He knelt down and said to Chu Yihan, "emperor, at this moment, you'd better let long Shizi go to support general Gong first, otherwise the border will fall, and a large area of Dongling will be in danger!"

"Does Leng Qing want to see Jiangdu in danger?" Chu Yihan's query is loud and clear, with the pressure of the king not angry.

Leng Yi knelt on the ground and shivered, "emperor, I'm thinking about Dongling River and mountain. I have no other intention! If the border is lost, I'm afraid that the officers and men in the court will have different movements, and the few generals in the palace's side will be cold hearted. "

In the final analysis, although the Gong family are all martial arts men, they are needed at a time of national crisis. As long as they can defend their country as well as Gong Tiantian, they are the pillars of the country.

Only by keeping Gong Tiantian, her former Ministry, and other members of the Gong family, will she be loyal to Dongling!

Leng Yi is full of tears. He thinks that Chu Yihan doesn't understand his idea, but Chu Yihan's query makes him very embarrassed.

"I have made up my mind to let long Ze arrive at Hangu pass first. Tomorrow I will personally organize my troops and send them to the border." Chu Yihan waves his hand, which can't be refuted at all. He doesn't give lengyi a chance to speak.

Leng Yi nearly faints when he goes out. He is glad that Chu Yihan has returned, but he doesn't know whether the return of the emperor is good or bad, and whether he can save Dongling from the crisis.

Even he, an old minister of the three dynasties, couldn't understand the emperor's mind, and the rest of us couldn't understand it.

After Leng Yi left, Chu Yihan was drafting a decree. Muxiu knelt down and asked, "emperor, don't give up general Gong! We must save her! She is the only blood of the loyal Marquis's family. If she died in the war and no one supported her, the sergeant's heart would be cool! "

Chu Yi Han twisted his eyebrows and said in his voice, "of course I know. Go and call Bluebird and let it summon you!"

"Green bird?" Mu Xiu suddenly widens his eyes. He sees that Chu Yihan has cut his wrist, and the blood flows into the jade bowl. He is taiweiren's disciple. Qingniao knows him. As long as he leads Qingniao to the palace with his blood, he can spread the news faster.

Mu Xiu took the jade bowl and stared at it strangely

Chu Yihan screwed his eyebrows, and his hand never stopped. "It will take three days for Longze to lead the imperial army to get there. Tongguan, a branch of the palace, is the nearest to the border. It only takes one day to get there. When the news of Gong Tiantian's emergency comes back to the court, Tongguan will know that they can't leave without permission, but they won't sit by and watch Gong Tiantian in danger Ignore, must have gone to support, this edict, is to let them peace of mind to fight, I will protect them

Chu Yihan's imperial edict was completed at one go. He handed the imperial edict and blood to muxiu, "go and summon Bluebird."

Muxiu was so excited that he immediately stepped forward. Fortunately, Qingniao came in time and sent the imperial edict to Gong Tiantian. When muxiu returned to the palace, Chu Yihan was already wearing armor.

But his face turned white gradually. He seemed to be a little weak. He suddenly fell on the Dragon chair. Muxiu quickly walked over, "emperor!"

Chu Yi Han stretched out his hand in front of him, "quickly show me what's going on, I feel dizzy and powerless."

Muxiu felt his pulse and told Chu Yihan, "the emperor has been sleeping for half a year, but his body hasn't recovered. Now it's not suitable to work too hard. The emperor, listen to the minister's advice, have a rest for one day, at least one day, and then order soldiers."

Chu Yihan held his forehead and twisted his eyebrows to ponder. Now the situation in Dongling is urgent, but if he doesn't recuperate well, he can't save Dongling. So he took off his armor and told Mu Xiu, "prescribe medicine for me. Tomorrow I will go to the military camp and lead the army out in three days."

"This Yes Mu Xiu grits his teeth. He knows that he can't stop Chu Yihan's determination to fight. What he can do now is to recuperate his body.

But in this respect, Su Yuetong's medical skills are obviously better, and she saved Chu Yihan and missed him. Mu Xiu took the opportunity to suggest, "the emperor, the empress's medical skills are better. Why don't you ask her to enter the palace and prescribe medicine for the emperor to recuperate."

Chu Yihan shook his head and refused, "don't let her enter the palace until I come back from the war."


"She..." As soon as Chu Yihan mentions Su Yuetong, he has an indescribable emotion in his heart.

He just woke up less than 12 hours, but he could clearly feel that his feelings for Su Yuetong were out of control, like a runaway wild horse running around in his heart, and his body was almost out of control.

This is definitely not a good thing for him. He has no time to sort out what happened during this period, why he fell asleep, and his relationship with Su Yuetong.

This is all after he saved Dongling. Now there is nothing more important than he reorganized the imperial court and sent troops.

So before that, he will not have any contact with Su Yuetong.

Chu Yihan orders Mu Xiu a few words. Mu Xiu also understands Chu Yihan's dilemma, but Su Yuetong is afraid that he will find a way to pacify him.

After he left, Chu Yihan summoned Wei Zeyan. Wei Zeyan has been sitting on pins and needles in the position of the commander of the forbidden army for the past six months. He is not deeply influential in the court, but has to shoulder great responsibilities. After training for the past six months, he is much more calm than before.Seeing Chu Yihan, he didn't rush up to hold him and shout long live elder martial brother. He knelt down in front of him and said, "Your Majesty, I'm lucky to live up to my orders. I'm still guarding the Imperial Palace and Dongling mountains."

"You've worked hard. Get up." Chu Yi Han's face is not good, and his voice is weak.

"Elder martial brother, if you want to have a rest for a while, I'll see your face..."

Chu Yi Han waved his hand and asked him first, "what's the situation in Qin Zheng Dian?"

Wei Zeyan said, "the civil and military officials who have been locked up are very restless. They are anxious because they can't get out of the palace and can't see elder martial brother you. But half a day later, a few of them have recovered their calm, and most of them are more irritable than before. There are even boxers in them."

"You send someone to watch them. They are not allowed to have an accident. As long as there is no accident, they will continue to be locked up." Chu Yi Han coughed two times. In his deep eyes, Wei Zeyan could not understand.

Wei Zeyan obeys the orders, but Chu Yihan tells him to go to the palace again to observe. The more restless he is, the more people will check the situation in his house and the people who come and go. The more anxious he is, the more people will check whether he has an illicit relationship with the enemy. They will be shut up for no more than three days. The treacherous people in the court will all show their original shape.

Chu Yihan's move was a little more fierce, and he calculated all the loyal ministers and good generals. But in a critical moment, his method was also the most simple and direct way to test the minister center.

In hanwangfu, Cailing accompanied Su Yuetong for half a day. At dusk, she stood at the gate of the courtyard and looked out. The more she waited, the more anxious she was. Su Yuetong cooked two dishes and patted her on the shoulder. "What are you waiting for?"

"No Nothing to wait for! Miss, you are dining in the palace. Don't you go to the palace to accompany the emperor? " Cailing doubts and pokes the pain point in Su Yuetong's heart.

She is a bit angry, a bit arrogant, "as soon as he comes back, he just goes into the palace and ignores me. What am I going to do with him with a shy face?"