After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée Chapter 124

Xuan Yi Pavilion (1)

By the time she reached the Scripture Depository, Zheng Wan was still thinking about Granny Jin.

“Congratulations, Zhenren!”

A white-clothed attendant suddenly popped up before her, and only then did she come back to herself.

Looking in, the Internal Affairs Hall was much emptier than on the day of her initiation, with only four or five people standing in front of the long table facing the door. However, Zheng Wan found that she was actually able to tell the cultivation stage of the people inside at a glance.

Most of the attendants were in the Centring stage, emitting varying levels of aura. The one standing in front of her now was the one who had attended to her that day, and his aura was the strongest.

“What has Zhenren come here for?”

“I came to ask if my parents have been resettled.”

The white-clothed attendant hastily handed her a round wooden token with the word, “Fengwu”, engraved on it.

“Zhenren’s parents have been resettled at No. 618, Nihong Street, Fengwu City. If Zhenren wants to go down the mountain, remember to go to the Sect Services Hall for a teleportation talisman, otherwise, you won’t be able to reach the city by sunset.”

“Many thanks.”

Zheng Wan decided to visit her parents first, then try to find Granny Jin later. As for the possibility that something had happened to Granny Jin, she didn’t dare to think about it at all.

Despite being broke, forced by habit, Zheng Wan eventually reluctantly rewarded the white-clothed attendant with…

One Yuan bead.

The white-clothed attendant looked at the Yuan bead in his palm in amazement, raised his head and watched dumbfoundedly as Zheng Wan walked away, then closed his slightly opened mouth.

Sure enough, this innate Dao core was worthy of being a part of Zixiao Peak’s lineage—how miserly!

After heading out, Zheng Wan turned left and went straight next door.

There were more people in the Sect Services Hall. Cultivators came and went; female cultivators fluttered about in colourful clothes, while male cultivators were bright and handsome. Facing the main entrance was a huge crystal wall that was divided into five pieces, with notes constantly scrolling up and down, such as:

[Routine Task: Brush Yuan Zhenjun’s Zhijue beast. Ten times a month, for two low-grade Yuan stones.]

[Reward Task: Five madder plants, three low-grade Yuan stones.]

[Group Task: Hunt a Xuan Fox in the Guixu Mountains.]


“Zhenren, are you here to take on a task?”

Perhaps she had been looking for too long, and an attendant dressed in black came forward to greet her.

The moment he saw her, he was stunned.

Zheng Wan was very famous amongst the new batch of disciples. In fact, even many of the Yuqing Sect’s cultivators of several generations prior have heard of the reputation of the one with an innate Dao core, but few had seen her in person.

The attendant froze for no other reason than that this female cultivator was too beautiful.

It could be seen that her bone age was not old, yet her beauty bloomed brilliantly like a vibrant flower in the snow. Her goose-yellow robes fluttered about her, and her eyes brimmed with charm. One could imagine that in a few years, after she matures further, the title of the number one beauty of the Heavenly Realms would change hands from the daughter of the Taibei Sect’s leader.

“I’m here for a teleportation talisman.”

“That’ll be one low-grade Yuan stone.”

Zheng Wan was taken about—it actually costs one Yuan stone?

She only had two of those in total.

Zheng Wan handed it over painfully, thought about it, then took out two green jade pills she hadn’t used earlier from her scented pouch. These pills were only suitable for the Gateway stage.

“Can this be exchanged for Yuan stones?”

“Yes, naturally.” The attendant looked delighted—he had a young niece in the Gateway stage and she could use this. “As fellow disciples, I won’t cheat you, one green jade pill is one Yuan stone and thirty Yuan beads. This is the same amount you’ll get at Fengwu City too.”

For ordinary cultivators, they couldn’t even get enough of such pills for their own use, so who would use them to trade for Yuan stones?

“Then, Senior Brother, do you know where I can buy an infinity pouch?”

“This little bit is not enough for an infinity pouch.” The attendant put away the pills carefully. “Little Junior Sister, the lowest-grade infinity pouch, the sort Guixu Sect issues to their new disciples, is at least fifty low-grade Yuan stones. Those a little better cost more than two to three medium-grade Yuan stones, and as for the legendary Sumeru Pouch…”

He looked longingly, “Ten million supreme-grade Yuan stones.”

At supreme-grade, a Yuan stone could automatically absorb the vital energy of heaven and earth to replenish itself, which made it a priceless object in itself.

Zheng Wan unconsciously recalled the wall painting that Cui Wang had obtained easily in the transient realm and clenched her fists. ……Heaven’s own son was extraordinary indeed.

Compared to him, she only got a mirror. But when she broke through to the next stage, she had practised with the puppet mirror for a while and found that the puppet mirror complemented her arts well, making it a pretty good weapon. She could use it to fix people in place.

In the end, Zheng Wan traded for two teleportation talismans. When choosing a task, she took on a convenient and simple errand with the help of the attendant—it was to pick up an item from the Seven Treasures Court in Fengwu City, which was just enough to offset the cost of the teleportation talismans. With a “huge sum” of two low-grade Yuan stones and sixty Yuan beads, she headed down the mountain.

From the Yuqing Sect to Fengwu City, with the teleportation talisman on, she set off in the morning and arrived before noon.

Perhaps because the cultivators of various sects patrolled diligently, Zheng Wan did not encounter the so-called “killing and looting” often written about in adventure stories. She even greeted the white-robed sword cultivators who were patrolling at the border.

When the white-robed sword cultivators saw her, they reacted as if they saw a ghost, blushing as they stepped on their swords and swiftly disappeared into the sky.

Zheng Wan was perplexed. Little did she know that a discussion was already going on over there.

“Uncle Zhuo, that was so scary. Do you think that female cultivator wanted to absorb us?”

“Such red lips and fair skin, when did the Yuqing Sect have such a terrifying female cultivator?”

“Get lost!” The shaggy bearded Uncle Zhuo gave each of them a kick. “Just one meeting and you brats are so unsettled. It looks to me like you want to deliver yourselves to be absorbed, right? After your patrol duty, all of you, go face the wall and reflect! Remember, all of you must learn by Senior Uncle Li Wei’s example! He’s so young, yet his heart of Dao is so strong, and is not the least bit moved by anything external!”

As a burst of howls ensued, Zheng Wan had already reached the entrance of Fengwu City.