Delusory Arts (1)

Cui Wang cast his eyes around; he seemed to have looked at no one, but everyone present felt as if he had been looking at them.

The crown prince watched him ascend the steps. For some reason, he suddenly turned to look at Zheng Wan, and saw that her gaze was sweet and agreeable, falling upon that person like a flood of shimmering light. As if he had eaten coptis root and bitter melon, a bitter and astringent feeling took root in his heart.

Rong Qin’s pretty face had already turned red, and as eloquent as she was, at this moment, she could only say, “State Preceptor… you’ve come too.”

She didn’t know if her overbearing attitude just now had been seen by the State Preceptor.

“State, State Preceptor,” Rong Yi had always feared Cui Wang; currently, even her teeth were shaking. “The day before, your subordinate sent a letter, and said that you– that you wouldn’t be coming…”

“Could it be that the princess doesn’t welcome the State Preceptor’s presence?” Third Lady Jiang rolled her eyes.

This princess has been very dull-witted since birth, and couldn’t even say things that were pleasing to the ear, but at least she knew her limitations, and wouldn’t vainly attempt to pluck the sun that was hung high up in the sky.

But Zheng Wan wanted to pluck the sun, and Third Lady Jiang couldn’t bear the sight of it.

They were all ants on the ground, on what basis should anyone try to cast off their fate and shine with the sun? It was such an eyesore, an utterly offensive eyesore.

Therefore, when Third Lady Jiang watched the State Preceptor approach step by step and stop by Zheng Wan’s side, her heart leapt, and she prayed desperately that the rumours were true.

Please, let it be that Zheng Wan’niang had offended the State Preceptor utterly and completely!

Zheng Wan bobbed a faint curtsey, like a weak flower that was too frail to stand even a breeze.

“Mister Cui.”

Cui Wang paused; a peach fragrance wafted to the tip of his nose again. Normally, he intensely detested such sickeningly sweet smells. But recently, it always seemed to put him in a trance.


He nodded, and his brows furrowed tightly when he smelled that peach fragrance. To outsiders, he was expressing complete disgust, to the point that even saying a word felt annoying to him.

At this moment, the crown prince, Jin Wang, Huai Wang, and others who had stood up earlier all beckoned for him to sit. Today’s birthday girl was Rong Yi; everyone was scattered about, such that there didn’t seem to be any difference in status—they all sat around in a crowd.

Cui Wang took a seat.

Rong Yi had also invited Zheng Wan to sit. As luck would have it, the two of them were sitting opposite each other. All around them were familiar faces; those of lesser status were outside the Lijia Pavilion. By this count, there were only fifteen or sixteen people in the pavilion.

Cui Wang’s presence was as if a large mountain had come down upon them. The originally lively gentlemen and ladies did not dare breathe; the atmosphere was momentarily stagnant.

Rong Qin clapped her hands.

“Why don’t… we continue?”

“I’m afraid the State Preceptor has not played these little games of our mortal realm before.”

Rong Qin had recently heard a lot of news from the palace; she knew that this State Preceptor was most probably from the heavens. After thinking about it, what they were playing now seemed to have more novelty. “Recently, there’s a popular game in the capital, called ‘Strike the Drum and Pass the Flower’. When the drum stops, the passing of the flower stops as well. The person with the flower will have to do what those present instruct, no matter what it is, as long as it doesn’t go against reason and nature. It is also okay to ask questions, but the reply must be sincere, otherwise, you will have to accept punishment.”

A maidservant next to her carried an exquisite seven-coloured hydrangea in her hands, and a pageboy with a pair of drumsticks stood at one side; obviously, the arrival of the two had interrupted the game.

“How could the State Preceptor play such a childish game?”

“No, no, no, State Preceptor, why don’t you go to the martial arts arena…”

Huai Wang and Jin Wang shook their heads.

“No need, I will do as you do.”

No one expected that the State Preceptor would be so approachable. Rong Qin rallied her spirits and with a clap, signalled for the pageboy to begin.

“Dong dong dong dong dong dong,” the drums beat rhythmically and everyone closed their eyes.

Zheng Wan followed suit and closed her eyes. Before closing her eyes, she glanced at Cui Wang, only to see his slightly closed eyes, with lashes that were long and curved, like a neat row of brush hair.

When Cui Wang opened his eyes as if he felt something; Zheng Wan hastily shut her eyes. Her eyelids moved slightly, and she had on a shy look of one being caught in the act; even her cheeks were flushed.

He closed his eyes again.


The drums stopped!

Unexpectedly, the hydrangea fell into the crown prince’s hands. He had been thinking about something and was so lost in thought that he did not pass the hydrangea on in time.

Naturally, Rong Qin didn’t want to make things difficult for her cousin, who was going to be the future master of the country. After thinking about it, she asked him to pick a flower from the garden and give it to the one amongst them that his heart admires1.

For the gentleman who gave the flower, and the lady who received it, it was all considered an elegant affair.

Second Lady Liu blushed.

On the other hand, Jin Wang raised his eyebrows mischievously and asked Cui Wang, who was next to him:

“State Preceptor, is there a technique in this world that can measure a person’s true heart?”

Cui Wang nodded.


Zheng Wan’s eyes widened. This was not mentioned in the book…… she’s done for. But then, she heard Cui Wang add, “Delusory Arts. If one’s words are contrary to one’s actions, there will be some reaction. Afterwards, the person will obey their true heart, and both their words and actions will be true.”

“Good, good, this is good.”

Jin Wang clapped. “May I request for the State Preceptor to perform this Delusory Arts for us?”

Zheng Wan bit her lips, then suddenly said, “If what State Preceptor says and does is false, can it be tested? Can it be corrected?”

“Naturally——” Cui Wang looked straight at her, “It cannot.”

“The State Preceptor is a person of great divine power, why would he need to deceive us?” Rong Qin sneered. “Let’s hurry and begin.”


1 admires: 心仪xinyi; the admiration here carries the connotation of love, like having a crush on, or someone the heart leans towards.