Spring Wave (2)

The afterglow of the setting sun passed through the paper of the carved wood windows and fell upon that snowy jade-like face of his, giving him a warm halo. There was a faint layer of blue-grey under his eyes, probably because of fatigue.

It was as if a celestial being had descended to earth and had picked up a touch of mortal dust.

Zheng Wan straightened her elbows and leaned closer. Even from this close, this person’s skin was still shockingly good, like a high-quality mutton fat jade—she could not pick out a single flaw, which made her feel somewhat envious.

His eyelashes were also long; so long, they seemed to be able to pierce one’s heart. Zheng Wan subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch it, and she did. It felt soft and velvety feeling; they poked at her palms, bringing along a little itch——

At this moment, Cui Wang suddenly opened his eyes.

He had just fallen asleep, and there was still a layer of fogginess in his eyes. He looked at her dumbly with clear pupils that seemed to contain a bit of childlike innocence.

Zheng Wan immediately flushed——she was about to get up, but unexpectedly, she had propped herself up on her elbows for too long and got up too fast, so instead, she stumbled and fell.

And of all the places, she fell directly on his lips.

Cui Wang watched her fall and press her lips to his.

The woman’s pink lips were like plump cherries; it seemed like one could squeeze out juice from them with just the slightest touch. The scene from just now crept back into his head, and he didn’t hide, as if he hadn’t awakened from his sleep at all.

Zheng Wan felt that Cui Wang’s lips were just like his person, cold and thin; pressing on them was like pressing upon a frozen bone—it was utterly boring, and not even a bit as interesting as described in erotic stories.

She edged backwards, but unexpectedly, a strong force came up behind her head which made her unable to move; at the same time, Cui Wang moved.

The world spun, and Zheng Wan found herself flipped around and pinned under Cui Wang.

The innocent gaze from before had long since been replaced by a torrential storm; he lowered his head and took her lips in his, sucking on them thoughtfully like a child, as if tasting his favourite maltose candy from childhood, tasting it bit by bit—but the action was clumsy and rough.

The thin middle garments had already been messed up from her sleep; now, as she struggled, the lapel that wasn’t secure to begin with opened a little, revealing a section of snowy white that was covered by the edges of a goose-yellow inner garment.

Zheng Wan was so embarrassed that her cheeks were flamed; she couldn’t stand it and pounded him.

But the man had muscles of steel and bones of iron, she couldn’t move him at all. Instead, her hands were grasped and held above her head. Cui Wang was like a wild beast who had a taste of something he liked and wanted more; he bit her lips and wouldn’t let go.

Only when he seemed to sense that the person underneath him was about to faint did he raise his head. The pair of inky black eyes contained brimming waves of light, with some arrogance and a touch of incomprehension.

The rims of Zheng Wan’s eyes were red; she pouted to show him the lips he had bitten.

“Mister Cui, it hurts.”

Unexpectedly, this sound was like the chime of a bell from a Buddhist temple, waking Cui Wang up with a start.

He seemed to have just woken up from a dream; he stood blankly for a while, then remembered something, covered her lapel well, looked at her as if he wanted to say something, but faltered. In the end, he carried his sword and left without a word, as swift as the wind, as if dogs were chasing after him.

In any case, Zheng Wan didn’t manage to see how he left clearly. She only remembered Cui Wang’s slightly trembling fingers as he struggled to hold himself together and tie her lapel close; when they fell on her skin, it felt like frosty snow mixed with a scorching heat.

One part was ice-cold rationality; the other, an out-of-control lust.

She propped herself up on her elbows; she mused inwardly that although love gu couldn’t sway one’s heart, its ability to catalyse and amplify emotions when one’s consciousness was fragile was indeed of some use to her.

Look, she had only tried a bit of what’s in those erotic books, and this cold Buddha had actually lost his wits—what was that again? ‘Lust makes wisdom dim.’

She just didn’t know how long this ‘wisdom’ could be ‘dimmed’ for. Would it be enough to make him offer her the Moistening Essence with both hands?

“My lady.” After five minutes, Luodai knocked on the door and came in. “The State Preceptor sent someone to deliver a bottle of medicine, along with a message. He said that you have almost recovered from your injuries, with one pill a day and continued rest, you will recuperate completely in about seven to eight days. He——”

“He won’t be coming anymore?”

“Yes, the State Preceptor said——there’s something for him to deal with back at his residence, so he won’t be coming.”