When he was a child, the man named Secretary Wang asked him to fight with animals constantly. Although those memories had been blurred, the feeling of doing everything to survive remained in his body.

Later, his father asked him to follow the famous teacher and learn various fighting skills. He always wanted to hit the target with one blow.

It's just the feeling of hitting. Whether he hits others or others hit him, he feels uncomfortable.

But my father said that learning these is not only to protect himself, but also to protect the people he thinks important.

And he, the one who wants to protect is sister.

"Don't you like it?" she said.

"It's just necessary," he said.

"Then you'll see if there are any sports you like, such as swimming, skating and playing..." she gave examples one by one, hoping that he could find his own hobbies in the future.

"OK, I'll try to find out if there's anything I like," he said.

She smiled and then turned to look at the playing field.

His eyes fell on her side, then followed her eyes and glanced at Song Yue in the game.

At the moment, song Yue is running with the dribble and his sweat is constantly splashing. He looks young and energetic. In Yi Qianci's eyes, there is a touch of deep jealousy


At the end of a ball game, song Yue changed his clothes and ran to meet he Zixin and Yi Qianci.

"Congratulations, you won the game." he Zixin said.

"Thank you." Song Yue said with a smile, "there's nothing wrong with me. Why don't we go to the bookstore together. Hello, buy books. There's a Xinhua bookstore nearby. Do you want to go and have a look?"

He Zixin looked at Yi Qianci. "Xiaoci, do you want to have a look at the Xinhua Bookstore here?"

"OK." Yi said modestly.

The three of them walked directly towards the Xinhua bookstore. Along the way, he Zixin felt a lot of eyes. After all, song Yue himself looked good, tall and thin with a kind of vitality, while Yi Qianci looked clear, meaningful and elegant. Although his appearance looked a little cold, this cold sense of alienation is what girls like nowadays.

He Zixin was squeezed between the two boys. In this way, the three people walked, which naturally attracted people's attention.

When they got to the bookstore, he Zixin and Yi Qianci chose the book, while song Yue accompanied them.

"Song Xuechang, why don't you find a place to sit down and have a rest? We'll choose the book and come back to you." he Zixin said. After all, song Passover didn't play long before he was tired.

"It doesn't matter. I came to buy books with you." Song Passover said.

"You have a rest first. Sometimes I pick books and look through them. If you stand next to me, I'm embarrassed to take the time to look through them." he Zixin said.

Song Yue heard the speech, so he stopped insisting, "well, I'll sit next to you and you'll choose it slowly."

In the bookstore, at the end of each floor, there are several wooden tables and chairs for the guests of the bookstore to rest or read books.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddyueshu.com. Vertex novel mobile reading website: m.ddyueshu.com