After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée Chapter 119

The Scripture Depository (2)

In the end, Qing Shuang still arranged for the large courtyard she wanted. He sought out a few Zixiao Peak household affair attendants, selected a piece of land on the mountainside near the peak, straightaway dug a pond with earth magic, filled it with water, built a waterside pavilion, an elegant mid-sized house, and in less than half a day, it was all done.

“Tomorrow, Senior Brother will come back to help you plant some flowers, grass, and so on, then install a bathroom, a kitchen…”

Qing Shuang even made a special trip to the mortal market and spent a few Yuan beads to buy a large load of mortal utensils, bed, chaise lounge, floor screens, and porcelain vases. After decorating, it looked similar enough to her vision.

Zheng Wan did not expect that this senior brother would be so meticulous, and her original demanding manner became shyness, and she said falteringly, “Thank you very much, Senior Brother.”

“Ah, no need,” Qingshuang tousled her head cheerily. He was currently almost 300 years old, and looked upon her as his own child. “Your Senior Sisters don’t like such things, and it’s rare for me to get a chance to do these.”

Zheng Wan stretched out her hand; there was another Hongxin fruit in her palm.

“Senior Brother, I still have one last one, for you,” she said smilingly.

Qing Shuang was momentarily taken aback, then received it with a smile, “Then, thank you, Little Junior Sister.

“See you tomorrow in front of the Scripture Depository.”

Zheng Wan watched her Eldest Senior Brother walk away before saying, “Granny, I think Yuqing Sect is very good.”

“There’s both good and bad in all places.”

“That’s right.”

A night of deep breathing—before she got out of her meditation, Zheng Wan was startled awake by the timekeeping bird in the house.

It was three quarters past seven in the morning.

Zheng Wan looked at the hourglass, got off the bed, freshened up in front of the mirror, then put on the disciple uniform issued yesterday.

Yuqing Sect’s disciple uniform was, of course, very exquisite and beautiful. The inner layer was a plain silk chest wrap, and the outer layer was a goose-yellow long-sleeved robe as thin as cicada wings. The light silk fluttered in the wind, bringing with it a charming and graceful air when one walked.

The disciple uniforms were differentiated by inner and outer sects. The material of the outer sect’s uniform was coarser and lower-quality, while the inner sect’s was more exquisite. In addition, it was also differentiated by cultivation stages. Every stage had its own symbol embroidered on the sleeves and skirt hem; the symbol on Zheng Wan’s current disciple uniform was a small circle.

It’s just that…

It was time to buy an infinity pouch.

Zheng Wan looked at the small cloth bag issued by the Internal Affairs Hall and thought to herself that they were indeed poor. She had heard that Guixu Sect’s newly initiated disciples received a dustpan-large infinity pouch, but in Yuqing Sect, it was just a mortal cloth bag.

She stuffed the two Yuan stones, twenty Yuan beads and small jade vase all into her own scented pouch. Before leaving, she looked in the mirror, pinned a lock of hair that had drifted next to her mouth back in place, then descended Zixao Peak and went to the Scripture Depository she had seen when passing by yesterday.

There were already many people standing in front of the Scripture Depository, all in goose-yellow disciple uniforms. At first glance, they looked like the rapeseed flowers back on earth, jabbering away.

“Little Junior Sister, over here!”

Qing Shuang waved at her, and only then did Zheng Wan realise that there were rules for how they stood in position.

The inner sect was in front, and the outer sect at the back. Those with higher cultivation were in front, while those with low cultivation were behind. The row right in front was facing all the new disciples— there are exactly five people, corresponding to the five peaks; her beautiful Master was also among them, and the other four… were all female cultivators.

Zheng Wan couldn’t make out their cultivation levels, but just a brief glance sent her heart shaking, and she quickly retracted her gaze and silently recited the Heart Cleansing Mantra.

“Everyone’s here, right?”

The slightly older female cultivator with the oval-shaped face stepped forward, holding a horsetail whisk in the hand. “Since you’ve entered the Yuqing Sect, you are now one of the Yuqing Sect’s people. When each of you enters the Scripture Depository for the first time, the door will be wide open to provide you with cultivation techniques. After entering the depository, remember to concentrate and keep your hearts calm—all scriptures and teachings are about ‘fate’, those who are fated to will obtain it, and those who are not fated to will not. Those who are overly greedy will err, and those whose hearts are disorientated are lost…”

Zheng Wan listened quietly.

Granny Jin said in her ear, “Yuqing Sect is getting worse by the generation, huh. Out of the five peak masters, only your Master is still not too bad. The other four, one is at the Pure Veracity stage, and the other three are at the Savant stage. If your ex-lover comes for a fight, I’m afraid he will finish things in just one move.”

“Even my Master can’t beat him?”

Granny Jin chuckled. “That is not necessarily. However, I’m afraid that your ex-lover won’t be affected by your Master’s charm arts…