After Becoming the Hero’s Ex-fiancée Chapter 127

Peach Blossom Dew (2)

Bai Ling raised her head for a look and saw the hustler leading a white-clothed cultivator over there, then felt the hands her great-aunt had rested on the chair clench. “It’s actually Hua Zhao Jushi? “

Over there, Zheng Wan had also seen Hua Zhao Jushi, the so-called ‘cultivator who bears some resemblance to Li Wei Zhenjun’.

She couldn’t keep from frowning when she took a look.

If she wanted to talk about their resemblance, their lower jaw and brow bones were indeed similar, but their demeanour… were way too different. Even if he was dressed in white, there were stark dissimilarities.

“Not alike at all. Eyes are too cloudy, lips are too plump, and too frail and thin,” she said coldly. “Just a murky resemblance.”

Hua Zhao Jushi’s face paled, and he bit down on his lip hard. At this moment, his former frequent patron, Ling Xuan Zhenren came over.

“The innate Dao core speaks with such bold assurance. Going in such detail, if people who don’t know better heard you, they’d think you’re very well acquainted with Li Wei Zhenjun.”

Bai Ling tugged on her great-aunt’s sleeve.

“Great-Aunt, let it go.”

The hustler’s expression also wasn’t very good. After all, Hua Zhao Jushi could also be considered as one of their Xuan Yi Pavilion’s headliners, and he had only been willing to come over after a fair bit of ingratiation. Now that the Jushi had been treated like that, he would probably not respond to any of his requests in the future.

Just then, the sound of instruments rang out, and on the white jade high platform that was empty a moment ago, a cultivator dressed in red appeared. He was of the Centring stage, and was dancing to the heavenly music with red tassels around his bare feet.

When a pair of gleaming eyes looked downstage, it was the definition of coquettish charm, enticing and bewitching.

“Now, now, we’re all friends here, let’s not hurt the peace. Hua Zhao Jushi, go with Ling Xuan Zhenren. This lady, what about calling for someone else to accompany you to watch the dance?”

Someone who looked like the manager came out to mediate. Ling Xuan Zhenren harumphed and really led Hua Zhao Jushi to her seat.

Zheng Wan looked around and casually pointed at someone nearby who was holding a plate of fruit. “He’ll do.”

The black-clothed server was elegant and fair, had huge eyes and two dimples on his smiling face. He looked warm and understanding, and she liked that very much.


The manager’s eyes fell on that server, and he hesitated for a while before saying, “All right. You, serve the lady well.”


Zheng Wan took her seat again, and the black-clothed server really came over. He nestled in her lap and even fed her the fruit from the plate with one hand intimately. He looked extremely docile, which reminded her of Rong Yi’s Persian cat.

“What’s your name?”

“Shu Yuan.”

The little server tilted his head and smiled, his dimples flashing.

The headliner’s dance was indeed very beautiful. It was like watching a blazing red lotus, and when he spun, it was like a blazing fire. As Zheng Wan watched, she remembered that dance in the mortal realm where Cui Wang was her accompaniment. She had never danced so well after that time.

“Did the lady remember someone?”

At some point, Shu Yuan had already half sat up; a faint scholarly smell came to Zheng Wan’s nose. She opened her mouth to eat the Hongxin fruit he fed her, but his hand did not leave, and was lingering ambiguously on her lips.

“An irrelevant person.”

Zheng Wan looked at her wrist; a hideous vein was pulsing slowly—the love gu was starting to work.

She found that the love gu was a little different from what Granny Jin had described. It didn’t only work when she was in love—it would begin to hurt if she came into contact with men for a long period of time, starting from her elbow. It was a very faint pain at first, a little stinging, and extremely easy to ignore.

Shu Yuan had already fed her a lot of fruit and leaned on her for a long time before she felt this hint of pain.

It needed to hurt a little more.

Did she have to do something more intense?

As Zheng Wan thought, Shu Yuan seemed to have been encouraged by the look in her eyes, and the finger caressing her lips suddenly stopped. “Lady, would you like to go upstairs?”

It was like inviting fish to water.

Zheng Wan just happened to be worrying that things were not intense enough, so she gladly agreed, “Sure.”

The two of them swaggered up to the second floor, and after opening the door, Shu Yuan closed it carefully and hugged her from behind. “What kind of service would the lady like to have today?”

Zheng Wan pressed her fingers against his lips and said smilingly, “Take your clothes off first.”

Shu Yuan really obediently let go of her and ran off to take off his black outer robe and belt. Zheng Wan sat behind the long table and watched leisurely, but unexpectedly, Shu Yuan stopped and returned to sit beside her. He picked up a thin-necked copper pot and poured some wine, but didn’t give it to her. Instead, he poured it into his own mouth and moved to share it with her.