Borne from Obsession (1)

The arch-shaped doorways disappeared as all the cultivators who passed the preliminary round vanished behind them.

In their places, were hundreds of transparent crystal windows, continuously scrolling through the situations of the little cultivators after entering their respective trial gates. The display was usually random, unless one of the Zhenjun asked to view a specific disciple.

“In these once-in-six-years recruitment meets, it’s already been many years since such amazing cultivators as Li Wei Zhenjun and Fu Sheng Zhenjun have appeared. I’ve sounded out the other sects, most are already sparse in number, and the sect elders are all unhappy about it. “

“Do you think such talents are easy to come by? It’s only been a few years… But, what I’m more curious about is, why would such talented disciples as Li Wei Zhenjun, Fu Sheng Zhenjun and Ming Yu Zhenjun appear in that remote little city?”

“I heard that the third reincarnation Fu Sheng Zhenjun has been searching for years unsuccessfully has been found! They’ve probably come with Fu Sheng Zhenjun? But that year, when Li Wei Zhenjun first appeared, all the elders of the seven sects, three schools and two academies battled over him. That grand scene…”

“Li Wei Zhenjun has an immaculate glazed body, and even possesses immortal-grade lightning vital roots—he’s a genius that comes by only once in ten thousand years. Compared with him, Fu Sheng Zhenjun doesn’t quite match up…”

“But I have heard of a strange thing. On the day of the initial selections, an enlightened person who went against the will of the Heavens appeared. She possesses top-grade ice vital roots. If her nature passes the assessment, I’m afraid the various sects will start fighting over her again!”

“Which one is she?”

“Hmm, it’s that young female cultivator wearing a white dress and white ribbons. She’s very beautiful, but her cultivation level is relatively low…”

In recent years, the orthodox sects have been flourishing, and the disciples of all sects stress harmony. Unlike a thousand years ago, they didn’t just blindly kill and plunder treasures while exploring the universe’s mysteries. There were occasional disagreements between sects, but most of which didn’t hurt the harmony. Therefore, the disciples of all sects could chat with each other very well. As they gossiped, they recounted all sorts of poppycock.

Therefore, when Zheng Wan made her way towards the “Frankness” doorway, most of the expectant cultivators shook their heads in unison.

Even the major sect leaders who were watching in secret as they heard about the arrival of a fate-defying enlightened person in Chiyou City expressed their disapproval in unison.

Jing Su Daojun sighed.

“A greed for ease and an aversion for labour. I’m afraid… she will not go far.”

Cultivation relied on courage. Those who picked easy jobs and shirked hard ones were too encumbered with mortal sentiments, and most didn’t go far.

“What a waste of such good innate qualities.” A distant female cultivator began walking away, “You lot can continue watching if you wish.”

“This old man still wants to watch some more.”

A charming male cultivator with deep pupils wearing a goose-yellow lifted the corners of his lips. “Tian He, I heard that when your Li Wei made his way to Chiyou, he let that little darling get on his sword?”

The man’s voice was seductive, and when he said “get on his sword”, it was like saying “get on her bed”, making Tian He so angry that he drew his sword and lashed out at him, “Old man, already so old and yet still making jokes about my sect’s baby!”

While the two of them fought, in the main hall, Fu Sheng Zhenjun walked straight to a crystal window and pointed, fixing the picture on Zheng Wan, and even invited others to watch along with him.

Ming Yu Zhenjun went over curiously, but Cui Wang remained motionless, his eyes slightly closed.

Fu Sheng Zhenjun was not annoyed, and simply twirled his Buddhist beads and said with a smile, “This little cultivator is very much to my liking.”

They saw Zheng Wan walk along the wide avenue behind the “Frankness” doorway, looking very much at ease.

And Zheng Wan was truly at ease. The breeze was gentle, the sky was clear, and even the little flowers beside the road looked particularly pleasant. She has already been walking for four hours. The advantage of becoming a Gateway stage cultivator to a mortal woman was that no matter how long she had to walk, she wouldn’t be as wretched as she was back then in the transient realm.

The unchanging, repetitive scenery did not make her impatient.

Granny Jin had told her to follow her heart, so she followed her heart.

She did not like the idea of her white dress getting dirty, nor did she like to dwell in regret, just like back then when she schemed against Liu Yi——she never regretted the decisions she made.

Therefore, she readily accepted everything that appeared behind the “Frankness” doorway.

Six hours.

Eight hours.

Ten hours passed.

There was no night, only day, and only the never-ending road. Zheng Wan was still smiling. She even went to the roadside to pick a small flower and made a flower wreath for herself to put on. She seemed to be on a spring holiday, but it was a pity that she was the only one in this tour——

“Hey, that thing… is about to appear, right?”

Fu Sheng Zhenjun put his palms together and recited “Amitabha”.

Ming Yu Zhenjun and the others had become impatient long ago. Compared to the unchanging and monotonous “Frankness” doorway, the “Rugged” and “Danger” doorways were much more interesting and thrilling. There were narrow and curved mountain paths, the occasional demonic beasts, cut-off roads, snow avalanches, mountain rivers……

No one answered him; instead, it was Cui Wang who looked up.

“It’s about time.”