Chapter 219 Making A Decision By Force

Name:Addicted To Love Author:Peach
Amelia respectfully kept smiling, but her eyes didn't shift at all.

Prior to opening her mouth, Fannie was silent. It was like she was getting ready to jump from a tall diving board and needed to choose the right moment.

"Amelia, you getting to marry into the Zhan family was not planned. The odds of that happening were slimmer than our five million jackpot. So, to call you lucky would be an understatement." As Fannie had been so busy making arrangements, Amelia was pretty sure Fannie was going to mention her humble origins again. Amelia wasn't allowed to go too far without being reminded of where she came from.

"Nicholas and I have always had an ideal daughter-in-law in mind. But, our son is now old enough to decide for himself on which path to take. This morning, when I arrived at SJ Garden, I was told by the servant that Mark was ill. I'm quite concerned about this. I feel that we need to hire more servants, because there always seemed to me to be not enough of them here."

It was now clear why Fannie had so much to say, she wanted to use this opportunity to hire two more servants for the villa.

Slightly relieved, Amelia understood what she had to do, so she said, "Or course, Mom, I will make those arrangements as soon as I can. Once we receive some appropriate candidates, I will choose another servant."

Amelia actually agreed with her mother-in-law, because she now managed a flower shop. With one more servant, she would not only be able to help Amelia with her business, this would also leave Amelia more time with her child at home.

Lucian did mention this idea previously, and she wholeheartedly agreed with it. But, now that Fannie had given her the green light for this additional expenditure, they could take action quickly.

"Don't waste any time making any job advertisements for us. If you'd like, I can prepare one for you!" Inwardly, Fannie's heart was jumping for joy.

"Well, I do greatly appreciate that gesture

e. So, there is no reason to..."

"Oh, don't think that you can threaten me by mentioning Lucian. I'm your mother-in-law, don't forget that. I've already taken the necessary actions," Fannie interrupted, she didn't have the patience to listen to Amelia's explanation at all.

Amelia just sat there holding her teacup, she swallowed. What was she going to do?

She knew this family well enough. Once one of them insisted on something, whether or not it was reasonable was irrelevant. Fannie would fight to the death for this, to uphold her pride and authority, the natural order of their universe.

"Mrs. Amelia, if I may interject here, Clara and I are forty years old. We are much more skilled at doing the housework than any of your younger servants," the taller, slim, middle-aged women added in humbly. She sensed that something was odd about how Amelia didn't seem to want their service.

Amelia rumpled her face, "Auntie, please forgive me. This has nothing to do with the quality of service you will provide..."

"Please rest assured. Nina and I are quiet and will definitely not disturb your family," Clara promised. She needed to be more careful with these people.

"I agree with Clara. I promise, you won't even see us throughout the day. We will be fully occupied with our duties," the woman named Nina said with a hopeful smile. She was sitting on the edge of her seat.

It was one versus three, an unfair fight designed to be that way. Amelia understood what was happening, she straightened up in her chair.

Fannie could smell weakness in people like a pack of stray dogs could. If Amelia continued to hesitate, she would lead the attack.

"Amelia, I believe you are a sensible girl. Did Lucian ask for your opinion in this matter? If you are hesitant, then maybe you should second-guess yourself," Fannie said in a way that made it seem like she was on Amelia's side. But, she was a seasoned manipulator, with years and years of experience.