed his father and were not afraid of life and death for great aspirations.

The ancient mantra king didn't seem to notice Yang Feng's eyes. Of course, he didn't need to care, so he continued: "I also participated in the battle of Jiuchong Tianjie, and Quangang also participated in that war. In that war, the sky and the earth fell apart and the sun and the moon disappeared. Although Yang Jiuding's people are mole ants, these mole ants are really powerful. Under his leadership, I almost broke the Ninth Heaven. "

Listening to the story of the ancient mantra king, Yang Feng's consciousness seemed to have had that scene.

Nine days!

Father Yang Jiuding, mother LAN Jiuye, master Luo Jin and others, a group of people fought bravely regardless of life and death.

Kill, destroy jiuchongtian!

War, war emperor!

Everything has reincarnation, the sun and moon have an end, and people also have life and death.

A group of strong people, a group of people with the same faith, they follow their father and forget to die, because they only want that dream and that great wish.

When this scene appeared in his consciousness, Yang Feng's mood was infected. Suddenly, he was proud of war. He seemed to shuttle back and forth to 20 years, as if he were on the scene, as if he saw his father and others being besieged.

He held Xuanyuan sword in his hand and shouted loudly. Father, I came too. Therefore, he also joined the vigorous fight.

Thinking, thinking, Yang Feng holding Xuanyuan sword seemed to resonate with his emotions.

Life is no joy, death is no pain!

If there is such a war in life, there is no regret in death.


In the wind, in Yang Feng's consciousness, the voice of the ancient curse king came again. He sighed and continued to say faintly: "although Yang Jiuding is very stupid, I admire him very much. Do you know why?"

Next, the words of the ancient curse King surprised Yang Feng and even couldn't believe it, just like a bolt from the blue.

"Yang Feng, in fact, Yang Jiuding and I are brothers. We are sworn brothers." The faint voice of the ancient curse king came.

Bye, brother!

Yang Feng stared with disbelief. He really couldn't believe that his father and the ancient curse King were sworn brothers.

What a great man his father was, how could he be sworn brothers with the ancient curse king.

And Yang Feng didn't hear his mother mention it.

But in front of Yang Feng, his mother LAN Jiuye never mentioned his father. Maybe she was afraid of being sad?

Yang Feng only knew that Wu Zhetian was once his father's sworn brother.

But he didn't expect that his father had another sworn brother now. There were too many sworn brothers.

"In fact, Yang Jiuding and I are not only sworn brothers, but also his guide."

Yang Jiuding's words shocked Yang Feng again.

He did not expect that the ancient curse king was not only his father's sworn brother, but also his father's Guide. It was a shocking secret.


I can't believe it!

The ancient curse King seems to be telling a story. I don't know why he mentioned these things to Yang Feng. Maybe he was missing an old friend.

In the void!

With his hands on his back, the ancient mantra king looked into the distance with empty eyes and muttered: "countless years ago, I passed by sunset village and met a man named Yang Jiuding. He was just an ordinary boy at that time, and I was already the mantra king. I saw at a glance that the man's talent was not wrong, so I led him to the road of cultivation. I thought his life was the greatest achievement, Maybe he can only reach an ordinary eight king level master, but I didn't expect that he finally took the position of the executive head of the gate of life and death. "

Yang Feng listened quietly to the ancient curse king. In this way, the ancient curse king was far older than his father.

However, people in the realm of the ancient curse king have a long life span. Perhaps countless ordinary people have been passed down for countless generations, but the ancient curse king still remains the same.


The ancient curse King shook his head, sighed and said, "you can't judge people by appearance. Things are unpredictable. I didn't expect that Yang Jiuding's talent was so amazing. It took only more than 20 years. His accomplishments were unfathomable, and even surpassed me. He became the leader of the life and Death Gate. Later, he saved my life. Yang Jiuding valued love and righteousness. He not only saved me, but also remembered the old love. To me, the original guide, He has always been grateful, so he became a brother with me, I am a brother, he is a brother... "

Yang Feng didn't make a sound and still listened quietly.

Whenever it was a legend about his father, he would listen with interest and interest, because he was also proud of his father.

With his big father, Yang Feng is extremely proud. Even if his father is defeated in the war and his father dies in the end, his father is still the greatest man in the world in his heart.

Through the ages, I don't know how many kings want to rebel against the emperor of heaven and fight the Ninth Heaven, but they don't have the courage.

But my father did it.

Regardless of success or failure, my father's rise has brought hope to countless people.

Even if it fails, the courage to rise up is like a seed that takes root and sprouts in the hearts of countless people.

But what Yang Feng didn't expect was that the ancient curse king was actually the eldest brother of his father Yang Jiuding.

This is God's will!

The ancient curse King continued: "when I became a brother with Yang Jiuding, he once said a word to me."

"What do you say?"

Yang Feng couldn't help asking. He listened to the ancient mantra Wang Qiang for so long and finally spoke for the first time.

The ancient curse king looked at Yang Feng, and then said faintly: "at that time, Yang Jiuding told me that no matter what I did wrong or what happened in the future, he would never do anything to me or kill me. I also said at that time that I would never do anything to him in this life and this life."

Calm, Yang Feng seems to be able to think of the situation at that time.

My father is a man who values love and righteousness. If someone gives him a drop of water, he will be rewarded by a spring in the future.

But what the ancient curse king once did to his father was not a drop of grace, but a guide.

In other words, without the guidance of the ancient curse king, his father Yang Jiuding will always be a disabled villager. Such kindness is not heavy.


The ancient curse King sighed again and said helplessly, "but things are changeable and nature makes people angry. Yang Jiuding actually withdrew from the gate of life and death and gave the position of gate master to his other sworn brother, Wu Zha Tian."

Yang Feng has also heard about this. Wu Zhetian, the executive head of the life and Death Gate, is the head of the gate. His father gave in.

"After leaving the gate of life and death, Yang Jiuding actually established a netherworld mansion, which was the enemy of the emperor of heaven and all the big families and large families in the Zhuxia mainland. Finally, Yang Jiuding took people and fought jiuchongtian in person..."

Speaking of this, the ancient curse King lowered his head slightly, as if he were meditating on the past. Then he looked up slightly and continued to say: "the war broke the earth, and the fist gang was seriously injured. We were each in charge. I finally started on Yang Jiuding and suddenly attacked him. I hit him hard, but Yang Jiuding was very strong. He could suppress me under serious injury."



Yang Feng clenched his fist and was murderous. The ancient curse king even hit his father Yang Jiuding during the war of jiuchongtian.