Chapter 1688

Many people believe that the power of kindness is the strongest power. In fact, this is wrong. The real strongest power is the spirit of hegemony, the heart of killing and ruthless people. The Eastern imperial bell, which originated from the artifact in the chaotic period, all things in the world, as well as all creatures and all life, came from the divine bell.

The Eastern imperial bell records the origin of all life. This artifact in the chaotic period cannot have the power of kindness. There are all things first, then creatures, and then humans. Therefore, kindness appears only after the birth of humans. This is invisible and just an ideology.

Those who watch the Donghuang bell, the heavier the heart of killing, the deeper the feeling. The more they see all living beings in the world as mole ants, the more they understand the Donghuang bell.

After the Heavenly Emperor was expelled from the miracle doctor, he traveled around the great wilderness and wanted to find the Eastern Emperor clock. At this time, he met the spirit emperor. The original spirit emperor was not as strong as the ten gods of the great wilderness. It was only the middle Saint level. The spirit Emperor was far away from the country and lived in a small country.

Young and frivolous, he thought he was invincible, so he entered the core of the great wilderness. He thought he could sweep the world, but he didn't think that he met the emperor of heaven. The young and frivolous spirit emperor fought with the emperor of heaven in the great wilderness. As a result, it can be imagined that a mere Zhongsheng can't be the opponent of the ten gods.

There is no suspense. The spirit emperor was defeated, and he was convinced of the defeat.

The Heavenly Emperor took the holy emperor as his disciple because he wanted revenge and killed the miracle doctor. From then on, the holy emperor became the disciple of the Heavenly Emperor. He followed the Heavenly Emperor into the chaotic space. Only in that space, although the Heavenly Emperor saw the Eastern Emperor clock, the holy emperor did not see it.

Later, the emperor of heaven rose and became the real emperor of heaven, but his heart of killing was too heavy. The spirit emperor saw the ambition and cruelty of the emperor of heaven, so he chose to leave. Then he entered the chaotic space again. Unexpectedly, by chance, he saw the Eastern Emperor bell and watched the artifact.

At this point, the spirit emperor was destined to become the fifth emperor, but he was always very low-key and did not dare to show his edge too much, but he was noticed by the Heavenly Emperor. In fact, the rise of the spirit emperor also accounted for a lot of luck. His luck was better than candle nine Yin, so he became one of the five emperors.

On the way to the rise of the spirit emperor, the emperor of heaven was at war with the Qing emperor, the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor. At that time, the emperor of heaven had no intention to deal with the spirit emperor because he had to deal with the three emperors. As soon as the war broke out, the emperor of heaven could not stop, either destroy the three emperors or be destroyed by the three emperors.

Although the Heavenly Emperor is very strong, the green emperor and the Yellow Emperor are also very strong.

When the spirit emperor took advantage of the Heavenly Emperor to deal with the three emperors, he rose rapidly. After his rise, he still knew that he was not the opponent of the Heavenly Emperor. Therefore, when Emperor Yan was destroyed by the Heavenly Emperor and seriously injured, he came to visit the spirit emperor, the then spirit emperor chose to close the door and not go out, because he didn't want to fight the Heavenly Emperor too early.

For this matter, Yang Feng once heard Emperor Yan talk about it.

At that time, Emperor Yan did ask to see Emperor Ling, but he was refused by Emperor Ling, but he didn't embarrass Emperor Yan.

After the fall of the three emperors, the spirit emperor also achieved great success in the power of the dead. He finally gave up his body and rebuilt himself with the power of the dead. In order to have a final decisive battle with the Heavenly Emperor and not want to fall to the miserable end of the three emperors, the spirit emperor went to Buzhou mountain to look for the dead rosary beads.

After that, he went to the yecha family and united with the two strong gods of the great wilderness at that time. After everything was ready, the battle between Lingdi and Tiandi officially began.


When he said this, the spirit emperor sighed and said that he was helpless in his heart.

"But you were defeated in the end." Yang Feng said calmly.


In the thick white bones, there came the sad voice of the spirit emperor, saying: "I finally lost the war, because I underestimated the strength of the Heavenly Emperor. In fact, I realized later that the reason why the Heavenly Emperor is very strong is not that he has a higher understanding than us, but because his heart of killing is very heavy. The heavier his heart of killing is, the more he feels when watching the Eastern Emperor clock, and the stronger his strength is."

For this, Yang Feng has also heard that the heavier the heart of killing, the stronger the perception when watching the Donghuang bell, because there is no power of kindness in the Donghuang bell.

The spirit emperor continued to apologize: "in fact, I am ashamed of the yecha family and pushed them into the abyss. Due to the defeat of the Qing emperor and my defeat, it has brought disaster to the yecha family."

"Maybe it's providence." Yang Feng said calmly.

"Maybe." The spirit emperor sighed slightly.

In history, the yecha family experienced two defeats. They followed the green emperor and the spirit emperor against the Heavenly Emperor, but they were defeated twice, resulting in the fall of two ten God level masters, even cursed and almost perished. If Yang Feng had not appeared, the yecha family would be destroyed.

The spirit emperor continued: "after my defeat, the Heavenly Emperor sealed me here, but I was unable to kill me, because I had given up my Buddha and condensed it with the power of the dead. As long as there is the power of the dead in this world, I will not die, but the emergence of the soul River restrained my power of the dead. If you didn't appear, I would die."

Listening to the story of Lingdi, Yang Feng can imagine how painful and lonely he was in the hundreds of thousands of years of repression.

100000 years!

Even the emperor level strong man can't stand the loneliness and painful suffering. It sounds like just a number, but behind this number, who can understand and imagine the price paid by the spirit emperor, heartache and so on.

In the void, in the thick bones, the voice of the spirit emperor came again. He said: "I have been trapped here for 100000 years. Through the ages, there are countless strong people who want to enter this seal and get my unique knowledge. I have forgotten how many people tried to come."

Sure enough, as Yang Feng guessed, he had long thought that in the past 100000 years, there must be countless experts who want to enter the seal to see the spirit emperor and obtain divine powers. Among these people, some are to resist the Heavenly Emperor, while others are for their own interests.

"However, since modern times, only two people have tried to see me and rescue me. These two people are the ancient curse king and your father Yang Jiuding." The sound of the spirit emperor continued to reach Yang Feng's ears.

Ancient curse king!

Yang Feng had heard that twenty years ago, the ancient curse king came here to save the spirit emperor.

In fact, the ancient curse king was frustrated all his life. When his father Yang Jiuding became the leader of the life and Death Gate, he couldn't see hope, so he came to this world alone to save the spirit emperor, but was found. So the ancient curse King fought with those people. At the critical moment, his father Yang Jiuding appeared and helped the ancient curse King destroy those people.

Since then, the ancient curse king decided to follow his father Yang Jiuding to realize this wish, but he couldn't realize this wish until the moment he was dying.

The spirit emperor continued: "as soon as the ancient curse Wang was close to this space, he was found, so he fought. In fact, with his cultivation and realm, even if he was not found, he could not save me."


Yang Feng nodded calmly and said, "yes, with the strength of the ancient curse king, even if he was not found, he can't save you, because his strength is limited."


The spirit emperor sighed again and said, "later, your Yang Jiuding launched the battle of the nine heavens. In fact, his purpose was to strive for the time for me to revive and break the seal. However, the will of heaven made people, the seal of the soul River, and the appearance of the heaven emperor, so your father failed."

Yang Feng has also heard that his father launched the battle of jiuchongtian in those years. In fact, it was just to buy time for the spirit emperor to break the seal, but it failed.

"After your father's failure, he was seriously injured and won the judge's pen of the emperor of heaven. He was bound to die, but he came to this world and communicated with me with his ideas outside the closed world to gain my power of death. But he never came again."

The voice of the spirit emperor was very hoarse. He seemed to recall the scenes of the past twenty years.

Yang Feng's voice was a little bitter and said, "my father has died. After he left here, he went to Buzhou mountain. He was trapped there for twenty years. When the deadline was coming, he returned to Zhenlong island..."

Hoo Hoo!

The wind blew. In the wind, Yang Feng's low voice quietly told the spirit emperor about those things.

In his consciousness, the original situation still emerged. On Zhenlong Island, before his father died, the roar of anger to the sky.

The emperor of heaven will never die out, and the Longyou lamp will never dry up!

The soul stirring voice, the roaring voice like a God, still echoes in Yang Feng's ears again and again. What a spirit it is, how hot-blooded it is.

After listening to Yang Feng's story, Emperor Ling said with admiration, "your father Yang Jiuding is really great. If he was born in ancient times, he would certainly become a strong man at the level of ten gods in the great wilderness."

"Thank you for your praise."

Yang Feng bowed deeply. It was amazing that his father could be recognized by people like Lingdi.

"Boy, your future achievements must be above your father, so you should practice hard and live up to the high expectations of the Qing emperor, the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor." The spirit emperor said seriously.

Yang Feng thought of the Nanhai shenni, Saint Laurent, master and others who were still fighting outside the sealed boundary, so he said anxiously: "Lingdi, Nanhai shenni, they are very dangerous now. Time can't be delayed. Please do it quickly."

Heifeng's strength is very strong. As one of the ancient ten gods, she is superior to the South China Sea God Ni. Even if the South China Sea venerable integrates Luocha Jingzhai and ten mountains, she is still not the opponent of Heifeng and still can't fight against the powerful and terrible Water God.

"OK, boy, you quickly enter the candle nine Yin bones and leave with me." The spirit emperor said seriously.

If there were no candle nine Yin bones, Yang Feng and Lingdi could not get out of here.


Turned into a breeze, Yang Feng's soul quickly entered the bones.