Chapter 1929

Recall the scenes that happened on Zhenlong island.

At that time, I was still very weak.

But also witnessed his father's style!

Big sky, big star!

The emperor of heaven never dies, and the Dragon Oil Lamp never dries up.

Father used up his last voice and made this roar!

In the next few years, Yang Feng has been pursuing his father's will. Want to destroy the emperor. But along the way, thousands of dangers, thousands of life and death. Finally stand in this clean sky. Finally saw the end of killing the emperor.

The sun never dies, the emperor never dies!

Once upon a time, before Yang Feng became the great emperor, Yang Feng always naively thought that as long as he became the emperor, he would be able to fight to the death with the emperor of heaven!

Lingdi died, elder martial sister died.

Countless strong people die.

Including the two ancestors of Nuwa and Pangu, as well as sister-in-law Baiyue, were arrested to clean the sky.

After becoming the great emperor, Yang Feng realized that it was difficult for the great emperor to defeat the Heavenly Emperor. We must find Donghuang clock. Only after you get the Donghuang bell. Later, I was lucky to get the Donghuang bell and became a strong man in the middle. At that time, Yang Feng thought he could fight with the emperor of heaven. But when he was standing at the peak of the world, he knew that there were three monitoring envoys and Yan erdongxuan.

Only then did I know that the three emperors left three monitoring envoys to monitor the world.

Then, Yang Feng thought that as long as he united with Dong Xuan lingzun and yan'e River, he could kill Xueying and the emperor of heaven?

In fact, he slapped Yang Feng again.

The emperor of heaven alone destroyed Dongxuan and Dijiang, and even Xueying died.

At this moment, Yang Feng absorbed the snow shadow of the world tree. Just now I knew that to kill the emperor of heaven, I had to kill the sun!

The sun is the end of the emperor of heaven.

The achievements of the Heavenly Emperor have far surpassed the four emperors in ancient times. Reached the throne. Even if the ancient three emperors appeared here, it was difficult to kill the emperor. After all, the emperor of heaven has a ray of stellar law beyond the planetary law!

Before, lingzun used the Eastern Emperor's bell and the snow shadow used the world tree, which broke out the combat effectiveness similar to the emperor. But we can't kill the emperor after all.

What's more, now the emperor has become emperor. Magical power is more unfathomable!

If you want to kill the emperor of heaven, you must destroy the sun.

This is the direction indicated by the dragon oil lamp!

It's also reasonable.

This is the result of Yang Feng's interpretation of the mystery of the dragon oil lamp after he grew up.

The emperor of heaven calmed down and said, "Yang Feng, you are very clever. It's also very powerful. Even the secrets on the dragon oil lamp have been interpreted by you. But even if you read it, what can you do? A ray of the sun on the dragon oil lamp can kill the emperor? I'm kidding! "

Yang Feng said, "the law of the sun on the dragon oil lamp can't kill you. But I can threaten you temporarily! "

The emperor of heaven was slightly surprised, but soon calmed down: "in theory, there is a ray of sun in the dragon oil lamp and my body. It can really contain each other. But the question is, can you activate the law of the sun? The law of the sun is the law of the stars. If you want to feel the existence of the law of the sun, you must first control the law of the planet and become the emperor. Otherwise, you won't feel the existence of the law of stars! "

The emperor of heaven is right. Ordinary people can feel the gravity of the earth. For example, if you fall from a high altitude, you will be pulled back to the ground by the gravity of the earth.

But can ordinary people feel the attraction of the sun to it?


The gravitational pull of the sun can only be known by theory. But you can't feel the gravity of the sun.

Only the planet, the earth can feel the existence of the gravitational force of the sun!

The law runs from top to bottom. The following laws can only feel the existence of laws one level higher than yourself. It can only affect laws one level higher than itself.

The earth is pulled around the sun by the gravity of the sun, but at the same time, the sun is also attracted by the gravity of the earth, but this gravity is too small for the volume of the sun!

It shows that the earth can affect the sun, but it can't control the sun.

The same is true of the law. The emperor is the emperor and has the law of the sun in his body, but the emperor can feel this Law and affect this law, but he can't urge this trace of the law of the sun.

Yang Feng said, "you're right. If you become the emperor, you can't push the law of the sun. It can only affect the sun. However, the emperor can activate the dragon oil lamp! "

With that, Yang Feng put his hands on the dragon oil lamp!


The light on the Dragon Oil Lamp suddenly burst into the sky and the earth, turned into a huge lamp, rising higher and higher, and finally left the atmosphere and appeared outside the earth.

Like another sun!

The light of the six reincarnations and the open door of life and death are covered by the light of the dragon oil lamp.

Under the light of this light, the world began to become quiet and serene again.

Without the oppression of the light of the six samsara and the deprivation of life and death, the world will be stable.

The emperor of heaven was greatly surprised when he saw it: "can you actually activate the dragon oil lamp? How is this possible? "

Lingzun was also very surprised.

Yang Feng carried his back with his hands and proudly said, "because I'm going to be the emperor soon!"

The emperor shouted, "impossible, you have no planetary law at all. How can you become a king?! Even if you become the emperor, you can't directly urge the law of the sun! "

Yang Feng said, "there are two laws in the world, one is time and the other is space! The so-called stellar law or planetary law. Or the law of galaxies above stars, or the law of Galaxy groups above galaxies, the stronger law of superclusters, and so on. It's just the law of space. In addition to the law of space, there is another law called the law of time! The law of time is strange. All practitioners feel very strange, because no one can understand the law of time! "

The Heavenly Emperor and lingzun were very confused.

Yang Feng continued, "if the law of space leaves the law of time, it becomes meaningless. The law of space is also urged by time. Thirteen billion years ago, the big bang created the universe. About 4.6 billion years ago, the sun formed. About four billion years ago, the earth appeared. It can be seen that all spaces and laws evolve according to the timeline. If there is no time, space will not exist! Life will not exist. "

The emperor of heaven was surprised, because Yang Feng's statement and understanding have gone beyond the previous emperor of heaven's narration.

This is a very terrible signal.

A man's accomplishments are absolutely beyond his understanding of the world. The height of a species and a nation's development will not exceed the nation's exploration of the world!

Like the height of a fountain, it can't exceed its source!

The emperor of heaven said slightly, "you mean you use the law of time to urge the law of the sun?"

Yang Feng nodded: "yes, the formation and evolution of the sun and even the extinction of the sun in the future should be measured by time. The life span of the sun is now 4.6 billion years. In the next 56 billion years., The hydrogen inside the sun will be almost completely consumed, and the core of the sun will collapse. Then the sun will die. When the sun goes out, can the earth still exist? No. I'm just saying that time can activate the law of space. Whether you are planetary law or stellar law. As long as the law of time is strong enough. Can be urged. Even as long as your law of time is strong enough, even the universe can be urged! "

The emperor of heaven was silent.

He knew that Yang Feng was right. For example, there are many ways for a person to cross the Great Wall. You can climb up and cross over. You can go by plane or by hot-air balloon. In short, there are countless ways. But these methods are all spatial methods.

So, can the method of time pass?

Yes, of course.

As long as this person urges the law of time to return the time in this area to the time before the Great Wall was built by the Qin Empire. Then there will be no great wall at your feet, but a flat land. This person can easily cross the past!

Look, this is the power of time.

For another example, there are countless ways to destroy the Great Wall. You can find construction workers to dismantle bricks one by one, blow them up with explosives, flush them with water, and so on... Countless ways can be done. But in the final analysis, it is also the law of space!

Can it be destroyed in time?


If the law of time is applied, the Great Wall will naturally disappear after tens of thousands of years. If tens of thousands of years is not enough, then hundreds of millions of years, billions of years

Yang Feng said, "to destroy the sun, I don't need to urge the solar law at all, nor do I need to understand the stellar law to fight the sun. I directly use the law of time to pull the time instantaneously to 6 billion years later. The sun went out naturally. It's easy to kill you. How long do you live? I'll extend the time to the point when your life is destroyed, and then I'll bring the time back to the present moment. "

The emperor of heaven was a little afraid: "it sounds terrible! Unfortunately, do you have the law of time? "

Yang Feng said, "yes, I heard Yang Feng's last voice in the air:" emperor, don't you also want to see the original Queen of the starry sky? If you are not afraid of being killed by the original Queen of the stars, come! "