Ling still looks at Hua Lifang with a smile, but she doesn't feel that hualifang is sad at all. She is more than 90% sure that hualifang should do something about the rest room.

Just... I don't know what the result of the police investigation is!

Gu lichen got up and came over, looked at Ling and still said, "I also received a call from the police. No matter who is the culprit, once we find out who drugged the man and who locked the door of the rest room, I will let that person pay the price and give you a fair deal!"

Ling still raised his eyes and looked at each other. He knew that she was doubting Huali Fang, so he was telling her that if it was really gorgeous Fang, he would never even cover up the other side?

Hua Lifang, on the other side, trembled when she heard Gu lichen say this, and a trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

Does Li Chen care so much about Ling? Do you still feel a little aggrieved? Even this matter, Ling is still not harmed at all, just the arm was scratched.

"Well, let's go to the advanced room. There are some things I want to explain to you." Police said.

Zhao Dazhu's family, after all, is also the victim of this case.

Zhao Dazhu's family members came to visit his parents, who were also huahuafang's former in laws.

Since they entered the police station, their eyes have never left huahuafang. Looking at their daughter-in-law now wearing gold and silver, and looking at their son, who is still lying in the hospital, they have an indescribable taste in their hearts.

However, everyone in the town said that their former daughter-in-law was a prince who had been in the entertainment industry and was going to be a little grandmother. But now it seems that the prince is still better to Ling!

They all sat down and showed the video to some people in the room.

When she heard the police say that there were two surveillance videos installed in the shopping mall at the entrance of the rest room, Hua Lifang was stunned, and then her face turned pale.

Two? She clearly remembered that it was one, and she secretly investigated that monitoring probe, which could only be photographed in the upper half of the lounge door, mainly on the escalator on the two floor.

So she told her to bribe the cleaner who locked the door so that the other party would lower down and bend down to lock the door, so that no one could be seen in the camera.

But now, the police say, is there another one?

What's going on? Do you mean... Another surveillance camera caught the cleaner who locked the door? Then, if the police find a cleaner, she will...

think of this, gorgeous Fang is dripping with cold sweat.

Only when the screen in the room released the fast forward lens of the monitoring screen at that time, it was found that one of the monitoring images, as Huali Fang knew before, only captured the upper part of the door of the lounge, but not the lower part.

And another monitoring screen... It is a dead corner beside the door of the rest room!

Hua Lifang is stunned and stares at the monitoring screen. How can this happen? How can the monitoring probe face a dead angle? This dead corner, no one will go there at all. What's the significance of such monitoring.

The police pointed to the surveillance screen in the dead corner and said, "originally, this surveillance camera can take pictures of the door of the rest room, but I don't know who moved the position. The time of moving the position is 4:12 p.m."