Chapter 1901

Wuwu sea, on the mysterious island, Yang Feng stood quietly behind Dong Xuan.

When the wind blew, he saw Dong Xuan carrying his hands. He was powerful and powerful. It was the breath of the ancient emperor. His deep eyes looked at the sea. Dong Xuan said solemnly: "the emperor can't help you personally, because the three inspectors not only supervise each other, but also check and balance each other, but because Pangu has a good relationship with Nu Wa, Therefore, Dijiang is very close to Xueying. If I openly help you, lingzun will be in a passive situation. "

i see!

It wasn't that Dong Xuan didn't want to make a move. In fact, with a character like him, he was unrestrained and made a move when he wanted to make a move. However, due to various reasons behind him, Dong Xuan was afraid.

"Don't worry, emperor, I will not only help you restore your sect's vitality and the cultivation of Pudu gate members, but also protect you personally when necessary." Dong Xuan promised.

"Thank you very much."

After receiving Dong Xuan's guarantee, Yang Feng was relieved. When necessary, as long as the ancient emperor took action, he would certainly solve some problems for him. Moreover, with Dong Xuan's support, the emperor of heaven and Yan e should also have some scruples.

In fact, the relationship between Xueying, Dijiang and lingzun may not be that simple. Dijiang may not really help Xueying and suppress lingzun together. After all, everyone understands the three groups of principles of prosperity.

"Is the three emperors still alive?" Yang Feng asked again.

Do Nuwa, Pangu and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi still exist? If they still exist, where did they go? If it has fallen, why does no one dare to violate the decrees left by the three emperors?

"This is the top secret. You don't have to inquire about it. Even if you inquire, I won't say it." Dong Xuan shook his head and said seriously.

"Well, in that case, I don't have to inquire, but I want to know a secret." Yang Feng said.

"Come on, what else do you want to know? As long as I can say, I will tell you. " With his hands on his back, Dong Xuan looked at Yang Feng with dignified eyes.

"Nuwa, Pangu, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, why did they make a decree that no one can become emperor after them?"

Yang Feng has been puzzled. Is Cheng Huang a threat to the three emperors, but this is obviously impossible, because even if someone surpasses the imperial level, it is impossible to threaten the status of the three.

After all, a peerless master of that realm needs not only his own understanding, but also more merit and virtue, as well as the accumulation of long years.

So now some people surpass the imperial level, and their strength is still very different from that of the three emperors. Therefore, it is not necessary for the three emperors to be so afraid of the latecomers becoming emperors.

"In fact, this secret should start with the Holocaust." Mentioning this matter, Dong Xuan looked frightened.

As an ancient emperor, he was so afraid of this matter. It can be seen how terrible the catastrophe is.

"Does Cheng Huang's Holocaust have anything to do with it?" Yang Feng asked.

"Yes, there is indeed a great relationship between the two. In fact, the catastrophe of the universe is not once in 100000 years, nor is it a great cycle in 100000 years." Said Dong Xuan.


Yang Feng was slightly surprised. According to all the news he had received before, the reincarnation catastrophe is once every 100000 years. Every disaster, anyone who has lived for 100000 years will die. Of course, the Heavenly Emperor, who has great powers, is an exception.

However, Dong Xuan told him that the catastrophe was not once every 100000 years, and the reincarnation was not once every 100000 years. Was it wrong for him to know these secrets before.

"Yang Feng, do you know how many thousands of years have passed since ancient times?" Dong Xuan asked with dignity.

Although his voice is not big, it gives people a very depressed feeling.

"It should be about 200000 years."

The reason why he answered about 200000 years is through analysis. It is 100000 years from ancient times to now, and the distance from ancient times to ancient times should also be about 100000 years. Therefore, the sum of the two is estimated to be about 200000 years.

"Wrong, very wrong. In fact, from ancient times to now, five reincarnation times have passed, and each reincarnation time is about 100000 years. Therefore, from ancient times to now, it has been 500000 years."

"500000 years, five reincarnation periods."

After hearing Dong Xuan's words, Yang Feng was very surprised. He didn't expect that five reincarnation times, that is, 500000 years, had passed since ancient times.

Such a long time, it is really a sea of vicissitudes, things are right and people are wrong.

No, even with the vicissitudes of life, it is impossible to describe such a long time.

Did the people of the spirit family also exist for 500000 years, and did the people of Pangu and Nuwa also exist in five reincarnation times?

Dong Xuan seemed to see Yang Feng's mind, so he said, "in fact, you are all wrong. The birth of Donghuang Taiyi is far more than 300000 years old than Donghuang bell, and Donghuang bell just derived everything on the earth. My master, Donghuang Taiyi, was able to..."

At this point, Dong Xuan shook his head and said, "well, it's no use telling you these things, and it's not good for you to know too much."

Hoo Hoo!

On the mysterious island, the strong wind kept blowing. In the wind, Yang Feng's heart was shocked and his blood seemed to be burning.

For a long time, he thought that the Eastern Emperor bell and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi should have been born at the same time, but until now, he knows that the birth of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is far more than the three reincarnation times of the Eastern Emperor bell.

Dong Xuan didn't want to go on, but Yang Fengren roughly speculated that the Donghuang bell was just an artifact derived from everything on earth.

The implication of Dong Xuan is that there are hundreds of millions of species in the universe, and those species do not come from the Eastern imperial bell.

It should also be understood in this way. In fact, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Nuwa and Pangu are not people of the earth. In that case, it can continue to be understood that there were more powerful humans or other species as early as several reincarnation times.

At this point, Yang Feng couldn't help looking up at the void in the distance and the top of the dome that day.

In this life, if we can cross the universe, shuttle between thousands of planets and walk on countless planes, it will be how shocking and great.

However, this idea only appeared for a moment.

"Is there really a demon God?" Yang Feng continued to ask.

He once heard Yan e say that evil gods appeared in ancient times. Not only that, it is said that the emperor of heaven once entered a mausoleum of evil gods under the great barren mountain. In the mausoleum of evil gods, the emperor of heaven saw a trace of ideas left by Nu Wa, so he got some inheritance and so on.

"Don't mention the past. Let's get down to business."

Dong Xuan's voice is a little old. He is domineering, like an ordinary man in his prime, but he gives people a feeling of old.

Yang Feng stood behind him and looked at his back. From his back, he seemed to see the scenes of fantasy.

It seemed that it was an extremely distant period, a period before several reincarnation times. Dong Xuan once followed lingzun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, so he fought with countless powerful demons for the stability and development of the human race.

I don't know how many experts are lost in that epic battle.

Human beings do not know how many emperors died in that epic battle.

Yang Feng can't imagine the epic battle. Anyway, it's far more than his soul River battle. After all, the emperor level masters have fallen countless, and its tragic degree can be imagined.

After that earth shaking war, Dong Xuan and Yan e can survive in the battle. In addition to their own strength, they should have good luck.

Hoo Hoo!

When bursts of cold sea breeze blew, Yang Feng woke up from his illusion.

He even fell into fantasy. Yang Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seems that his ideas are still weak in front of Dong Xuan, so they are invisible and affected.

Dong Xuan turned to look at Yang Feng and said majestically, "the scene you just saw is not illusory, but real."


Even the well-informed Yang Feng was shocked again after hearing Dong Xuan's answer.

He thought that after becoming the great emperor, his mind had been extremely firm and stable as a rock, but now he found that the things he had experienced were nothing compared with several epic battles in the reincarnation period.

"In fact, there are some things you don't need to inquire about or know. You just need to know that both me and Yan e have made supreme merits and virtues for the human race, and such merits and virtues are not comparable to yours." Dong Xuan's dignified way.


Yang Feng nodded seriously, but at this moment, he respected Dong Xuan with respect from his heart.

If the respect for Dong Xuan was due to the strong strength of the other party, his respect for Dong Xuan now comes from his heart and from the depths of his soul.

"In fact, the reincarnation of the universe is different every time, but the previous disasters were mainly caused by the way of heaven obliterating people who have lived for 100000 years." Said Dong Xuan.

Yang Feng has heard of this before. The transmigration catastrophe is mainly aimed at people who have lived for 100000 years.

"Yang Feng, do you know why people who have lived for 100000 years have to be wiped out every time during the previous reincarnation catastrophes?" Dong Xuan asked.

"I don't know." Yang Feng shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know.

In fact, he doesn't know it at all, but in front of Dong Xuan, he can't show himself too smart. He should always give Dong Xuan a chance to speak and don't seize the limelight.



On the golden sea, the mighty golden spray surged up.

Any wave is hundreds or even thousands of meters high. If such a powerful wave appears on the sea of China, it will cause human disaster.

With his hands on his back, Dong Xuan looked at the rolling wave, but his look was still very calm. He said: "every reincarnation catastrophe, the reason why the heavenly way wants to kill 100000 people and people who live in a reincarnation era is because the heavenly way is fair. The longer you live, the stronger your strength and the more energy you need, With their existence, it is more difficult for later people to rise,.... "

Under Dong Xuan's narration, Yang Feng understood. I see.

In fact, this is like a country. If everyone is immortal, the first group of people will always sit in their place.

Those who later appeared, no matter how talented they were, had no place, because the first came had occupied it. If they wanted to go on indefinitely, the best solution was that human life was limited and a new generation needed to be replaced every few decades.

"But this reincarnation catastrophe, everyone can't escape, alas!" Dong Xuan sighed helplessly.

No one can escape!

No one can escape!