Opening a Hundred Orifices (2)

“Little Junior Brother is back to being silent.”

Because the cultivation practice of Xuanqing Peak was difficult, from the master to the disciples, there were only six people in total. Usually, everyone was busy with their own affairs. It was no mean feat for everyone to gather today, but unexpectedly, the Little Junior Brother who was usually already a man of few words, seemed to have cultivated some kind of mouth-sealing technique; he just stood there without a single utterance.

Second Senior Sister wandered over to Cui Wang, reached out, and waved.

“Little Junior Brother, Little Junior Brother?”

Little Junior Brother finally raised his head, but Second Senior Sister was taken aback. Even though Little Junior Brother was usually cold and didn’t speak very much, why did he now look as if he had lost his soul?

“Little Junior Brother?”

Cui Wang looked up and met five pairs of eyes that were all as large as copper bells. He shook off the fleeting trance he had been in and lifted the corners of his lips, “I’m fine.”

“No, that’s not right, you’re clearly not okay.”

Second Senior Brother looked at him suspiciously for a while. “Little Junior Brother, were you… thinking about cultivation techniques just now?”

Cui Wang stroked the imprint of the dragon pendant that was still scorching hot and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his pupils were already as still as a dried-up well. The vision of red that had just filled his eyes, and the lady, whose hand was being held, had also disappeared.

His expression was mild.

“It’s nothing. I only saw some irrelevant things.”

Tian He Xianjun had always been at ease with his last disciple’s disposition and did not press any further. On the contrary, he merrily brought up the topic of a recent major event in the Heavenly Realm.

“Ah, Li Wei, you just had a breakthrough, so polish your state of mind here. In another year, our Guixu Sect will begin accepting new disciples. When that time comes, you’ll be in charge. There’s also not much you have to do, you just have to make an appearance and hold the ground, so that other sects would not easily dare to do something too bold……”

“Master, are you going to use Junior Brother as a signboard again? But what treasures did the Sect Leader bribe you with this time?”

Fourth Senior Sister was the most outgoing one; she stretched out and spread her palm. “All who witness has a share.”

“Off with you.”

Tian He fumed and glared; he looked at his fourth disciple, then at his silent fifth disciple, who had his eyes downcast, and sighed silently. This must be retribution for his sins from a previous life.

“Understood. This disciple will go there at that time.”

Cui Wang answered, his eyes still downcast. At first glance, his face seemed like a divine Buddha carved out of ice and snow, his eyes motionless.

Second Senior Sister said enviously, “Little Junior Brother is making more and more progress with the practice of the Heavenly Clarity scripture.”

However, they also knew that wasn’t something that could be envied.

Others who practiced the Way of Impassiveness would still find themselves being encumbered by external factors occasionally. Yet, Little Junior Brother seemed to possess a transparent glazed heart, and was born without the sentimental orifice, so naturally, it was much easier for him to cultivate than people like them who were still embroiled in the seven emotions and six desires4.

While Cui Wang was meeting the members of his sect, Zheng Wan had already cemented her deal with Ji Wang.

Amidst the whispers of the entire capital, Ji Wang began his recuperation in the Plum Gardens the day after the engagement was made, and Zheng Wan, in the name of keeping him company, went to the Plum Gardens to accompany him that very day.

“Granny Jin, is this the place?”

Zheng Wan walked around the lightning-struck tree, then took a seat along the sundial imprint that fell upon the junction where yin and yang met according to Granny Jin’s instructions.

“Focus, and calm your mind.”

Granny Jin looked into the distance. Only when the sun was at its peak, and the noon rays were at its strongest did she say, “Take the Moistening Essence.”

Zheng Wan stuffed the bead into her mouth, and the gel-like water droplet became liquid as soon as it entered her throat, and before she knew it, it rolled down her throat and into her belly.

Not a moment later, a warmth gradually rose in her belly and spread to her entire body. Bathed in the sunlight, she only felt hot from head to toe; it was very comfortable——

Right at this moment, Zheng Wan let out a terrible scream.

If it was said that her first sighting of Cui Wang pierced her eyes and made them hurt, it now felt as if there were a thousand needles and thorns drilling relentlessly into her body; first, it was her skin, then, her flesh, and finally, penetrating her bones.

“Endure it.”

Granny Jin’s voice was low and cold. “All mortals who wish to resist nature have to be thoroughly tempered by trials of fire and water; it is the same with the opening of orifices.

“Stay awake. If you faint, not only will you lose all your work, but you will also lose your life. This pain is better than having your marrow cut.”

“Granny, it really hurts.”

Zheng Wan curled up with pain, “Like, like there are countless awls drilling……”

“Of course it hurts. A worm in the ground is delusional enough to dream of escaping its destiny and fly into the sky, it is only natural for you to undergo some terrible transformation. If you can’t do it, you’ll always be a worm.”


4 Seven emotions and six desires: The exact make up differs depends on the teachings, but generally speaking, the seven emotions refer to: joy, anger, worry, fear, hatred, desire, and the six desires refer to the physical needs or desires of one’s eyes, ears, nose, tongue, touch, and mind.