Don’t Know Her (3)

“Don’t throw childish tantrums.”

Cui Wang’s expression turned cold abruptly. “The medicinal bath cannot be disrupted.”

“Even so, I won’t go.” Zheng Wan’s eyes were filled with shimmering tears. “Since you’ve brought her home, where are you still bothering yourself with me?

“Even if our relationship is ambiguous, it won’t be difficult for me, Zheng Wan, to find a new husband!”

Zheng Wan became increasingly agitated as she spoke, ignoring the vortex that had suddenly appeared in his eyes. “Since you’re intimate with her, I will be intimate with someone else. I will go be intimate with the crown prince, Jin Wang, Huai Wang, they will not reject me!”

“Zheng Wan!”

Cui Wang closed his eyes, then opened them again, and turned to look at a blue and white porcelain vase on the bogu shelf in the parlour. “Don’t be provocative.”

“You’re being fierce to me?!”

Zheng Wan pointed at him as two drops of tears in her eyes rolled down.

“I thought about it all night and couldn’t sleep. I was afraid that you will do— do to her what you did to me, afraid that you will kiss her like how you kissed me, and hug her like you hugged me——”

She cried quietly but violently, seeming to be truly heartbroken.

“And you even promised to take her away. What about me?”

Finally, the question was asked.

Cui Wang looked steadily at her. “Naturally, you will also be coming with me.”

“But my father and mother are here.”

Zheng Wan shook her head in refusal. Seeing that he wasn’t speaking, she looked at him with eyes like a fawn’s, “Cui Wang, take my parents along, will you?”

“The realm gate only allows four people to pass through at one time.”

“Then, you can make two trips, okay?”

Cui Wang looked at her. “This realm is a land without any vital energy. The realm gate will collapse if used another time.”

“Then you should leave Third Lady Liu behind.”

Zheng Wan said in a perfectly justified manner, “If you heal her face, doesn’t that also count as something good for her?”

“No. When repaying karma, we have to honour what the other party asks for.”

Zheng Wan was so angry that she turned around; she didn’t care about karma in the least.

“Then don’t bother yourself with me. No matter what, I want to stay together with Father and Mother.

“If you leave, I will marry someone else.”

A fine scattering of light came in through the window and fell upon her crystal-clear skin, giving her a soft glow. The light also reflected in her black pupils, turning them amber.

Cui Wang grasped her arm; he had used some force, making Zheng Wan cry out.


But a moment later, Zheng Wan stopped struggling. Solutions are dead things, while humans are living and thinking beings. If she couldn’t get her way, she would get someone to secretly kidnap Third Lady Liu and release her after they had left.

“Forget it. Go, to the medicinal bath.”

She said indignantly and put her hand in Cui Wang’s palm. As expected, in less than a dozen breaths, he had brought her to the State Preceptor’s residence.

After taking the medicinal bath, Zheng Wan searched around and found Cui Wang practicing the regulation of his breathing in the crabapple forest. Regardless, she didn’t care.

“Cui Wang! I’m hungry.”

Cui Wang opened his eyes and flicked his sleeves. A plate of red fruit appeared in front of Zheng Wan; they were bright and lustrous, like they had just been picked from the branches. She took a bite and a warm current flowed slowly through her body.

She casually took one and stuffed it into Cui Wang’s mouth.

“It’s very sweet, have some.”

A rare smile appeared in Cui Wang’s eyes. Seeing that a strand of hair was stuck to one corner of her lips, he reached out and picked it off.

Third Lady Liu saw this scene from afar and was stunned. She had never seen this high and mighty person show such an expression, looking so… approachable.

She clenched the crabapple blossom in her hand fiercely, and suddenly recalled the words of the doorman, Xiao Zhao.

“Oh, this crabapple forest was planted by the State Preceptor himself. Lady Zheng wanted to see it, and in one night’s work, it was all planted and made to bloom. Look, the colours are all different, isn’t it beautiful?”

Beautiful, really beautiful.

So beautiful that it made one want to snatch it for their own.

When Zheng Wan spotted her from a distance, she smiled slyly, pulled Cui Wang to her and kissed him on the cheek. “Cui Wang, do you like Liu Yi?”

“Liu Yi?”

Cui Wang shook his head. “I don’t know her.”